001    package net.sf.cpsolver.exam.heuristics;
003    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
005    import net.sf.cpsolver.exam.neighbours.ExamRandomMove;
006    import net.sf.cpsolver.exam.neighbours.ExamRoomMove;
007    import net.sf.cpsolver.exam.neighbours.ExamSimpleNeighbour;
008    import net.sf.cpsolver.exam.neighbours.ExamTimeMove;
009    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.NeighbourSelection;
010    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Neighbour;
011    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
012    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.SolutionListener;
013    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver;
014    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
015    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.Progress;
016    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
019    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
021    /**
022     * Simulated annealing. In each iteration, one of the following three neighbourhoods is selected first
023     * <ul>
024     * <li>random move ({@link ExamRandomMove})
025     * <li>period swap ({@link ExamTimeMove})
026     * <li>room swap ({@link ExamRoomMove})
027     * </ul>,
028     * then a neighbour is generated and it is accepted with probability {@link ExamSimulatedAnnealing#prob(double)}.
029     * The search is guided by the temperature, which starts at <i>SimulatedAnnealing.InitialTemperature</i>. 
030     * After each <i>SimulatedAnnealing.TemperatureLength</i> iterations, the temperature is reduced 
031     * by <i>SimulatedAnnealing.CoolingRate</i>. If there was no improvement in the past 
032     * <i>SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatLengthCoef * SimulatedAnnealing.TemperatureLength</i> iterations, 
033     * the temperature is increased by <i>SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatRate</i>.
034     * If there was no improvement in the past 
035     * <i>SimulatedAnnealing.RestoreBestLengthCoef * SimulatedAnnealing.TemperatureLength</i> iterations,
036     * the best ever found solution is restored.
037     * <br><br>
038     * If <i>SimulatedAnnealing.StochasticHC</i> is true, the acceptance probability is computed using
039     * stochastic hill climbing criterion, i.e., <code>1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(value/temperature))</code>,
040     * otherwise it is cumputed using simlated annealing criterion, i.e.,
041     * <code>(value<=0.0?1.0:Math.exp(-value/temperature))</code>.
042     * If <i>SimulatedAnnealing.RelativeAcceptance</i> neighbour value {@link ExamSimpleNeighbour#value()} is taken
043     * as the value of the selected neighbour (difference between the new and the current solution, if the
044     * neighbour is accepted), otherwise the value is computed as the difference
045     * between the value of the current solution if the neighbour is accepted and the best ever found solution.
046     * <br><br>
047     * 
048     * @version
049     * ExamTT 1.1 (Examination Timetabling)<br>
050     * Copyright (C) 2008 Tomáš Müller<br>
051     * <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
052     * Lazenska 391, 76314 Zlin, Czech Republic<br>
053     * <br>
054     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
055     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
056     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
057     * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
058     * <br><br>
059     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
060     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
062     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
063     * <br><br>
064     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
065     * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
066     * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
067     */
068    public class ExamSimulatedAnnealing implements NeighbourSelection, SolutionListener {
069        private static Logger sLog = Logger.getLogger(ExamSimulatedAnnealing.class);
070        private static DecimalFormat sDF2 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
071        private static DecimalFormat sDF5 = new DecimalFormat("0.00000");
072        private static DecimalFormat sDF10 = new DecimalFormat("0.0000000000");
073        private double iInitialTemperature = 1.5;
074        private double iCoolingRate = 0.95;
075        private double iReheatRate = -1;   
076        private long iTemperatureLength = 250000;
077        private long iReheatLength = 0;
078        private long iRestoreBestLength = 0;
079        private double iTemperature = 0.0;
080        private double iTempLengthCoef = 1.0;
081        private double iReheatLengthCoef = 5.0;
082        private double iRestoreBestLengthCoef = -1;
083        private long iIter = 0;
084        private long iLastImprovingIter = 0;
085        private long iLastReheatIter = 0;
086        private long iLastCoolingIter = 0;
087        private int iAcceptIter[] = new int[] {0,0,0};
088        private boolean iStochasticHC = false;
089        private int iMoves = 0;
090        private double iAbsValue = 0;
091        private long iT0 = -1;
092        private double iBestValue = 0;
093        private Progress iProgress = null;
094        private boolean iActive;
096        private NeighbourSelection[] iNeighbours = null;
098        private boolean iRelativeAcceptance = true;
100        /**
101         * Constructor. Following problem properties are considered:
102         * <ul>
103         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.InitialTemperature ... initial temperature (default 1.5)
104         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.TemperatureLength ... temperature length (number of iterations between temperature decrements, default 25000)
105         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.CoolingRate ... temperature cooling rate (default 0.95)
106         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatLengthCoef ... temperature re-heat length coefficient (multiple of temperature length, default 5)
107         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatRate ... temperature re-heating rate (default (1/coolingRate)^(reheatLengthCoef*1.7))
108         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.RestoreBestLengthCoef ... restore best length coefficient (multiple of re-heat length, default reheatLengthCoef^2)
109         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.StochasticHC ... true for stochastic search acceptance criterion, false for simulated annealing acceptance (default false)
110         * <li>SimulatedAnnealing.RelativeAcceptance ... true for relative acceptance (different between the new and the current solutions, if the neighbour is accepted), false for absolute acceptance (difference between the new and the best solutions, if the neighbour is accepted)
111         * </ul>
112         * @param properties problem properties
113         */
114        public ExamSimulatedAnnealing(DataProperties properties) {
115            iInitialTemperature = properties.getPropertyDouble("SimulatedAnnealing.InitialTemperature", iInitialTemperature);
116            iReheatRate = properties.getPropertyDouble("SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatRate", iReheatRate);
117            iCoolingRate = properties.getPropertyDouble("SimulatedAnnealing.CoolingRate", iCoolingRate);
118            iRelativeAcceptance = properties.getPropertyBoolean("SimulatedAnnealing.RelativeAcceptance", iRelativeAcceptance);
119            iStochasticHC = properties.getPropertyBoolean("SimulatedAnnealing.StochasticHC", iStochasticHC);
120            iTemperatureLength = properties.getPropertyLong("SimulatedAnnealing.TemperatureLength", iTemperatureLength);
121            iReheatLengthCoef = properties.getPropertyDouble("SimulatedAnnealing.ReheatLengthCoef", iReheatLengthCoef);
122            iRestoreBestLengthCoef = properties.getPropertyDouble("SimulatedAnnealing.RestoreBestLengthCoef", iRestoreBestLengthCoef);
123            if (iReheatRate<0) iReheatRate = Math.pow(1/iCoolingRate,iReheatLengthCoef*1.7);
124            if (iRestoreBestLengthCoef<0) iRestoreBestLengthCoef = iReheatLengthCoef * iReheatLengthCoef;
125            iNeighbours = new NeighbourSelection[] {
126                    new ExamRandomMove(properties),
127                    new ExamRoomMove(properties),
128                    new ExamTimeMove(properties)
129            };
130        }
132        /**
133         * Initialization
134         */
135        public void init(Solver solver) {
136            iTemperature = iInitialTemperature;
137            iReheatLength = Math.round(iReheatLengthCoef*iTemperatureLength);
138            iRestoreBestLength = Math.round(iRestoreBestLengthCoef*iTemperatureLength);
139            solver.currentSolution().addSolutionListener(this);
140            for (int i=0;i<iNeighbours.length;i++)
141                iNeighbours[i].init(solver);
142            solver.setUpdateProgress(false);
143            iProgress = Progress.getInstance(solver.currentSolution().getModel());
144            iActive = false;
145        }
147        /**
148         * Cool temperature
149         */
150        protected void cool(Solution solution) {
151            iTemperature *= iCoolingRate;
152            sLog.info("Iter="+iIter/1000+"k, NonImpIter="+sDF2.format((iIter-iLastImprovingIter)/1000.0)+"k, Speed="+sDF2.format(1000.0*iIter/(System.currentTimeMillis()-iT0))+" it/s");
153            sLog.info("Temperature decreased to "+sDF5.format(iTemperature)+" " +
154                    "(#moves="+iMoves+", rms(value)="+sDF2.format(Math.sqrt(iAbsValue/iMoves))+", "+
155                    "accept=-"+sDF2.format(100.0*iAcceptIter[0]/iTemperatureLength)+"/"+sDF2.format(100.0*iAcceptIter[1]/iTemperatureLength)+"/+"+sDF2.format(100.0*iAcceptIter[2]/iTemperatureLength)+"%, " +
156                    (prob(-1)<1.0?"p(-1)="+sDF2.format(100.0*prob(-1))+"%, ":"")+
157                    "p(+1)="+sDF2.format(100.0*prob(1))+"%, "+
158                    "p(+10)="+sDF5.format(100.0*prob(10))+"%)");
159            iLastCoolingIter=iIter;
160            iAcceptIter=new int[] {0,0,0};
161            iMoves = 0; iAbsValue = 0;
162        }
164        /**
165         * Reheat temperature
166         */
167        protected void reheat(Solution solution) {
168            iTemperature *= iReheatRate;
169            sLog.info("Iter="+iIter/1000+"k, NonImpIter="+sDF2.format((iIter-iLastImprovingIter)/1000.0)+"k, Speed="+sDF2.format(1000.0*iIter/(System.currentTimeMillis()-iT0))+" it/s");
170            sLog.info("Temperature increased to "+sDF5.format(iTemperature)+" "+
171                    (prob(-1)<1.0?"p(-1)="+sDF2.format(100.0*prob(-1))+"%, ":"")+
172                    "p(+1)="+sDF2.format(100.0*prob(1))+"%, "+
173                    "p(+10)="+sDF5.format(100.0*prob(10))+"%, "+
174                    "p(+100)="+sDF10.format(100.0*prob(100))+"%)");
175            iLastReheatIter=iIter;
176            iProgress.setPhase("Simulated Annealing ["+sDF2.format(iTemperature)+"]...");
177        }
179        /**
180         * restore best ever found solution 
181         */
182        protected void restoreBest(Solution solution) {
183            sLog.info("Best restored");
184            iLastImprovingIter=iIter;
185        }
187        /**
188         * Generate neighbour -- select neighbourhood randomly, select neighbour
189         */
190        public Neighbour genMove(Solution solution) {
191            while (true) {
192                incIter(solution);
193                NeighbourSelection ns = iNeighbours[ToolBox.random(iNeighbours.length)];
194                Neighbour n = ns.selectNeighbour(solution);
195                if (n!=null) return n;
196            }
197        }
199        /**
200         * Neighbour acceptance probability
201         * @param value absolute or relative value of the proposed change (neighbour)
202         * @return probability of acceptance of a change (neighbour)
203         */
204        protected double prob(double value) {
205            if (iStochasticHC)
206                return 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(value/iTemperature));
207            else
208                return (value<=0.0?1.0:Math.exp(-value/iTemperature));
209        }
211        /**
212         * True if the given neighboir is to be be accepted
213         * @param solution current solution
214         * @param neighbour proposed move
215         * @return true if generated random number is below {@link ExamSimulatedAnnealing#prob(double)}
216         */
217        protected boolean accept(Solution solution, Neighbour neighbour) {
218            double value = (iRelativeAcceptance?neighbour.value():solution.getModel().getTotalValue()+neighbour.value()-solution.getBestValue());
219            double prob = prob(value);
220            if (prob>=1.0 || ToolBox.random()<prob) {
221                iAcceptIter[neighbour.value()<0.0?0:neighbour.value()>0.0?2:1]++;
222                return true;
223            }
224            return false;
225        }
227        /**
228         * Increment iteration counter, cool/reheat/restoreBest if necessary
229         */
230        protected void incIter(Solution solution) {
231            if (iT0<0) iT0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
232            iIter++;
233            if (iIter>iLastImprovingIter+iRestoreBestLength) restoreBest(solution);
234            if (iIter>Math.max(iLastReheatIter,iLastImprovingIter)+iReheatLength) reheat(solution);
235            if (iIter>iLastCoolingIter+iTemperatureLength) cool(solution);
236            iProgress.setProgress(Math.round(100.0 * (iIter-Math.max(iLastReheatIter,iLastImprovingIter)) / iReheatLength));
237        }
239        /**
240         * Select neighbour -- generate a move {@link ExamSimulatedAnnealing#genMove(Solution)} until an acceptable neighbour
241         * is found {@link ExamSimulatedAnnealing#accept(Solution, Neighbour)}, keep increasing iteration 
242         * {@link ExamSimulatedAnnealing#incIter(Solution)}. 
243         */
244        public Neighbour selectNeighbour(Solution solution) {
245            if (!iActive) {
246                iProgress.setPhase("Simulated Annealing ["+sDF2.format(iTemperature)+"]...");
247                iActive = true;
248            }
249            Neighbour neighbour = null;
250            while ((neighbour=genMove(solution))!=null) {
251                iMoves++; iAbsValue += neighbour.value() * neighbour.value();
252                if (accept(solution,neighbour)) break;
253            }
254            if (neighbour==null) iActive = false;
255            return (neighbour==null?null:neighbour);
256        }
258        /**
259         * Memorize the iteration when the last best solution was found.
260         */
261        public void bestSaved(Solution solution) {
262            if (Math.abs(iBestValue-solution.getBestValue())>=1.0) {
263                iLastImprovingIter = iIter;
264                iBestValue = solution.getBestValue();
265            }
266            iLastImprovingIter = iIter;
267        }
268        public void solutionUpdated(Solution solution) {}
269        public void getInfo(Solution solution, java.util.Dictionary info) {}
270        public void getInfo(Solution solution, java.util.Dictionary info, java.util.Vector variables) {}
271        public void bestCleared(Solution solution) {}
272        public void bestRestored(Solution solution){}    
276    }