001    package net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct;
003    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
004    import java.util.Comparator;
005    import java.util.Hashtable;
006    import java.util.Iterator;
007    import java.util.TreeSet;
009    /**
010     * A test class to demonstrate and compare different online sectioning approaches. 
011     * It assumes only a single course with just one instructional type (subpart) and
012     * that we know the correct expected demand in advance.
013     * <br><br>
014     * With the given configuration (e.g., two sections of size 5), it tries all 
015     * combinations of students how they can be enrolled and compute average and worst 
016     * case scenarios.
017     * <br><br>
018     * Execution:<br>
019     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;java -cp cpsolver-all-1.1.jar 
020     * net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.OnlineSectProof n1 n2 n3 ...<br>
021     * where n1, n2, etc. are the sizes of particular sections, e.g., 10 10 for two sections of size 10.
022     * <br><br>
023     * 
024     * @version
025     * StudentSct 1.1 (Student Sectioning)<br>
026     * Copyright (C) 2007 Tomáš Müller<br>
027     * <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
028     * Lazenska 391, 76314 Zlin, Czech Republic<br>
029     * <br>
030     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
031     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
032     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
033     * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
034     * <br><br>
035     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
036     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
038     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
039     * <br><br>
040     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
041     * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
042     * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
043     */
044    public class OnlineSectProof {
045        private static DecimalFormat sDF = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
047        /** A representation of a long number of given base.*/
048        public static class Sequence {
049            private int iBase;
050            private int[] iSequence;
051            private int[] iCnt;
053            /**
054             * Constructor
055             * @param length size of the vector
056             * @param base base (e.g., 2 for a binary vector)
057             */
058            public Sequence(int length, int base) {
059                iSequence = new int[length];
060                for (int i=0;i<iSequence.length;i++)
061                    iSequence[i]=0;
062                iCnt = new int[base];
063                for (int i=0;i<iCnt.length;i++)
064                    iCnt[i]=0;
065                iCnt[0]=length;
066                iBase = base;
067            }
069            /** Increment vector by 1, returns false it flips from the highest possible number to zero */
070            public boolean inc() {
071                return inc(0);
072            }
074            /** Base of the sequence */
075            public int base() {
076                return iBase;
077            }
079            private boolean inc(int pos) {
080                if (pos>=iSequence.length) return false;
081                iCnt[iSequence[pos]]--;
082                iSequence[pos] = (iSequence[pos]+1)%iBase;
083                iCnt[iSequence[pos]]++;
084                if (iSequence[pos]==0) return inc(pos+1);
085                return true;
086            }
088            /** Count number of occurrences of given number in the sequence */
089            public int count(int i) {
090                return iCnt[i];
091            }
093            /** Size of the sequence */
094            public int size() {
095                return iSequence.length;
096            }
098            /** Return number on the given position, zero is the number of the least significant value, size()-1 is the highest one */
099            public int seq(int i) {
100                return iSequence[i];
101            }
103            /** Set the sequence from a string representation (A..0, B..1, C..2, etc.) */
104            public void set(String seq) {
105                for (int i=0;i<iCnt.length;i++)
106                    iCnt[i]=0;
107                for (int i=0;i<iSequence.length;i++) {
108                    iSequence[i]=(int)(seq.charAt(i)-'A');
109                    iCnt[iSequence[i]]++;
110                }
111            }
113            /** String representation (A..0, B..1, C..2, etc.) going from the least significant value to the highest */
114            public String toString() {
115                StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
116                for (int i=0;i<iSequence.length;i++)
117                    s.append((char)('A'+iSequence[i]));
118                return s.toString();
119            }
121            /** If a sequence of all zeros is considered as 0, and the highest possible sequence (sequence of all base-1) is 1, 
122             * this returns the position of the current sequence between these two bounds. */
123            public double progress() {
124                double ret = 0.0;
125                double mx = 1.0;
126                for (int i=size()-1;i>=0;i--) {
127                    ret += mx * ((double)iSequence[i])/iBase;
128                    mx *= 1.0/iBase;
129                }
130                return ret;
131            }
133            /** Category of a sequence, i.e., a string representation of the count of each number in the sequence. E.g.,
134             * A5B3C1 means that there are 5 zeros, 3 ones, and 1 two int the sequence.
135             */
136            public String cat() {
137                StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
138                for (int i=0;i<iBase;i++)
139                    if (iCnt[i]>0) {
140                        s.append((char)('A'+i));
141                        s.append(iCnt[i]);
142                    }
143                return s.toString();
144            }
145        }
147        /** Extension of {@link OnlineSectProof.Sequence} that represents an ordered set of students as they are to be enrolled into a course (given set of sections). */ 
148        public static class StudentSequence extends Sequence {
149            private int[] iColumns;
150            private int[] iMaxCnt;
152            /** 
153             * Constructor
154             * @param columns limits of sections of a course (e.g., new int[] {5, 10} for two sections, first of the size 5, second of the size of 10) 
155             */
156            public StudentSequence(int[] columns) {
157                super(length(columns), base(columns.length));
158                iColumns = columns;
159                iMaxCnt = new int[base()];
160                for (int i=0;i<iMaxCnt.length;i++)
161                    iMaxCnt[i]=maxCnt(i);
162            }
164            /*
165             * Number of columns, i.e., number of sections in a course.
166             */
167            public int nrColumns() {
168                return iColumns.length;
169            }
171            /** 
172             * Limit of a column (section of a course).
173             */
174            public int limit(int col) {
175                return iColumns[col];
176            }
178            /**
179             * Check that the underlying sequence is a valid sequence of students. I.e., that each student can be enrolled into a section.
180             * @return true, if valid
181             */
182            public boolean check() {
183                for (int i=0;i<base();i++)
184                    if (maxCnt(i)<count(i)) return false;
185                for (int c=0;c<nrColumns();c++) {
186                    int allowed = 0;
187                    for (int i=0;i<size() && allowed<limit(c);i++)
188                        if (allow(seq(i), c)) allowed++;
189                    if (allowed<limit(c)) return false;
190                }
191                return true;
192            }
194            private static int length(int columns[]) {
195                int len = 0;
196                for (int i=0;i<columns.length;i++)
197                    len += columns[i];
198                return len;
199            }
200            private static int base(int nrColumns) {
201                return (1<<nrColumns)-1;
202            }
204            /**
205             * Check whether it is possible to allow student of given type into the given section.
206             * Student type can be seen as a binary string that has 1 for each section into which a 
207             * student can be enrolled. I.e., student of type 0 can be enrolled into the fist 
208             * section, type 2 into the second section, type 3 into both first and section section, 
209             * type 4 into the third section, type 5 into the first and third section etc.
210             */
211            public boolean allow(int x, int col) {
212                return ((x+1) & (1<<col))!=0;
213            }
214            /**
215             * Number of sections into which a student of a given type can be enrolled 
216             * (see {@link OnlineSectProof.StudentSequence#allow(int, int)}).
217             */
218            public int nrAllow(int x) {
219                int ret = 0;
220                for (int i=0;i<nrColumns();i++)
221                    if (allow(x,i)) ret ++;
222                return ret;
223            }
224            /**
225             * Maximum number of student of the given type that can be enrolled into the
226             * provided sections (i.e., sum of limits of sections that are allowed fot the 
227             * student of the given type, see {@link OnlineSectProof.StudentSequence#allow(int, int)}).
228             */
229            public int maxCnt(int x) {
230                int ret = 0;
231                for (int i=0;i<nrColumns();i++)
232                    if (allow(x,i)) ret += limit(i);
233                return ret;
234            }
235        }
237        /** Implemented online algorithms (heuristics) */
238        public static String sOnlineAlgs[] = new String[] {
239            "Max(Available)",
240            "Min(Used/Limit)",
241            "Min(Expected-Available)",
242            "Min(Expected/Available)",
243            "Min((Expected-Available)/Limit)",
244            "Min(Expected/(Available*Limit))"
245        };
247        /**
248         * Return true, if the given heuristics should be skipped (not evaluated).
249         * @param computeExpectations true, if expected demand should be computed in advance
250         * @param alg online algorithm (see {@link OnlineSectProof#sOnlineAlgs})
251         * @param allTheSame true, if all the sections are of the same size
252         * @return true if the given heuristics does not need to be computed (e.g., it is the same of some other)
253         */
254        public static boolean skip(boolean computeExpectations, int alg, boolean allTheSame) {
255            switch (alg) {
256            case 0:
257                return !computeExpectations;
258            case 1:
259                return !computeExpectations;
260            }
261            return false;
262        }
264        /**
265         * Implementation of the sectioning algorithms.
266         * @param limit section limit
267         * @param used number of space already used
268         * @param expected expected demand for the given section
269         * @param alg online algorithm (see {@link OnlineSectProof#sOnlineAlgs})
270         * @return value that is to be minimized (i.e., a section with the lowest number will be picked for the student) 
271         */
272        public static double onlineObjective(double limit, double used, double expected, int alg) {
273            double available = limit - used;
274            switch (alg) {
275                case 0:
276                    return -available;
277                case 1:
278                    return used/limit;
279                case 2:
280                    return expected-available;
281                case 3:
282                    return expected/available;
283                case 4:
284                    return (expected-available)/limit;
285                case 5:
286                    return expected/(available*limit);
287            }
288            return 0.0;
289        }
291        /**
292         * Section given sequence of students into the course and return the number of students that cannot be sectioned. 
293         * @param sq sequence of studends
294         * @param computeExpectations true, if expected demand for each section should be computed in advance (otherwise, it is initially set to zero)
295         * @param alg online algorithm (see {@link OnlineSectProof#sOnlineAlgs})
296         * @param debug if true, some debug messages are printed
297         * @return number of students that will not be sectioned in such a case
298         */
299        public static int checkOnline(StudentSequence sq, boolean computeExpectations, int alg, boolean debug) {
300            int used[] = new int[sq.nrColumns()];
301            double exp[] = new double[sq.nrColumns()];
302            for (int i=0;i<sq.nrColumns();i++) { used[i]=0; exp[i]=0.0; }
303            if (computeExpectations) {
304                for (int i=0;i<sq.size();i++) {
305                    int x = sq.seq(i);
306                    double ex = 1.0 / sq.nrAllow(x);
307                    for (int c=0;c<sq.nrColumns();c++) {
308                        if (!sq.allow(x, c)) continue;
309                        exp[c]+=ex;
310                    }
311                }
312            }
313            if (debug) {
314                StringBuffer sbExp = new StringBuffer();
315                StringBuffer sbUse = new StringBuffer();
316                for (int c=0;c<sq.nrColumns();c++) {
317                    if (c>0) {
318                        sbExp.append(",");
319                        sbUse.append(",");
320                    }
321                    sbExp.append(sDF.format(exp[c]));
322                    sbUse.append(used[c]);
323                }
324                System.out.println("      -- initial USE:["+sbUse+"], EXP:["+sbExp+"], SQ:"+sq.toString()+", ALG:"+sOnlineAlgs[alg]);
325            }
326            int ret = 0;
327            for (int i=0;i<sq.size();i++) {
328                int x = sq.seq(i);
329                int bestCol = -1;
330                double bestObj = 0.0;
331                for (int c=0;c<sq.nrColumns();c++) {
332                    if (!sq.allow(x, c)) continue;
333                    if (used[c]>=sq.limit(c)) continue;
334                    double obj = onlineObjective(sq.limit(c),used[c], exp[c], alg);
335                    if (debug) System.out.println("      -- test "+((char)('A'+x))+" --> "+(c+1)+" (OBJ="+sDF.format(obj)+")");
336                    if (bestCol<0 || bestObj>obj) {
337                        bestCol = c; bestObj = obj;
338                    }
339                }
340                if (bestCol>=0) {
341                    used[bestCol]++;
342                    double ex = 1.0 / sq.nrAllow(x);
343                    for (int c=0;c<sq.nrColumns();c++) {
344                        if (!sq.allow(x, c)) continue;
345                        exp[c]-=ex;
346                    }
347                    if (debug) {
348                        StringBuffer sbExp = new StringBuffer();
349                        StringBuffer sbUse = new StringBuffer();
350                        for (int c=0;c<sq.nrColumns();c++) {
351                            if (c>0) {
352                                sbExp.append(",");
353                                sbUse.append(",");
354                            }
355                            sbExp.append(sDF.format(exp[c]));
356                            sbUse.append(used[c]);
357                        }
358                        System.out.println("    "+((char)('A'+x))+" --> "+(bestCol+1)+" (OBJ="+sDF.format(bestObj)+", USE:["+sbUse+"], EXP:["+sbExp+"])");
359                    }                
360                } else {
361                    if (debug) System.out.println("    "+((char)('A'+x))+" --> FAIL");
362                    ret++;
363                }
364            }
365            return ret;
366        }
368        /** Simple integer counter */
369        public static class Counter {
370            private int iCnt = 0;
371            /** A counter starting from zero */
372            public Counter() {}
373            /** A counter starting from the given number */
374            public Counter(int init) { iCnt = init; }
375            /** Increase counter by one */
376            public void inc() {
377                iCnt++;
378            }
379            /** Increase counter by the given value */
380            public void inc(int val) {
381                iCnt+=val;
382            }
383            /** Return counter value */
384            public int intValue() {
385                return iCnt;
386            }
387        }
389        /** Comparison of two categories */
390        public static class CatCmp implements Comparator {
391            Hashtable iWorstCaseCat, iTotalCat, iCountCat;
392            /**
393             * Constructor
394             * @param countCat table (category, number of sequences of that category)
395             * @param totalCat table (category, total number of students that were not sectioned of a sequence from this category)
396             * @param worstCaseCat (category, worst number of students that were not sectioned of a sequence from this category)
397             */
398            public CatCmp(Hashtable countCat, Hashtable totalCat, Hashtable worstCaseCat) {
399                iWorstCaseCat = worstCaseCat; iTotalCat = totalCat; iCountCat = countCat;
400            }
401            /**
402             * Higher number of not-sectioned students in the worst case goes first.
403             * If the same, higher average number of not-sectioned students goes first.
404             * If the same, compare by category. 
405             */
406            public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
407                String c1 = (String)o1;
408                String c2 = (String)o2;
409                int wc1 = ((Integer)iWorstCaseCat.get(c1)).intValue();
410                int wc2 = ((Integer)iWorstCaseCat.get(c2)).intValue();
411                int cmp = Double.compare(wc2, wc1);
412                if (cmp!=0) return cmp;
413                int cc1 = ((Counter)iCountCat.get(c1)).intValue();
414                int tc1 = ((Counter)iTotalCat.get(c1)).intValue();
415                int cc2 = ((Counter)iCountCat.get(c2)).intValue();
416                int tc2 = ((Counter)iTotalCat.get(c2)).intValue();
417                cmp = Double.compare(((double)tc2)/cc2, ((double)tc1)/cc1);
418                if (cmp!=0) return cmp;
419                return c1.compareTo(c2);
420            }
421        }
423        /**
424         * Test given course (set of sections)
425         * @param args set of integers -- limits of each sections
426         */
427        public static void main(String[] args) {
428            int[] x = new int[args.length];
429            for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++)
430                x[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
431            if (args.length==0) x = new int[] {5, 5};
432            boolean categories = "true".equals(System.getProperty("cat","true"));
433            boolean allTheSameSize = true;
434            String filter = System.getProperty("filter");
436            StudentSequence sq = new StudentSequence(x);
437            System.out.println("base: "+sq.base());
438            System.out.println("columns:");
439            int sameSize = -1;
440            for (int col = 0; col<x.length; col++) {
441                System.out.println("  "+(col+1)+". column of limit "+sq.limit(col));
442                if (sameSize<0) sameSize=sq.limit(col);
443                else if (sameSize!=sq.limit(col)) allTheSameSize=false;
444            }
445            System.out.println("combinations:");
446            for (int i = 0; i<sq.base(); i++) {
447                System.out.println("  case "+(char)('A'+i)+": ");
448                System.out.println("    max: "+sq.maxCnt(i));
449                for (int col = 0; col<x.length; col++) {
450                    if (sq.allow(i, col)) System.out.println("      "+(col+1)+". column allowed"); 
451                }
452            }
454            if (System.getProperty("check")!=null) {
455                sq.set(System.getProperty("check"));
456                if (System.getProperty("case")!=null) {
457                    int i = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("case"))-1;
458                    System.out.println("Online sectioning #"+(i+1)+" "+sOnlineAlgs[i/2]+((i%2)==0?"":" w/o precomputed expectations"));
459                    checkOnline(sq, (i%2)==0, i/2, true);
460                } else {
461                    for (int i=0;i<2*sOnlineAlgs.length;i++) {
462                        if (skip((i%2)==0, i/2, allTheSameSize)) continue;
463                        System.out.println("Online sectioning #"+(i+1)+" "+sOnlineAlgs[i/2]+((i%2)==0?"":" w/o precomputed expectations"));
464                        checkOnline(sq, (i%2)==0, i/2, true);
465                    }
466                }
467                return;
468            }
470            TreeSet[] worstCaseSq = new TreeSet[2*sOnlineAlgs.length];
471            int[] worstCase = new int[2*sOnlineAlgs.length];
472            int[] total = new int[2*sOnlineAlgs.length];
473            Hashtable[] worstCaseSqCat = new Hashtable[2*sOnlineAlgs.length];
474            Hashtable[] worstCaseCat = new Hashtable[2*sOnlineAlgs.length];
475            Hashtable[] totalCat = new Hashtable[2*sOnlineAlgs.length];
476            Hashtable[] countCat = new Hashtable[2*sOnlineAlgs.length];
477            for (int i=0;i<2*sOnlineAlgs.length;i++) {
478                total[i]=0; worstCase[i]=-1; worstCaseSq[i]=null;
479                worstCaseSqCat[i]=new Hashtable();
480                worstCaseCat[i]=new Hashtable();
481                totalCat[i]=new Hashtable();
482                countCat[i]=new Hashtable();
483            }
484            long nrCases = 0;
485            System.out.println("N="+sDF.format(Math.pow(sq.base(),sq.size())));
486            long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
487            long mark = System.currentTimeMillis();
488            long nc = 0, hc = 0;
489            do {
490                //System.out.println(sq+" (cat="+sq.cat()+", check="+sq.check()+")");
491                if ((filter==null || filter.equals(sq.cat())) && sq.check()) {
492                    for (int i=0;i<2*sOnlineAlgs.length;i++) {
493                        if (skip((i%2)==0, i/2, allTheSameSize)) continue;
494                        int onl = checkOnline(sq, (i%2)==0, i/2, false);
495                        total[i] += onl;
496                        if (worstCaseSq[i]==null || worstCase[i]<onl) {
497                            if (worstCaseSq[i]==null)
498                                worstCaseSq[i] = new TreeSet();
499                            else
500                                worstCaseSq[i].clear();
501                            worstCaseSq[i].add(sq.toString());
502                            worstCase[i] = onl;
503                        } else if (worstCase[i]==onl && onl>0 && worstCaseSq[i].size()<100) {
504                            worstCaseSq[i].add(sq.toString());
505                        }
506                        if (categories) {
507                            String cat = sq.cat();
508                            Counter cc = (Counter)countCat[i].get(cat);
509                            if (cc==null) {
510                                countCat[i].put(cat,new Counter(1));
511                            } else {
512                                cc.inc();
513                            }
514                            if (onl>0) {
515                                Counter tc = (Counter)totalCat[i].get(cat);
516                                if (tc==null) {
517                                    totalCat[i].put(cat,new Counter(onl));
518                                } else {
519                                    tc.inc(onl);
520                                }
521                                Integer wc = (Integer)worstCaseCat[i].get(cat);
522                                if (wc==null || wc.intValue()<onl) {
523                                    worstCaseCat[i].put(cat, new Integer(onl));
524                                    worstCaseSqCat[i].put(cat, sq.toString());
525                                }
526                            }
527                        }
528                    }
529                    nrCases ++; hc++;
530                }
531                nc++;
532                if ((nc%1000000) == 0) {
533                    mark=System.currentTimeMillis();
534                    double progress = sq.progress(); 
535                    double exp = ((1.0-progress)/progress)*(mark-t0);
536                    System.out.println("  "+sDF.format(100.0*progress)+"% done in "+sDF.format((mark-t0)/60000.0)+" min ("+sDF.format(exp/60000.0)+" min to go, hit "+sDF.format(100.0*hc/nc)+"%)");
537                }
538            } while (sq.inc());
539            System.out.println("Number of combinations:"+nrCases+" (hit "+sDF.format(100.0*hc/nc)+"%)");
540            for (int i=0;i<2*sOnlineAlgs.length;i++) {
541                if (skip((i%2)==0, i/2, allTheSameSize)) continue;
542                System.out.println("Online sectioning #"+(i+1)+" "+sOnlineAlgs[i/2]+((i%2)==0?"":" w/o precomputed expectations"));
543                System.out.println("  worst case: "+sDF.format((100.0*worstCase[i])/sq.size())+"% ("+worstCase[i]+" of "+sq.size()+", sequence "+worstCaseSq[i]+")");
544                System.out.println("  average case: "+sDF.format((100.0*total[i])/(sq.size()*nrCases))+"%");
545                sq.set((String)worstCaseSq[i].first());
546                checkOnline(sq, (i%2)==0, i/2, true);
547                TreeSet cats = new TreeSet(new CatCmp(countCat[i], totalCat[i], worstCaseCat[i]));
548                cats.addAll(totalCat[i].keySet());
549                for (Iterator j=cats.iterator();j.hasNext();) {
550                    String cat = (String)j.next();
551                    int cc = ((Counter)countCat[i].get(cat)).intValue();
552                    int tc = ((Counter)totalCat[i].get(cat)).intValue();
553                    int wc = ((Integer)worstCaseCat[i].get(cat)).intValue();
554                    String wcsq = (String)worstCaseSqCat[i].get(cat);
555                    System.out.println("  Category "+cat+" (size="+cc+")");
556                    System.out.println("    worst case: "+sDF.format((100.0*wc)/sq.size())+"% ("+wc+" of "+sq.size()+", sequence "+wcsq+")");
557                    System.out.println("    average case: "+sDF.format((100.0*tc)/(sq.size()*cc))+"%");
558                }
559            }
560            /*
561            sq.set("EEEBBBAAA");
562            System.out.println(sq+" (cat="+sq.cat()+", check="+sq.check()+")");
563            sq.set("CACACAAABB");
564            checkOnline(sq, true, 2, true);
565            */
566        }
568    }