001    package net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension;
003    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
004    import java.util.Enumeration;
005    import java.util.HashSet;
006    import java.util.Iterator;
008    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
010    import net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement;
011    import net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation;
012    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension.Extension;
013    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.ModelListener;
014    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Value;
015    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Variable;
016    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver;
017    import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
018    import net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.StudentSectioningModel;
019    import net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest;
020    import net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Enrollment;
021    import net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request;
022    import net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section;
023    import net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Student;
025    /**
026     * This extension computes student distant conflicts.
027     * Two sections that are attended by the same student are considered in a 
028     * distance conflict if they are back-to-back taught in locations
029     * that are two far away. The allowed distance is provided by method
030     * {@link DistanceConflict#getAllowedDistance(TimeLocation)}.
031     * 
032     * @see TimeLocation
033     * @see Placement
034     * 
035     * <br><br>
036     * 
037     * @version
038     * StudentSct 1.1 (Student Sectioning)<br>
039     * Copyright (C) 2007 Tomáš Müller<br>
040     * <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
041     * Lazenska 391, 76314 Zlin, Czech Republic<br>
042     * <br>
043     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
044     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
045     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
046     * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
047     * <br><br>
048     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
049     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
051     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
052     * <br><br>
053     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
054     * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
055     * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
056     */
058    public class DistanceConflict extends Extension implements ModelListener {
059        private static Logger sLog = Logger.getLogger(DistanceConflict.class);
060        private static DecimalFormat sDF = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
061        private double iTotalNrConflicts = 0;
062        private HashSet iAllConflicts = new HashSet();
063        /** Debug flag */
064        public static boolean sDebug = false;
065        private Variable iOldVariable = null;
067        /**
068         * Constructor.
069         * Beside of other thigs, this constructor also uses 
070         * {@link StudentSectioningModel#setDistanceConflict(DistanceConflict)} to
071         * set the this instance to the model. 
072         * @param solver constraint solver
073         * @param properties configuration
074         */
075        public DistanceConflict(Solver solver, DataProperties properties) {
076            super(solver, properties);
077            if (solver!=null)
078                ((StudentSectioningModel)solver.currentSolution().getModel()).setDistanceConflict(this);
079        }
081        /** 
082         * Initialize extension
083         */
084        public boolean init(Solver solver) {
085            iTotalNrConflicts = countTotalNrConflicts();
086            return true;
087        }
089        public String toString() {
090            return "DistanceConstraint";
091        }
093        /**
094         * Return true if the given two sections are in distance conflict.
095         * This means that the sections are back-to-back and that they are
096         * placed in locations that are two far. 
097         * @param s1 a section
098         * @param s2 a section
099         * @return true, if the given sections are in a distance conflict
100         */
101        public boolean inConflict(Section s1, Section s2) {
102            if (s1.getPlacement()==null || s2.getPlacement()==null) return false;
103            TimeLocation t1 = s1.getTime();
104            TimeLocation t2 = s2.getTime();
105            if (!t1.shareDays(t2) || !t1.shareWeeks(t2)) return false;
106            int a1 = t1.getStartSlot(), a2 = t2.getStartSlot();
107            if (a1+t1.getNrSlotsPerMeeting()==a2) {
108                double dist = Placement.getDistance(s1.getPlacement(), s2.getPlacement());
109                if (dist>getAllowedDistance(t1)) return true;
110            } else if (a2+t2.getNrSlotsPerMeeting()==a1) {
111                double dist = Placement.getDistance(s1.getPlacement(), s2.getPlacement());
112                if (dist>getAllowedDistance(t2)) return true;
113            }
114            return false;
115        }
117        /**
118         * Return number of distance conflict of a (course) enrollment.
119         * It is the number of pairs of assignments of the enrollment
120         * that are in a distance conflict, weighted by the 
121         * request's weight (see {@link Request#getWeight()}).
122         * @param e1 an enrollment
123         * @return number of distance conflicts
124         */
125        public double nrConflicts(Enrollment e1) {
126            if (!e1.isCourseRequest()) return 0;
127            double cnt = 0;
128            for (Iterator i1=e1.getAssignments().iterator();i1.hasNext();) {
129                Section s1 = (Section)i1.next();
130                for (Iterator i2=e1.getAssignments().iterator();i2.hasNext();) {
131                    Section s2 = (Section)i2.next();
132                    if (s1.getId()<s2.getId() && inConflict(s1,s2)) cnt+=e1.getRequest().getWeight();
133                }
134            }
135            return cnt;
136        }
138        /**
139         * Return number of distance conflicts that are between two enrollments.
140         * It is the number of pairs of assignments of these enrollments
141         * that are in a distance conflict, weighted by the average 
142         * (see {@link DistanceConflict#avg(double, double)}) of the requests'
143         * weight (see {@link Request#getWeight()}).
144         * @param e1 an enrollment
145         * @param e2 an enrollment
146         * @return number of distance conflict between given enrollments
147         */
148        public double nrConflicts(Enrollment e1, Enrollment e2) {
149            if (!e1.isCourseRequest() || !e2.isCourseRequest() || !e1.getStudent().equals(e2.getStudent())) return 0;
150            double cnt = 0;
151            for (Iterator i1=e1.getAssignments().iterator();i1.hasNext();) {
152                Section s1 = (Section)i1.next();
153                for (Iterator i2=e2.getAssignments().iterator();i2.hasNext();) {
154                    Section s2 = (Section)i2.next();
155                    if (inConflict(s1,s2)) cnt+=avg(e1.getRequest().getWeight(),e2.getRequest().getWeight());
156                }
157            }
158            return cnt;
159        }
161        /**
162         * Return a set of distance conflicts ({@link Conflict} objects) of a (course) enrollment.
163         * @param e1 an enrollment
164         * @return list of distance conflicts that are between assignment of the given enrollment
165         */
166        public HashSet conflicts(Enrollment e1) {
167            HashSet ret = new HashSet();
168            if (!e1.isCourseRequest()) return ret;
169            int cnt = 0;
170            for (Iterator i1=e1.getAssignments().iterator();i1.hasNext();) {
171                Section s1 = (Section)i1.next();
172                for (Iterator i2=e1.getAssignments().iterator();i2.hasNext();) {
173                    Section s2 = (Section)i2.next();
174                    if (s1.getId()<s2.getId() && inConflict(s1,s2)) 
175                        ret.add(new Conflict(e1.getRequest().getWeight(),e1.getStudent(),s1,s2));
176                }
177            }
178            return ret;
179        }
181        /**
182         * Return a set of distance conflicts ({@link Conflict} objects) between given (course) enrollments.
183         * @param e1 an enrollment
184         * @param e2 an enrollment
185         * @return list of distance conflicts that are between assignment of the given enrollments
186         */
187        public HashSet conflicts(Enrollment e1, Enrollment e2) {
188            HashSet ret = new HashSet();
189            if (!e1.isCourseRequest() || !e2.isCourseRequest() || !e1.getStudent().equals(e2.getStudent())) return ret;
190            int cnt = 0;
191            for (Iterator i1=e1.getAssignments().iterator();i1.hasNext();) {
192                Section s1 = (Section)i1.next();
193                for (Iterator i2=e2.getAssignments().iterator();i2.hasNext();) {
194                    Section s2 = (Section)i2.next();
195                    if (inConflict(s1,s2))
196                        ret.add(new Conflict(avg(e1.getRequest().getWeight(),e2.getRequest().getWeight()),e1.getStudent(),s1,s2));
197                }
198            }
199            return ret;
200        }
202        /**
203         * Allowed distance for the course that follows the given time assignment.
204         * @param time a time assignment of the first of two sections that are back-to-back
205         * @return the maximal allowed distance
206         */
207        public double getAllowedDistance(TimeLocation time) {
208            if (time.getBreakTime()>=15) return 100.0;
209            return 67.0;
210        }
212        /** 
213         * Total sum of all conflict of the given enrollment and other enrollments that are assignmed to the same student.
214         */
215        public double nrAllConflicts(Enrollment enrollment) {
216            if (!enrollment.isCourseRequest()) return 0;
217            double cnt = nrConflicts(enrollment);
218            for (Enumeration e=enrollment.getStudent().getRequests().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
219                Request request = (Request)e.nextElement();
220                if (request.equals(enrollment.getRequest()) || request.getAssignment()==null || request.equals(iOldVariable)) continue;
221                cnt += nrConflicts(enrollment, (Enrollment)request.getAssignment());
222            }
223            return cnt;
224        }
226        /** 
227         * The set of all conflicts ({@link Conflict} objects) of the given enrollment and 
228         * other enrollments that are assignmed to the same student.
229         */
230        public HashSet allConflicts(Enrollment enrollment) {
231            HashSet ret = new HashSet();
232            if (!enrollment.isCourseRequest()) return ret;
233            for (Enumeration e=enrollment.getStudent().getRequests().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
234                Request request = (Request)e.nextElement();
235                if (request.equals(enrollment.getRequest()) || request.getAssignment()==null) continue;
236                ret.addAll(conflicts(enrollment, (Enrollment)request.getAssignment()));
237            }
238            return ret;
239        }
241        /**
242         * Called when a value is assigned to a variable.
243         * Internal number of distance conflicts is updated, see {@link DistanceConflict#getTotalNrConflicts()}.
244         */
245        public void assigned(long iteration, Value value) {
246            double inc = nrAllConflicts((Enrollment)value);
247            iTotalNrConflicts += inc;
248            if (sDebug) {
249                sLog.debug("A:"+value);
250                HashSet allConfs = computeAllConflicts();
251                double allConfWeight = 0.0;
252                for (Iterator i=allConfs.iterator();i.hasNext();)
253                    allConfWeight += ((Conflict)i.next()).getWeight();
254                if (Math.abs(iTotalNrConflicts-allConfWeight)>0.0001) {
255                    sLog.error("Different number of conflicts "+sDF.format(iTotalNrConflicts)+"!="+sDF.format(allConfWeight));
256                    for (Iterator i=allConfs.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
257                        Conflict c = (Conflict)i.next();
258                        if (!iAllConflicts.contains(c))
259                            sLog.debug("  +add+ "+c);
260                    }
261                    for (Iterator i=iAllConflicts.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
262                        Conflict c = (Conflict)i.next();
263                        if (!allConfs.contains(c))
264                            sLog.debug("  -rem- "+c);
265                    }
266                    iTotalNrConflicts = allConfWeight;
267                }
268                iAllConflicts = allConfs;
269                if (inc!=0) {
270                    sLog.debug("-- DC+"+sDF.format(inc)+" A: "+value);
271                    HashSet confs = allConflicts((Enrollment)value);
272                    for (Iterator i=confs.iterator();i.hasNext();)
273                        sLog.debug("  -- "+i.next());
274                }
275            }
276        }
278        /**
279         * Called when a value is unassigned from a variable.
280         * Internal number of distance conflicts is updated, see {@link DistanceConflict#getTotalNrConflicts()}.
281         */
282        public void unassigned(long iteration, Value value) {
283            if (value.variable().equals(iOldVariable)) return;
284            double dec = nrAllConflicts((Enrollment)value);
285            iTotalNrConflicts -= dec;
286            if (sDebug) {
287                sLog.debug("U:"+value);
288                if (dec!=0) {
289                    sLog.debug("-- DC-"+sDF.format(dec)+" U: "+value);
290                    HashSet confs = allConflicts((Enrollment)value);
291                    for (Iterator i=confs.iterator();i.hasNext();)
292                        sLog.debug("  -- "+i.next());
293                }
294            }
295        }
297        /** Actual number of all distance conflicts */
298        public double getTotalNrConflicts() {
299            return iTotalNrConflicts;
300        }
302        /** 
303         * Compute the actual number of all distance conflicts.
304         * Should be equal to {@link DistanceConflict#getTotalNrConflicts()}.
305         */
306        public double countTotalNrConflicts() {
307            double total = 0;
308            for (Enumeration e=getModel().variables().elements();e.hasMoreElements();) {
309                Request r1 = (Request)e.nextElement();
310                if (r1.getAssignment()==null || !(r1 instanceof CourseRequest)) continue;
311                total += nrConflicts((Enrollment)r1.getAssignment());
312                for (Enumeration f=r1.getStudent().getRequests().elements();f.hasMoreElements();) {
313                    Request r2 = (Request)f.nextElement();
314                    if (r2.getAssignment()==null || r1.getId()>=r2.getId() || !(r2 instanceof CourseRequest)) continue;
315                    total += nrConflicts((Enrollment)r1.getAssignment(), (Enrollment)r2.getAssignment());
316                }
317            }
318            return total;
319        }
321        /**
322         * Compute a set of all distance conflicts ({@link Conflict} objects).
323         */
324        public HashSet computeAllConflicts() {
325            HashSet ret = new HashSet();
326            for (Enumeration e=getModel().variables().elements();e.hasMoreElements();) {
327                Request r1 = (Request)e.nextElement();
328                if (r1.getAssignment()==null || !(r1 instanceof CourseRequest)) continue;
329                ret.addAll(conflicts((Enrollment)r1.getAssignment()));
330                for (Enumeration f=r1.getStudent().getRequests().elements();f.hasMoreElements();) {
331                    Request r2 = (Request)f.nextElement();
332                    if (r2.getAssignment()==null || r1.getId()>=r2.getId() || !(r2 instanceof CourseRequest)) continue;
333                    ret.addAll(conflicts((Enrollment)r1.getAssignment(), (Enrollment)r2.getAssignment()));
334                }
335            }
336            return ret;
337        }
339        /**
340         * Quadratic average of two weights.
341         */
342        public double avg(double w1, double w2) {
343            return Math.sqrt(w1*w2);
344        }
346        /**
347         * Called before a value is assigned to a variable.
348         */
349        public void beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value) {
350            if (value!=null) {
351                if (value.variable().getAssignment()!=null)
352                    unassigned(iteration, value.variable().getAssignment());
353                iOldVariable=value.variable();
354            }
355        }
357        /**
358         * Called after a value is assigned to a variable.
359         */
360        public void afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value) {
361            iOldVariable=null;
362            if (value!=null) assigned(iteration, value);
363        }
365        /**
366         * Called after a value is unassigned from a variable.
367         */
368        public void afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value) {
369            if (value!=null)
370                unassigned(iteration, value);
371        }
373        /** A representation of a distance conflict */
374        public class Conflict {
375            private double iWeight;
376            private Student iStudent;
377            private Section iS1, iS2;
378            private int iHashCode;
380            /**
381             * Constructor
382             * @param weight conflict weight
383             * @param student related student
384             * @param s1 first conflicting section
385             * @param s2 second conflicting section
386             */
387            public Conflict(double weight, Student student, Section s1, Section s2) {
388                iWeight = weight;
389                iStudent = student; 
390                if (s1.getId()<s2.getId()) {
391                    iS1 = s1; iS2 = s2;
392                } else {
393                    iS1 = s2; iS2 = s1;
394                }
395                iHashCode = (iStudent.getId()+":"+iS1.getId()+":"+iS2.getId()).hashCode();
396            }
398            /** Conflict weight */
399            public double getWeight() {
400                return iWeight;
401            }
403            /** Related student */
404            public Student getStudent() {
405                return iStudent;
406            }
408            /** First section */
409            public Section getS1() {
410                return iS1;
411            }
413            /** Second section */
414            public Section getS2() {
415                return iS2;
416            }
418            public int hashCode() {
419                return iHashCode;
420            }
422            /** The distance between conflicting sections*/
423            public double getDistance() {
424                return Placement.getDistance(getS1().getPlacement(),getS2().getPlacement());
425            }
427            public boolean equals(Object o) {
428                if (o==null || !(o instanceof Conflict))
429                    return false;
430                Conflict c = (Conflict)o;
431                return getStudent().getId()==c.getStudent().getId() && 
432                    getS1().getId()==c.getS1().getId() && 
433                    getS2().getId()==c.getS2().getId();
434            }
436            public String toString() {
437                return getStudent()+": (w:"+sDF.format(getWeight())+",d:"+sDF.format(10.0*getDistance())+"m) "+getS1()+" -- "+getS2();
438            }
439        }
440    }