001package net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.csp;
003import java.io.File;
004import java.io.FileInputStream;
005import java.io.FileOutputStream;
006import java.io.FileWriter;
007import java.io.PrintWriter;
008import java.util.Date;
009import java.util.Iterator;
010import java.util.Locale;
011import java.util.StringTokenizer;
013import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Constraint;
014import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
015import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver;
016import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
017import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.Progress;
018import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.ProgressWriter;
019import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
022 * Test of Structured CSP problems. It takes one argument -- property file with
023 * all the parameters. It allows to execute given number of tests. It also
024 * allows to define several configurations which will be executed. For instance
025 * CSP(20,15,5%..95%,5..95%), 10 runs of each configuration. All such
026 * configuration are processed in one run of Test class. <br>
027 * <br>
028 * In Structured CSP, variables are divided into several kernels (some variables
029 * may remain ouside kernels). Different constraints (in density and tightnes)
030 * are generated according to whether variables are from the same kernel or not. <br>
031 * <br>
032 * Test's parameters: <br>
033 * <table border='1'>
034 * <tr>
035 * <th>Parameter</th>
036 * <th>Type</th>
037 * <th>Comment</th>
038 * </tr>
039 * <tr>
040 * <td>General.MPP</td>
041 * <td>{@link String}</td>
042 * <td>Minimal perturbation problem (if true), this mj. means that initial
043 * assignment will be generated</td>
044 * </tr>
045 * <tr>
046 * <td>CSP.Seed</td>
047 * <td>{@link Long}</td>
048 * <td>Random number generator seed, {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} is taken
049 * if not present</td>
050 * </tr>
051 * <tr>
052 * <td>CSP.ForceSolutionExistance</td>
053 * <td>{@link Boolean}</td>
054 * <td>If true, generated problem will always have at least one feasible
055 * solution</td>
056 * </tr>
057 * <tr>
058 * <td>CPS.NrTests</td>
059 * <td>{@link Integer}</td>
060 * <td>Number of tests (for each input configuration)</td>
061 * </tr>
062 * <tr>
063 * <td>CSP.NrVariables</td>
064 * <td>{@link Integer}</td>
065 * <td>Number of variables</td>
066 * </tr>
067 * <tr>
068 * <td>CSP.NrVariablesMin<br>
069 * CSP.NrVariablesMax<br>
070 * CSP.NrVariablesStep</td>
071 * <td>{@link Integer}</td>
072 * <td>Range of the number variables (a set of different configurations will be
073 * generated)<br>
074 * Use either CSP.NrVariables or these CSP.NrVariablesMin, CSP.NrVariablesMax,
075 * CSP.NrVariablesStep</td>
076 * </tr>
077 * <tr>
078 * <td>CSP.DomainSize</td>
079 * <td>{@link Integer}</td>
080 * <td>Number of values of every variable</td>
081 * </tr>
082 * <tr>
083 * <td>CSP.DomainSizeRatio</td>
084 * <td>{@link Double}</td>
085 * <td>Number of values as a ration of the number of variables. This way we can
086 * model for instance CSP(N,2N,p1,p2) problems with one configuration.<br>
087 * Use either CSP.DomainSize or CSP.DomainSizeRatio</td>
088 * </tr>
089 * <tr>
090 * <td>CSP.Tightness</td>
091 * <td>{@link Double}</td>
092 * <td>Tightness of constraints outside kernels</td>
093 * </tr>
094 * <tr>
095 * <td>CSP.TightnessMin<br>
096 * CSP.TightnessMax<br>
097 * CSP.TightnessStep</td>
098 * <td>{@link Double}</td>
099 * <td>Tightness of constraints outside kernels given as a range -> respective
100 * configurations will be generated and tested</td>
101 * </tr>
102 * <tr>
103 * <td>CSP.Density</td>
104 * <td>{@link Double}</td>
105 * <td>Density of constraints outside kernels</td>
106 * </tr>
107 * <tr>
108 * <td>CSP.DensityMin<br>
109 * CSP.DensityMax<br>
110 * CSP.DensityStep</td>
111 * <td>{@link Double}</td>
112 * <td>Density of constraints outside kernels given as a range -> respective
113 * configurations will be generated and tested</td>
114 * </tr>
115 * <tr>
116 * <td>CSP.NrKernels</td>
117 * <td>{@link Integer}</td>
118 * <td>Number of kernels (Structured CSP, use 0 for "normal" CSP)</td>
119 * </tr>
120 * <tr>
121 * <td>CSP.KernelSize</td>
122 * <td>{@link Integer}</td>
123 * <td>Number of variables in each kernel</td>
124 * </tr>
125 * <tr>
126 * <td>CSP.KernelTightness</td>
127 * <td>{@link Double}</td>
128 * <td>Tightness of constraints inside a kernel</td>
129 * </tr>
130 * <tr>
131 * <td>CSP.KernelDensity</td>
132 * <td>{@link Double}</td>
133 * <td>Density of constraints inside a kernel</td>
134 * </tr>
135 * <tr>
136 * <td>CSP.SameProblemEachStep</td>
137 * <td>{@link Boolean}</td>
138 * <td>If true, each configuration will start with the same seed</td>
139 * </tr>
140 * <tr>
141 * <td>CSP.SameProblemEachTest</td>
142 * <td>{@link Boolean}</td>
143 * <td>If true, each test of the same configuration will start with the same
144 * seed</td>
145 * </tr>
146 * <tr>
147 * <td>General.Output</td>
148 * <td>{@link String}</td>
149 * <td>Output folder where a log file and tables with results. In order not to
150 * overwrite the results if executed more than once, a subfolder with the name
151 * taken from current date and time will be created in this folder and all
152 * results will go to this subfolder.</td>
153 * </tr>
154 * </table>
155 * <br>
156 * <br>
157 * Also, the configuration file can consist only from one parameter (named
158 * INCLUDE_REGEXP) which is processed as a regular expression of semicolon
159 * separated list of property files, for instance
160 * <ul>
161 * <code>INCLUDE_REGEXP=general.ini;{CSP(50,12,250,p2)|CSP(25,15,198,p2)}.ini;{std|opt}.ini;{10x1min}.ini;{cbs|rw1|tabu20}.ini</code>
162 * <br>
163 * </ul>
164 * where {a|b|c|...} means a selection of a, b, c, .. All possible combinations
165 * are taken and for each of them an input configuration is combined from the
166 * relevant files. So, for instance, the above example will result into the
167 * following configurations:
168 * <ul>
169 * <li>general.ini;CSP(50,12,250,p2).ini;std.ini;10x1min.ini;cbs.ini
170 * <li>general.ini;CSP(50,12,250,p2).ini;std.ini;10x1min.ini;rw1.ini
171 * <li>general.ini;CSP(50,12,250,p2).ini;std.ini;10x1min.ini;tabu20.ini
172 * <li>general.ini;CSP(50,12,250,p2).ini;opt.ini;10x1min.ini;cbs.ini
173 * <li>general.ini;CSP(50,12,250,p2).ini;opt.ini;10x1min.ini;rw1.ini
174 * <li>general.ini;CSP(50,12,250,p2).ini;opt.ini;10x1min.ini;tabu20.ini
175 * <li>general.ini;CSP(25,15,198,p2).ini;std.ini;10x1min.ini;cbs.ini
176 * <li>general.ini;CSP(25,15,198,p2).ini;std.ini;10x1min.ini;rw1.ini
177 * <li>general.ini;CSP(25,15,198,p2).ini;std.ini;10x1min.ini;tabu20.ini
178 * <li>general.ini;CSP(25,15,198,p2).ini;opt.ini;10x1min.ini;cbs.ini
179 * <li>general.ini;CSP(25,15,198,p2).ini;opt.ini;10x1min.ini;rw1.ini
180 * <li>general.ini;CSP(25,15,198,p2).ini;opt.ini;10x1min.ini;tabu20.ini
181 * </ul>
182 * To be able to distinguish such configuration a subfolder in General.Output
183 * folder is created, its name is combined from the names which are in
184 * parenthesis. So, for instance the first bunch of tests will output into the
185 * folder:
186 * <ul>
187 * ${General.Output}\CSP(50,12,250,p2)_std_10x1min_csb\25-Feb-05_191136
188 * </ul>
189 * If one parameter is defined in more than one configuration files (e.g. in
190 * general.ini as well as cbs.ini) the one from the file more on the right is
191 * taken. <br>
192 * <br>
193 * An example of the configurations:<br>
194 * File<b> general.ini</b>
195 * <ul>
196 * <code>
197 * #Default settings common for all configurations<br>
198 * General.MPP=false<br>
199 * General.InitialAssignment=false<br>
200 * General.Output=output\\RandomCSP\\IFS<br>
201 * <br>
202 * #Value selection heuristics<br>
203 * Value.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralValueSelection<br>
204 * Value.WeightWeightedConflicts=0.0<br>
205 * Value.RandomWalkProb=0.0<br>
206 * Value.WeightConflicts=1.0<br>
207 * Value.WeightNrAssignments=0.0<br>
208 * Value.WeightValue=0.0<br>
209 * Value.Tabu=0<br>
210 * <br>
211 * #Variable selection heuristics<br>
212 * Variable.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralVariableSelection<br>
213 * Variable.RandomSelection=true<br>
214 * <br>
215 * #Termination condition<br>
216 * Termination.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition<br>
217 * Termination.MaxIters=-1<br>
218 * Termination.TimeOut=-1<br>
219 * Termination.StopWhenComplete=true<br>
220 * <br>
221 * #Solution comparator<br>
222 * Comparator.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator<br>
223 * </code>
224 * </ul>
225 * <br>
226 * File<b> CSP(50,12,250,p2).ini</b>
227 * <ul>
228 * <code>
229 * #Sparse problem CSP(50,12,250/1225,p2)<br>
230 * CSP.NrVariables=50<br>
231 * CSP.DomainSize=12<br>
232 * CSP.Density=0.2<br>
233 * CSP.TightnessMin=0.10<br>
234 * CSP.TightnessMax=0.95<br>
235 * CSP.TightnessStep=0.02<br>
236 * <br> 
237 * CSP.Seed=780921<br>
238 * <br>
239 * CSP.ForceSolutionExistance=false<br>
240 * CSP.SameProblemEachStep=false<br>
241 * CSP.SameProblemEachTest=false<br>
242 * <br>
243 * CSP.NrKernels=0<br>
244 * </code>
245 * </ul>
246 * <br>
247 * File<b> std.ini</b>
248 * <ul>
249 * <code>
250 * #Standard problem<br>
251 * CSP.ForceSolutionExistance=false<br>
252 * </code>
253 * </ul>
254 * <br>
255 * File<b> opt.ini</b>
256 * <ul>
257 * <code>
258 * #Optimization problem (minCSP)<br>
259 * #Value selection: use weigh of a conflict, but when there are more than one value<br>
260 * #        with the same number of conflicts, use the one with lower value<br>
261 * Value.WeightValue=0.0001<br>
262 * Value.WeightConflicts=1.0<br>
263 * #Do not stop when a complete solution is found<br>
264 * Termination.StopWhenComplete=false<br>
265 * </code>
266 * </ul>
267 * <br>
268 * File<b> 10x1min.ini</b>
269 * <ul>
270 * <code>
271 * #For each configuration, execute 10 tests, each with 1 minute timeout<br>
272 * CPS.NrTests=10<br>
273 * Termination.TimeOut=60<br>
274 * </code>
275 * </ul>
276 * <br>
277 * File<b> cbs.ini</b>
278 * <ul>
279 * <code>
280 * #Use conflict-based statistics<br>
281 * Extensions.Classes=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ConflictStatistics<br>
282 * Value.WeightWeightedConflicts=1.0<br>
283 * </code>
284 * </ul>
285 * <br>
286 * File<b> tabu20.ini</b>
287 * <ul>
288 * <code>
289 * #Use tabu-list of the length 20<br>
290 * Value.Tabu=20<br>
291 * </code>
292 * </ul>
293 * <br>
294 * File<b> rw1.ini</b>
295 * <ul>
296 * <code>
297 * #Use 1% random walk selection<br>
298 * Value.RandomWalkProb=0.01<br>
299 * </code>
300 * </ul>
301 * <br>
302 * 
303 * @see StructuredCSPModel
304 * @see net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ConflictStatistics
305 * @see net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralValueSelection
306 * @see net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralVariableSelection
307 * @see net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition
308 * @see net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator
309 * 
310 * @version IFS 1.2 (Iterative Forward Search)<br>
311 *          Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 Tomáš Müller<br>
312 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
313 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
314 * <br>
315 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
316 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
317 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
318 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
319 * <br>
320 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
321 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
323 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
324 * <br>
325 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
326 *          License along with this library; if not see
327 *          <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.
328 */
329public class Test {
330    private static java.text.DecimalFormat sDoubleFormat = new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.000",
331            new java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
332    private static java.text.SimpleDateFormat sDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy_HHmmss",
333            java.util.Locale.US);
334    private static org.apache.log4j.Logger sLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Test.class);
336    private static void test(DataProperties properties) throws Exception {
337        boolean sameProblemStep = properties.getPropertyBoolean("CSP.SameProblemEachStep", false);
338        boolean sameProblemTest = properties.getPropertyBoolean("CSP.SameProblemEachTest", false);
339        int nrVars = properties.getPropertyInt("CSP.NrVariables", 20);
340        int nrKernels = properties.getPropertyInt("CSP.NrKernels", 2);
341        int nrKernelVariables = properties.getPropertyInt("CSP.KernelSize", 8);
342        int nrVariablesMin = properties.getPropertyInt("CSP.NrVariablesMin", nrVars);
343        int nrVariablesMax = properties.getPropertyInt("CSP.NrVariablesMax", nrVars);
344        int nrVariablesStep = properties.getPropertyInt("CSP.NrVariablesStep", 1);
345        int nrValues = properties.getPropertyInt("CSP.DomainSize", 10);
346        double nrValuesRatio = properties.getPropertyDouble("CSP.DomainSizeRatio", -1);
347        float kernelTightness = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.KernelTightness", 0.097f);
348        float kernelDensity = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.KernelDensity", 0.097f);
349        float tightnessInit = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.Tightness", 0.4f);
350        float tightnessMin = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.TightnessMin", tightnessInit);
351        float tightnessMax = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.TightnessMax", tightnessInit) + 1e-6f;
352        float tightnessStep = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.TightnessStep", 0.1f);
353        float densityInit = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.Density", 0.4f);
354        float densityMin = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.DensityMin", densityInit);
355        float densityMax = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.DensityMax", densityInit) + 1e-6f;
356        float densityStep = properties.getPropertyFloat("CSP.DensityStep", 0.1f);
357        long seed = properties.getPropertyLong("CSP.Seed", System.currentTimeMillis());
358        int nrTests = properties.getPropertyInt("CPS.NrTests", 10);
359        boolean mpp = properties.getPropertyBoolean("General.MPP", false);
360        PrintWriter logStat = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(properties.getProperty("General.Output") + File.separator
361                + "rcsp_" + nrVariablesMin + "_" + nrValues + ".csv"));
362        PrintWriter logAvgStat = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(properties.getProperty("General.Output")
363                + File.separator + "avg_stat.csv"));
364        PrintWriter log = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(properties.getProperty("General.Output") + File.separator
365                + "info.txt"));
366        logStat
367                .println("testNr;nrVars;nrVals;density[%];tightness[%];time[s];iters;speed[it/s];unassConstr;assigned;assigned[%]"
368                        + (mpp ? ";perts;perts[%]" : "") + ";value;totalValue");
369        logAvgStat
370                .println("nrVars;nrVals;density[%];tightness[%];time[s];RMStime[s];iters;RMSiters;speed[it/s];unassConst;assigned;RMSassigned;assigned[%]"
371                        + (mpp ? ";perts;RMSperts;perts[%]" : "") + ";value;RMSvalue;totalValue;RMStotalValue");
372        System.out.println("Number of variables: " + nrVariablesMin + " .. " + nrVariablesMax + "  (step="
373                + nrVariablesStep + ")");
374        System.out.println("Density:             " + densityMin + " .. " + densityMax + "  (step=" + densityStep + ")");
375        System.out.println("Tightness:           " + tightnessMin + " .. " + tightnessMax + "  (step=" + tightnessStep
376                + ")");
377        for (int nrVariables = nrVariablesMin; nrVariables <= nrVariablesMax; nrVariables += nrVariablesStep) {
378            if (nrValuesRatio > 0.0)
379                nrValues = (int) Math.round(nrValuesRatio * nrVariables);
380            for (float density = densityMin; density <= densityMax; density += densityStep) {
381                for (float tightness = tightnessMin; tightness <= tightnessMax; tightness += tightnessStep) {
382                    log.println("CSP{#Var=" + nrVariables + ", #Val=" + nrValues + ", P(density)="
383                            + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * density) + "%, P(tighness)="
384                            + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * tightness) + ", " + nrKernels + "x Kernel{#Var="
385                            + nrKernelVariables + ", P(density)=" + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * kernelDensity)
386                            + "%, P(tighness)=" + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * kernelTightness) + "%}}");
387                    double sumTime = 0;
388                    double sumTime2 = 0;
389                    int sumIters = 0;
390                    int sumIters2 = 0;
391                    int sumConfl = 0;
392                    int sumAssign = 0;
393                    int sumAssign2 = 0;
394                    int sumPert = 0;
395                    int sumPert2 = 0;
396                    int sumVal = 0;
397                    int sumVal2 = 0;
398                    int sumTotalVal = 0;
399                    int sumTotalVal2 = 0;
400                    for (int test = 1; test <= nrTests; test++) {
401                        log.println("  " + test + ". test");
402                        log.flush();
403                        properties.setProperty("CSP.NrVariables", String.valueOf(nrVariables));
404                        properties.setProperty("CSP.Tightness", String.valueOf(tightness));
405                        properties.setProperty("CSP.Density", String.valueOf(density));
407                        long currentSeed = (seed * 1000000L)
408                                + (1000 * (long) ((sameProblemStep ? densityMin : density) * 1000.0))
409                                + ((long) ((sameProblemStep ? tightnessMin : tightness) * 1000.0));
410                        currentSeed = (currentSeed * nrTests) + (sameProblemTest ? 0 : test - 1);
412                        sLogger.debug("Seed: " + currentSeed);
413                        StructuredCSPModel csp = new StructuredCSPModel(properties, currentSeed);
415                        Solver<CSPVariable, CSPValue> s = new Solver<CSPVariable, CSPValue>(properties);
416                        s.setInitalSolution(csp);
417                        s.currentSolution().clearBest();
418                        s.start();
420                        try {
421                            s.getSolverThread().join();
422                        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
423                        }
425                        if (s.lastSolution().getBestInfo() == null)
426                            sLogger.error("No solution found :-(");
427                        sLogger.debug("Last solution:" + s.lastSolution().getInfo());
428                        Solution<CSPVariable, CSPValue> best = s.lastSolution();
429                        sLogger.debug("Best solution:" + s.lastSolution().getBestInfo());
430                        best.restoreBest();
431                        int val = 0;
432                        for (Iterator<CSPVariable> iv = best.getModel().assignedVariables().iterator(); iv.hasNext();)
433                            val += (int) iv.next().getAssignment().toDouble();
434                        int totalVal = val + (best.getModel().unassignedVariables().size() * nrValues);
435                        sLogger.debug("Last solution:" + best.getInfo());
436                        logStat.println(test
437                                + ";"
438                                + nrVariables
439                                + ";"
440                                + nrValues
441                                + ";"
442                                + sDoubleFormat.format(density)
443                                + ";"
444                                + sDoubleFormat.format(tightness)
445                                + ";"
446                                + sDoubleFormat.format(best.getTime())
447                                + ";"
448                                + best.getIteration()
449                                + ";"
450                                + sDoubleFormat.format((best.getIteration()) / best.getTime())
451                                + ";"
452                                + best.getModel().unassignedHardConstraints().size()
453                                + ";"
454                                + best.getModel().assignedVariables().size()
455                                + ";"
456                                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * best.getModel().assignedVariables().size()
457                                        / best.getModel().variables().size())
458                                + (mpp ? ";"
459                                        + (best.getModel().perturbVariables().size() + best.getModel()
460                                                .unassignedVariables().size())
461                                        + ";"
462                                        + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0
463                                                * (best.getModel().perturbVariables().size() + best.getModel()
464                                                        .unassignedVariables().size())
465                                                / best.getModel().variables().size()) : "") + ";" + val + ";"
466                                + totalVal);
467                        log.println("    seed:         " + currentSeed);
468                        log.println("    constraints:  " + best.getModel().constraints().size());
469                        for (Iterator<Constraint<CSPVariable, CSPValue>> i = best.getModel().constraints().iterator(); i
470                                .hasNext();) {
471                            CSPBinaryConstraint c = (CSPBinaryConstraint) i.next();
472                            log.println("      " + c.getName() + " (" + c.first().getName() + ","
473                                    + c.second().getName() + ")");
474                            for (CSPValue v0 : c.first().values()) {
475                                log.print("        ");
476                                for (CSPValue v1 : c.second().values())
477                                    log.print(c.isConsistent(v0, v1) ? "1 " : "0 ");
478                            }
479                            log.println();
480                        }
481                        log.println("    time:         " + sDoubleFormat.format(best.getTime()) + " s");
482                        log.println("    iteration:    " + best.getIteration());
483                        log.println("    speed:        " + sDoubleFormat.format((best.getIteration()) / best.getTime())
484                                + " it/s");
485                        log.println("    assigned:     "
486                                + best.getModel().assignedVariables().size()
487                                + " ("
488                                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * best.getModel().assignedVariables().size()
489                                        / best.getModel().variables().size()) + "%)");
490                        log.println("    total value:  " + val);
491                        if (mpp)
492                            log.println("    perturbations:"
493                                    + (best.getModel().perturbVariables().size() + best.getModel()
494                                            .unassignedVariables().size())
495                                    + " ("
496                                    + sDoubleFormat
497                                            .format(100.0
498                                                    * (best.getModel().perturbVariables().size() + best.getModel()
499                                                            .unassignedVariables().size())
500                                                    / best.getModel().variables().size()) + "%)");
501                        log.print("    solution:     ");
502                        for (CSPVariable v : ((CSPModel) best.getModel()).variables()) {
503                            if (v.getBestAssignment() == null)
504                                continue;
505                            log.print(v.getName() + "=" + v.getBestAssignment().getName());
506                            log.print(", ");
507                        }
508                        log.println();
509                        sumTime += best.getTime();
510                        sumTime2 += best.getTime() * best.getTime();
511                        sumIters += best.getIteration();
512                        sumIters2 += best.getIteration() * best.getIteration();
513                        sumConfl += best.getModel().unassignedHardConstraints().size();
514                        sumAssign += best.getModel().assignedVariables().size();
515                        sumAssign2 += best.getModel().assignedVariables().size()
516                                * best.getModel().assignedVariables().size();
517                        sumVal += val;
518                        sumVal2 += val * val;
519                        sumTotalVal += totalVal;
520                        sumTotalVal2 += totalVal * totalVal;
521                        if (mpp) {
522                            sumPert += (best.getModel().perturbVariables().size() + best.getModel()
523                                    .unassignedVariables().size());
524                            sumPert2 += (best.getModel().perturbVariables().size() + best.getModel()
525                                    .unassignedVariables().size())
526                                    * (best.getModel().perturbVariables().size() + best.getModel()
527                                            .unassignedVariables().size());
528                        }
529                        log.flush();
530                        logStat.flush();
531                    }
532                    logAvgStat.println(nrVariables
533                            + ";"
534                            + nrValues
535                            + ";"
536                            + sDoubleFormat.format(density)
537                            + ";"
538                            + sDoubleFormat.format(tightness)
539                            + ";"
540                            + sDoubleFormat.format(sumTime / nrTests)
541                            + ";"
542                            + sDoubleFormat.format(ToolBox.rms(nrTests, sumTime, sumTime2))
543                            + ";"
544                            + sDoubleFormat.format(((double) sumIters) / nrTests)
545                            + ";"
546                            + sDoubleFormat.format(ToolBox.rms(nrTests, sumIters, sumIters2))
547                            + ";"
548                            + sDoubleFormat.format((sumIters) / sumTime)
549                            + ";"
550                            + sDoubleFormat.format(((double) sumConfl) / nrTests)
551                            + ";"
552                            + sDoubleFormat.format(((double) sumAssign) / nrTests)
553                            + ";"
554                            + sDoubleFormat.format(ToolBox.rms(nrTests, sumAssign, sumAssign2))
555                            + ";"
556                            + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * (sumAssign) / (nrVariables * nrTests))
557                            + (mpp ? ";" + sDoubleFormat.format(((double) sumPert) / nrTests) + ";"
558                                    + sDoubleFormat.format(ToolBox.rms(nrTests, sumPert, sumPert2)) + ";"
559                                    + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * (sumPert) / (nrVariables * nrTests)) : "")
560                            + ";"
561                            + sDoubleFormat.format(((double) sumVal) / (nrTests * nrVariables))
562                            + ";"
563                            + sDoubleFormat.format(ToolBox.rms(nrTests, (double) sumVal / nrVariables, (double) sumVal2
564                                    / (nrVariables * nrVariables))) + ";"
565                            + sDoubleFormat.format(((double) sumTotalVal) / nrTests) + ";"
566                            + sDoubleFormat.format(ToolBox.rms(nrTests, sumTotalVal, sumTotalVal2)));
567                    logAvgStat.flush();
568                }
569            }
570        }
571        log.flush();
572        log.close();
573        logStat.flush();
574        logStat.close();
575        logAvgStat.flush();
576        logAvgStat.close();
577    }
579    private static void test(File inputCfg, String name, String include, String regexp, String outDir) throws Exception {
580        if (regexp != null) {
581            String incFile;
583            if (regexp.indexOf(';') > 0) {
584                incFile = regexp.substring(0, regexp.indexOf(';'));
585                regexp = regexp.substring(regexp.indexOf(';') + 1);
586            } else {
587                incFile = regexp;
588                regexp = null;
589            }
590            if (incFile.startsWith("[") && incFile.endsWith("]")) {
591                test(inputCfg, name, include, regexp, outDir);
592                incFile = incFile.substring(1, incFile.length() - 1);
593            }
594            if (incFile.indexOf('{') >= 0 && incFile.indexOf('}') >= 0) {
595                String prefix = incFile.substring(0, incFile.indexOf('{'));
596                StringTokenizer middle = new StringTokenizer(incFile.substring(incFile.indexOf('{') + 1, incFile
597                        .indexOf('}')), "|");
598                String sufix = incFile.substring(incFile.indexOf('}') + 1);
600                while (middle.hasMoreTokens()) {
601                    String m = middle.nextToken();
603                    test(inputCfg, (name == null ? "" : name + "_") + m, (include == null ? "" : include + ";")
604                            + prefix + m + sufix, regexp, outDir);
605                }
606            } else {
607                test(inputCfg, name, (include == null ? "" : include + ";") + incFile, regexp, outDir);
608            }
609        } else {
610            DataProperties properties = ToolBox.loadProperties(inputCfg);
611            StringTokenizer inc = new StringTokenizer(include, ";");
613            while (inc.hasMoreTokens()) {
614                String aFile = inc.nextToken();
616                System.out.println("  Loading included file '" + aFile + "' ... ");
617                FileInputStream is = null;
619                if ((new File(aFile)).exists()) {
620                    is = new FileInputStream(aFile);
621                }
622                if ((new File(inputCfg.getParent() + File.separator + aFile)).exists()) {
623                    is = new FileInputStream(inputCfg.getParent() + File.separator + aFile);
624                }
625                if (is == null) {
626                    System.err.println("Unable to find include file '" + aFile + "'.");
627                }
628                properties.load(is);
629                is.close();
630            }
631            String outDirThisTest = (outDir == null ? properties.getProperty("General.Output", ".") : outDir)
632                    + File.separator + name + File.separator + sDateFormat.format(new Date());
633            properties.setProperty("General.Output", outDirThisTest.toString());
634            System.out.println("Output folder: " + properties.getProperty("General.Output"));
635            (new File(outDirThisTest)).mkdirs();
636            ToolBox.configureLogging(outDirThisTest, null);
637            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outDirThisTest + File.separator + "rcsp.conf");
639            properties.store(fos, "Random CSP problem configuration file");
640            fos.flush();
641            fos.close();
642            test(properties);
643        }
644    }
646    public static void main(String[] args) {
647        try {
648            Progress.getInstance().addProgressListener(new ProgressWriter(System.out));
649            File inputCfg = new File(args[0]);
650            DataProperties properties = ToolBox.loadProperties(inputCfg);
651            if (properties.getProperty("INCLUDE_REGEXP") != null) {
652                test(inputCfg, null, null, properties.getProperty("INCLUDE_REGEXP"), (args.length > 1 ? args[1] : null));
653            } else {
654                String outDir = properties.getProperty("General.Output", ".") + File.separator
655                        + inputCfg.getName().substring(0, inputCfg.getName().lastIndexOf('.')) + File.separator
656                        + sDateFormat.format(new Date());
657                if (args.length > 1)
658                    outDir = args[1] + File.separator + (sDateFormat.format(new Date()));
659                properties.setProperty("General.Output", outDir.toString());
660                System.out.println("Output folder: " + properties.getProperty("General.Output"));
661                (new File(outDir)).mkdirs();
662                ToolBox.configureLogging(outDir, null);
663                test(properties);
664            }
665        } catch (Exception e) {
666            e.printStackTrace();
667        }
668    }