001package org.cpsolver.coursett;
003import java.io.File;
004import java.io.FileWriter;
005import java.io.IOException;
006import java.io.PrintWriter;
007import java.text.DecimalFormat;
008import java.util.ArrayList;
009import java.util.Collection;
010import java.util.Date;
011import java.util.HashSet;
012import java.util.HashMap;
013import java.util.List;
014import java.util.Locale;
015import java.util.Map;
016import java.util.TreeSet;
018import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender;
019import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender;
020import org.apache.log4j.Level;
021import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
022import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout;
023import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.DepartmentSpreadConstraint;
024import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.GroupConstraint;
025import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.InstructorConstraint;
026import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.JenrlConstraint;
027import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.RoomConstraint;
028import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.SpreadConstraint;
029import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.BackToBackInstructorPreferences;
030import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.BrokenTimePatterns;
031import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.DepartmentBalancingPenalty;
032import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.DistributionPreferences;
033import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.Perturbations;
034import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.RoomPreferences;
035import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.SameSubpartBalancingPenalty;
036import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.StudentCommittedConflict;
037import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.StudentConflict;
038import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.StudentDistanceConflict;
039import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.StudentHardConflict;
040import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.TimePreferences;
041import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.TooBigRooms;
042import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.UselessHalfHours;
043import org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.UniversalPerturbationsCounter;
044import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Lecture;
045import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement;
046import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.RoomLocation;
047import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Student;
048import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation;
049import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimetableModel;
050import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment;
051import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultParallelAssignment;
052import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment;
053import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ConflictStatistics;
054import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.Extension;
055import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.MacPropagation;
056import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Constraint;
057import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
058import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.SolutionListener;
059import org.cpsolver.ifs.solver.ParallelSolver;
060import org.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver;
061import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
062import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.Progress;
063import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ProgressWriter;
064import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
068 * A main class for running of the solver from command line. <br>
069 * <br>
070 * Usage:<br>
071 * java -Xmx1024m -jar coursett1.1.jar config.properties [input_file]
072 * [output_folder]<br>
073 * <br>
074 * See http://www.unitime.org for example configuration files and banchmark data
075 * sets.<br>
076 * <br>
077 * 
078 * The test does the following steps:
079 * <ul>
080 * <li>Provided property file is loaded (see {@link DataProperties}).
081 * <li>Output folder is created (General.Output property) and loggings is setup
082 * (using log4j).
083 * <li>Input data are loaded (calling {@link TimetableLoader#load()}).
084 * <li>Solver is executed (see {@link Solver}).
085 * <li>Resultant solution is saved (calling {@link TimetableSaver#save()}, when
086 * General.Save property is set to true.
087 * </ul>
088 * Also, a log and a CSV (comma separated text file) is created in the output
089 * folder.
090 * 
091 * @version CourseTT 1.3 (University Course Timetabling)<br>
092 *          Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 Tomáš Müller<br>
093 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
094 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
095 * <br>
096 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
097 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
098 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
099 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
100 * <br>
101 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
102 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
104 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
105 * <br>
106 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
107 *          License along with this library; if not see
108 *          <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.
109 */
111public class Test implements SolutionListener<Lecture, Placement> {
112    private static java.text.SimpleDateFormat sDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd_HHmmss",
113            java.util.Locale.US);
114    private static java.text.DecimalFormat sDoubleFormat = new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.000",
115            new java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
116    private static org.apache.log4j.Logger sLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Test.class);
118    private PrintWriter iCSVFile = null;
120    private MacPropagation<Lecture, Placement> iProp = null;
121    private ConflictStatistics<Lecture, Placement> iStat = null;
122    private int iLastNotified = -1;
124    private boolean initialized = false;
125    private Solver<Lecture, Placement> iSolver = null;
127    /** Current version 
128     * @return version string
129     **/
130    public static String getVersionString() {
131        return "IFS Timetable Solver v" + Constants.getVersion() + " build" + Constants.getBuildNumber() + ", "
132                + Constants.getReleaseDate();
133    }
135    /** Solver initialization 
136     * @param solver current solver
137     **/
138    public void init(Solver<Lecture, Placement> solver) {
139        iSolver = solver;
140        solver.currentSolution().addSolutionListener(this);
141    }
143    /**
144     * Setup log4j logging
145     * 
146     * @param logFile  log file
147     * @param debug true if debug messages should be logged (use -Ddebug=true to enable debug message)
148     */
149    public static void setupLogging(File logFile, boolean debug) {
150        Logger root = Logger.getRootLogger();
151        ConsoleAppender console = new ConsoleAppender(new PatternLayout("[%t] %m%n"));
152        console.setThreshold(Level.INFO);
153        root.addAppender(console);
154        if (logFile != null) {
155            try {
156                FileAppender file = new FileAppender(new PatternLayout("%d{dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5p %c{2}> %m%n"), logFile.getPath(), false);
157                file.setThreshold(Level.DEBUG);
158                root.addAppender(file);
159            } catch (IOException e) {
160                sLogger.fatal("Unable to configure logging, reason: " + e.getMessage(), e);
161            }
162        }
163        if (!debug)
164            root.setLevel(Level.INFO);
165    }
167    /**
168     * Return name of the class that is used for loading the data. This class
169     * needs to extend class {@link TimetableLoader}. It can be also defined in
170     * configuration, using TimetableLoader property.
171     **/
172    private String getTimetableLoaderClass(DataProperties properties) {
173        String loader = properties.getProperty("TimetableLoader");
174        if (loader != null)
175            return loader;
176        if (properties.getPropertyInt("General.InputVersion", -1) >= 0)
177            return "org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseLoader";
178        else
179            return "org.cpsolver.coursett.TimetableXMLLoader";
180    }
182    /**
183     * Return name of the class that is used for loading the data. This class
184     * needs to extend class {@link TimetableSaver}. It can be also defined in
185     * configuration, using TimetableSaver property.
186     **/
187    private String getTimetableSaverClass(DataProperties properties) {
188        String saver = properties.getProperty("TimetableSaver");
189        if (saver != null)
190            return saver;
191        if (properties.getPropertyInt("General.InputVersion", -1) >= 0)
192            return "org.unitime.timetable.solver.TimetableDatabaseSaver";
193        else
194            return "org.cpsolver.coursett.TimetableXMLSaver";
195    }
197    /**
198     * Solver Test
199     * 
200     * @param args
201     *            command line arguments
202     */
203    public Test(String[] args) {
204        try {
205            DataProperties properties = ToolBox.loadProperties(new java.io.File(args[0]));
206            properties.putAll(System.getProperties());
207            properties.setProperty("General.Output", properties.getProperty("General.Output", ".") + File.separator + sDateFormat.format(new Date()));
208            if (args.length > 1)
209                properties.setProperty("General.Input", args[1]);
210            if (args.length > 2)
211                properties.setProperty("General.Output", args[2] + File.separator + (sDateFormat.format(new Date())));
212            System.out.println("Output folder: " + properties.getProperty("General.Output"));
213            File outDir = new File(properties.getProperty("General.Output", "."));
214            outDir.mkdirs();
215            setupLogging(new File(outDir, "debug.log"), "true".equals(System.getProperty("debug", "false")));
217            TimetableModel model = new TimetableModel(properties);
218            int nrSolvers = properties.getPropertyInt("Parallel.NrSolvers", 1);
219            Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment = (nrSolvers <= 1 ? new DefaultSingleAssignment<Lecture, Placement>() : new DefaultParallelAssignment<Lecture, Placement>());
220            Progress.getInstance(model).addProgressListener(new ProgressWriter(System.out));
221            Solver<Lecture, Placement> solver = (nrSolvers == 1 ? new Solver<Lecture, Placement>(properties) : new ParallelSolver<Lecture, Placement>(properties));
223            TimetableLoader loader = null;
224            try {
225                loader = (TimetableLoader) Class.forName(getTimetableLoaderClass(properties))
226                        .getConstructor(new Class[] { TimetableModel.class, Assignment.class }).newInstance(new Object[] { model, assignment });
227            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
228                System.err.println(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
229                loader = new TimetableXMLLoader(model, assignment);
230            }
231            loader.load();
233            solver.setInitalSolution(new Solution<Lecture, Placement>(model, assignment));
234            init(solver);
236            iCSVFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outDir.toString() + File.separator + "stat.csv"));
237            String colSeparator = ";";
238            iCSVFile.println("Assigned"
239                    + colSeparator
240                    + "Assigned[%]"
241                    + colSeparator
242                    + "Time[min]"
243                    + colSeparator
244                    + "Iter"
245                    + colSeparator
246                    + "IterYield[%]"
247                    + colSeparator
248                    + "Speed[it/s]"
249                    + colSeparator
250                    + "AddedPert"
251                    + colSeparator
252                    + "AddedPert[%]"
253                    + colSeparator
254                    + "HardStudentConf"
255                    + colSeparator
256                    + "StudentConf"
257                    + colSeparator
258                    + "DistStudentConf"
259                    + colSeparator
260                    + "CommitStudentConf"
261                    + colSeparator
262                    + "TimePref"
263                    + colSeparator
264                    + "RoomPref"
265                    + colSeparator
266                    + "DistInstrPref"
267                    + colSeparator
268                    + "GrConstPref"
269                    + colSeparator
270                    + "UselessHalfHours"
271                    + colSeparator
272                    + "BrokenTimePat"
273                    + colSeparator
274                    + "TooBigRooms"
275                    + (iProp != null ? colSeparator + "GoodVars" + colSeparator + "GoodVars[%]" + colSeparator
276                            + "GoodVals" + colSeparator + "GoodVals[%]" : ""));
277            iCSVFile.flush();
279            Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook(solver));
281            solver.start();
282            try {
283                solver.getSolverThread().join();
284            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
285            }
286        } catch (Throwable t) {
287            sLogger.error("Test failed.", t);
288        }
289    }
291    public static void main(String[] args) {
292        new Test(args);
293    }
295    @Override
296    public void bestCleared(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution) {
297    }
299    @Override
300    public void bestRestored(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution) {
301    }
303    @Override
304    public void bestSaved(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution) {
305        notify(solution);
306        if (sLogger.isInfoEnabled())
307            sLogger.info("**BEST[" + solution.getIteration() + "]** " + ((TimetableModel)solution.getModel()).toString(solution.getAssignment()) +
308                    (solution.getFailedIterations() > 0 ? ", F:" + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * solution.getFailedIterations() / solution.getIteration()) + "%" : ""));
309    }
311    @Override
312    public void getInfo(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution, Map<String, String> info) {
313    }
315    @Override
316    public void getInfo(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution, Map<String, String> info, Collection<Lecture> variables) {
317    }
319    @Override
320    public void solutionUpdated(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution) {
321        if (!initialized) {
322            for (Extension<Lecture, Placement> extension : iSolver.getExtensions()) {
323                if (MacPropagation.class.isInstance(extension))
324                    iProp = (MacPropagation<Lecture, Placement>) extension;
325                if (ConflictStatistics.class.isInstance(extension)) {
326                    iStat = (ConflictStatistics<Lecture, Placement>) extension;
327                }
328            }
329        }
330    }
332    /** Add a line into the output CSV file when a enw best solution is found. 
333     * @param solution current solution
334     **/
335    public void notify(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution) {
336        String colSeparator = ";";
337        Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment = solution.getAssignment();
338        if (assignment.nrAssignedVariables() < solution.getModel().countVariables() && iLastNotified == assignment.nrAssignedVariables())
339            return;
340        iLastNotified = assignment.nrAssignedVariables();
341        if (iCSVFile != null) {
342            TimetableModel model = (TimetableModel) solution.getModel();
343            iCSVFile.print(model.variables().size() - model.nrUnassignedVariables(assignment));
344            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
345            iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * assignment.nrAssignedVariables() / model.variables().size()));
346            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
347            iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format((solution.getTime()) / 60.0));
348            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
349            iCSVFile.print(solution.getIteration());
350            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
351            iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * assignment.nrAssignedVariables() / solution.getIteration()));
352            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
353            iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format((solution.getIteration()) / solution.getTime()));
354            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
355            iCSVFile.print(model.perturbVariables(assignment).size());
356            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
357            iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * model.perturbVariables(assignment).size() / model.variables().size()));
358            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
359            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(StudentHardConflict.class).getValue(assignment)));
360            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
361            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(StudentConflict.class).getValue(assignment)));
362            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
363            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(StudentDistanceConflict.class).getValue(assignment)));
364            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
365            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(StudentCommittedConflict.class).getValue(assignment)));
366            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
367            iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format(solution.getModel().getCriterion(TimePreferences.class).getValue(assignment)));
368            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
369            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(RoomPreferences.class).getValue(assignment)));
370            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
371            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(BackToBackInstructorPreferences.class).getValue(assignment)));
372            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
373            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(DistributionPreferences.class).getValue(assignment)));
374            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
375            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(UselessHalfHours.class).getValue(assignment)));
376            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
377            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(BrokenTimePatterns.class).getValue(assignment)));
378            iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
379            iCSVFile.print(Math.round(solution.getModel().getCriterion(TooBigRooms.class).getValue(assignment)));
380            if (iProp != null) {
381                if (solution.getModel().nrUnassignedVariables(assignment) > 0) {
382                    int goodVariables = 0;
383                    long goodValues = 0;
384                    long allValues = 0;
385                    for (Lecture variable : ((TimetableModel) solution.getModel()).unassignedVariables(assignment)) {
386                        goodValues += iProp.goodValues(assignment, variable).size();
387                        allValues += variable.values(solution.getAssignment()).size();
388                        if (!iProp.goodValues(assignment, variable).isEmpty())
389                            goodVariables++;
390                    }
391                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
392                    iCSVFile.print(goodVariables);
393                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
394                    iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * goodVariables / solution.getModel().nrUnassignedVariables(assignment)));
395                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
396                    iCSVFile.print(goodValues);
397                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
398                    iCSVFile.print(sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * goodValues / allValues));
399                } else {
400                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
401                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
402                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
403                    iCSVFile.print(colSeparator);
404                }
405            }
406            iCSVFile.println();
407            iCSVFile.flush();
408        }
409    }
411    /** Print room utilization 
412     * @param pw writer
413     * @param model problem model
414     * @param assignment current assignment
415     **/
416    public static void printRoomInfo(PrintWriter pw, TimetableModel model, Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment) {
417        pw.println("Room info:");
418        pw.println("id, name, size, used_day, used_total");
419        int firstDaySlot = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_FIRST);
420        int lastDaySlot = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_LAST);
421        int firstWorkDay = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstWorkDay", 0);
422        int lastWorkDay = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastWorkDay", Constants.NR_DAYS_WEEK - 1);
423        if (lastWorkDay < firstWorkDay) lastWorkDay += 7;
424        for (RoomConstraint rc : model.getRoomConstraints()) {
425            int used_day = 0;
426            int used_total = 0;
427            for (int day = firstWorkDay; day <= lastWorkDay; day++) {
428                for (int time = firstDaySlot; time <= lastDaySlot; time++) {
429                    if (!rc.getContext(assignment).getPlacements((day % 7) * Constants.SLOTS_PER_DAY + time).isEmpty())
430                        used_day++;
431                }
432            }
433            for (int day = 0; day < Constants.DAY_CODES.length; day++) {
434                for (int time = 0; time < Constants.SLOTS_PER_DAY; time++) {
435                    if (!rc.getContext(assignment).getPlacements((day % 7) * Constants.SLOTS_PER_DAY + time).isEmpty())
436                        used_total++;
437                }
438            }
439            pw.println(rc.getResourceId() + "," + rc.getName() + "," + rc.getCapacity() + "," + used_day + "," + used_total);
440        }
441    }
443    /** Class information 
444     * @param pw writer
445     * @param model problem model
446     **/
447    public static void printClassInfo(PrintWriter pw, TimetableModel model) {
448        pw.println("Class info:");
449        pw.println("id, name, min_class_limit, max_class_limit, room2limit_ratio, half_hours");
450        for (Lecture lecture : model.variables()) {
451            if (lecture.timeLocations().isEmpty()) {
452                pw.println(lecture.getClassId() + "," + lecture.getName() + "," + lecture.minClassLimit() + ","
453                        + lecture.maxClassLimit() + "," + lecture.roomToLimitRatio() + ","
454                        + "NO TIMES");
455                sLogger.error(lecture.getName() + " has no times.");
456                continue;
457            }
458            TimeLocation time = lecture.timeLocations().get(0);
459            pw.println(lecture.getClassId() + "," + lecture.getName() + "," + lecture.minClassLimit() + ","
460                    + lecture.maxClassLimit() + "," + lecture.roomToLimitRatio() + ","
461                    + (time.getNrSlotsPerMeeting() * time.getNrMeetings()));
462        }
463    }
465    /** Create info.txt with some more information about the problem 
466     * @param solution current solution
467     * @throws IOException an exception that may be thrown
468     **/
469    public static void printSomeStuff(Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution) throws IOException {
470        TimetableModel model = (TimetableModel) solution.getModel();
471        Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment = solution.getAssignment();
472        File outDir = new File(model.getProperties().getProperty("General.Output", "."));
473        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outDir.toString() + File.separator + "info.txt"));
474        PrintWriter pwi = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outDir.toString() + File.separator + "info.csv"));
475        String name = new File(model.getProperties().getProperty("General.Input")).getName();
476        pwi.println("Instance," + name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')));
477        pw.println("Solution info: " + ToolBox.dict2string(solution.getInfo(), 1));
478        pw.println("Bounds: " + ToolBox.dict2string(model.getBounds(assignment), 1));
479        Map<String, String> info = solution.getInfo();
480        for (String key : new TreeSet<String>(info.keySet())) {
481            if (key.equals("Memory usage"))
482                continue;
483            if (key.equals("Iteration"))
484                continue;
485            if (key.equals("Time"))
486                continue;
487            String value = info.get(key);
488            if (value.indexOf(' ') > 0)
489                value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(' '));
490            pwi.println(key + "," + value);
491        }
492        printRoomInfo(pw, model, assignment);
493        printClassInfo(pw, model);
494        long nrValues = 0;
495        long nrTimes = 0;
496        long nrRooms = 0;
497        double totalMaxNormTimePref = 0.0;
498        double totalMinNormTimePref = 0.0;
499        double totalNormTimePref = 0.0;
500        int totalMaxRoomPref = 0;
501        int totalMinRoomPref = 0;
502        int totalRoomPref = 0;
503        long nrStudentEnrls = 0;
504        long nrInevitableStudentConflicts = 0;
505        long nrJenrls = 0;
506        int nrHalfHours = 0;
507        int nrMeetings = 0;
508        int totalMinLimit = 0;
509        int totalMaxLimit = 0;
510        long nrReqRooms = 0;
511        int nrSingleValueVariables = 0;
512        int nrSingleTimeVariables = 0;
513        int nrSingleRoomVariables = 0;
514        long totalAvailableMinRoomSize = 0;
515        long totalAvailableMaxRoomSize = 0;
516        long totalRoomSize = 0;
517        long nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables = 0;
518        long nrOneRoomVariables = 0;
519        HashSet<Student> students = new HashSet<Student>();
520        HashSet<Long> offerings = new HashSet<Long>();
521        HashSet<Long> configs = new HashSet<Long>();
522        HashSet<Long> subparts = new HashSet<Long>();
523        int[] sizeLimits = new int[] { 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 400 };
524        int[] nrRoomsOfSize = new int[sizeLimits.length];
525        int[] minRoomOfSize = new int[sizeLimits.length];
526        int[] maxRoomOfSize = new int[sizeLimits.length];
527        int[] totalUsedSlots = new int[sizeLimits.length];
528        int[] totalUsedSeats = new int[sizeLimits.length];
529        int[] totalUsedSeats2 = new int[sizeLimits.length];
530        int firstDaySlot = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_FIRST);
531        int lastDaySlot = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_LAST);
532        int firstWorkDay = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstWorkDay", 0);
533        int lastWorkDay = model.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastWorkDay", Constants.NR_DAYS_WEEK - 1);
534        if (lastWorkDay < firstWorkDay) lastWorkDay += 7;
535        for (Lecture lect : model.variables()) {
536            if (lect.getConfiguration() != null) {
537                offerings.add(lect.getConfiguration().getOfferingId());
538                configs.add(lect.getConfiguration().getConfigId());
539            }
540            subparts.add(lect.getSchedulingSubpartId());
541            nrStudentEnrls += (lect.students() == null ? 0 : lect.students().size());
542            students.addAll(lect.students());
543            nrValues += lect.values(solution.getAssignment()).size();
544            nrReqRooms += lect.getNrRooms();
545            for (RoomLocation room: lect.roomLocations())
546                if (room.getPreference() < Constants.sPreferenceLevelProhibited / 2)
547                    nrRooms++;
548            for (TimeLocation time: lect.timeLocations())
549                if (time.getPreference() < Constants.sPreferenceLevelProhibited / 2)
550                    nrTimes ++;
551            totalMinLimit += lect.minClassLimit();
552            totalMaxLimit += lect.maxClassLimit();
553            if (!lect.values(solution.getAssignment()).isEmpty()) {
554                Placement p = lect.values(solution.getAssignment()).get(0);
555                nrMeetings += p.getTimeLocation().getNrMeetings();
556                nrHalfHours += p.getTimeLocation().getNrMeetings() * p.getTimeLocation().getNrSlotsPerMeeting();
557                totalMaxNormTimePref += lect.getMinMaxTimePreference()[1];
558                totalMinNormTimePref += lect.getMinMaxTimePreference()[0];
559                totalNormTimePref += Math.abs(lect.getMinMaxTimePreference()[1] - lect.getMinMaxTimePreference()[0]);
560                totalMaxRoomPref += lect.getMinMaxRoomPreference()[1];
561                totalMinRoomPref += lect.getMinMaxRoomPreference()[0];
562                totalRoomPref += Math.abs(lect.getMinMaxRoomPreference()[1] - lect.getMinMaxRoomPreference()[0]);
563                TimeLocation time = p.getTimeLocation();
564                boolean hasRoomConstraint = false;
565                for (RoomLocation roomLocation : lect.roomLocations()) {
566                    if (roomLocation.getRoomConstraint().getConstraint())
567                        hasRoomConstraint = true;
568                }
569                if (hasRoomConstraint && lect.getNrRooms() > 0) {
570                    for (int d = firstWorkDay; d <= lastWorkDay; d++) {
571                        if ((time.getDayCode() & Constants.DAY_CODES[d % 7]) == 0)
572                            continue;
573                        for (int t = Math.max(time.getStartSlot(), firstDaySlot); t <= Math.min(time.getStartSlot() + time.getLength() - 1, lastDaySlot); t++) {
574                            for (int l = 0; l < sizeLimits.length; l++) {
575                                if (sizeLimits[l] <= lect.minRoomSize()) {
576                                    totalUsedSlots[l] += lect.getNrRooms();
577                                    totalUsedSeats[l] += lect.classLimit(assignment);
578                                    totalUsedSeats2[l] += lect.minRoomSize() * lect.getNrRooms();
579                                }
580                            }
581                        }
582                    }
583                }
584            }
585            if (lect.values(solution.getAssignment()).size() == 1) {
586                nrSingleValueVariables++;
587            }
588            if (lect.timeLocations().size() == 1) {
589                nrSingleTimeVariables++;
590            }
591            if (lect.roomLocations().size() == 1) {
592                nrSingleRoomVariables++;
593            }
594            if (lect.getNrRooms() == 1) {
595                nrOneRoomVariables++;
596            }
597            if (lect.getNrRooms() > 0) {
598                nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables++;
599            }
600            if (!lect.roomLocations().isEmpty()) {
601                int minRoomSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
602                int maxRoomSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
603                for (RoomLocation rl : lect.roomLocations()) {
604                    minRoomSize = Math.min(minRoomSize, rl.getRoomSize());
605                    maxRoomSize = Math.max(maxRoomSize, rl.getRoomSize());
606                    totalRoomSize += rl.getRoomSize();
607                }
608                totalAvailableMinRoomSize += minRoomSize;
609                totalAvailableMaxRoomSize += maxRoomSize;
610            }
611        }
612        for (JenrlConstraint jenrl : model.getJenrlConstraints()) {
613            nrJenrls += jenrl.getJenrl();
614            if ((jenrl.first()).timeLocations().size() == 1 && (jenrl.second()).timeLocations().size() == 1) {
615                TimeLocation t1 = jenrl.first().timeLocations().get(0);
616                TimeLocation t2 = jenrl.second().timeLocations().get(0);
617                if (t1.hasIntersection(t2)) {
618                    nrInevitableStudentConflicts += jenrl.getJenrl();
619                    pw.println("Inevitable " + jenrl.getJenrl() + " student conflicts between " + jenrl.first() + " "
620                            + t1 + " and " + jenrl.second() + " " + t2);
621                } else if (jenrl.first().values(solution.getAssignment()).size() == 1 && jenrl.second().values(solution.getAssignment()).size() == 1) {
622                    Placement p1 = jenrl.first().values(solution.getAssignment()).get(0);
623                    Placement p2 = jenrl.second().values(solution.getAssignment()).get(0);
624                    if (JenrlConstraint.isInConflict(p1, p2, ((TimetableModel)p1.variable().getModel()).getDistanceMetric(), ((TimetableModel)p1.variable().getModel()).getStudentWorkDayLimit())) {
625                        nrInevitableStudentConflicts += jenrl.getJenrl();
626                        pw.println("Inevitable " + jenrl.getJenrl()
627                                + (p1.getTimeLocation().hasIntersection(p2.getTimeLocation()) ? "" : " distance")
628                                + " student conflicts between " + p1 + " and " + p2);
629                    }
630                }
631            }
632        }
633        int totalCommitedPlacements = 0;
634        for (Student student : students) {
635            if (student.getCommitedPlacements() != null)
636                totalCommitedPlacements += student.getCommitedPlacements().size();
637        }
638        pw.println("Total number of classes: " + model.variables().size());
639        pwi.println("Number of classes," + model.variables().size());
640        pw.println("Total number of instructional offerings: " + offerings.size() + " ("
641                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * offerings.size() / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
642        // pwi.println("Number of instructional offerings,"+offerings.size());
643        pw.println("Total number of configurations: " + configs.size() + " ("
644                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * configs.size() / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
645        pw.println("Total number of scheduling subparts: " + subparts.size() + " ("
646                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * subparts.size() / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
647        // pwi.println("Number of scheduling subparts,"+subparts.size());
648        pw.println("Average number classes per subpart: "
649                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * model.variables().size() / subparts.size()));
650        pwi.println("Avg. classes per instruction,"
651                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * model.variables().size() / subparts.size()));
652        pw.println("Average number classes per config: "
653                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * model.variables().size() / configs.size()));
654        pw.println("Average number classes per offering: "
655                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * model.variables().size() / offerings.size()));
656        pw.println("Total number of classes with only one value: " + nrSingleValueVariables + " ("
657                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrSingleValueVariables / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
658        pw.println("Total number of classes with only one time: " + nrSingleTimeVariables + " ("
659                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrSingleTimeVariables / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
660        pw.println("Total number of classes with only one room: " + nrSingleRoomVariables + " ("
661                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrSingleRoomVariables / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
662        pwi.println("Classes with single value," + nrSingleValueVariables);
663        // pwi.println("Classes with only one time/room,"+nrSingleTimeVariables+"/"+nrSingleRoomVariables);
664        pw.println("Total number of classes requesting no room: "
665                + (model.variables().size() - nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables)
666                + " ("
667                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * (model.variables().size() - nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables)
668                        / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
669        pw.println("Total number of classes requesting one room: " + nrOneRoomVariables + " ("
670                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrOneRoomVariables / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
671        pw.println("Total number of classes requesting one or more rooms: " + nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables + " ("
672                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
673        // pwi.println("% classes requesting no room,"+sDoubleFormat.format(100.0*(model.variables().size()-nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables)/model.variables().size())+"%");
674        // pwi.println("% classes requesting one room,"+sDoubleFormat.format(100.0*nrOneRoomVariables/model.variables().size())+"%");
675        // pwi.println("% classes requesting two or more rooms,"+sDoubleFormat.format(100.0*(nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables-nrOneRoomVariables)/model.variables().size())+"%");
676        pw.println("Average number of requested rooms: "
677                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrReqRooms / model.variables().size()));
678        pw.println("Average minimal class limit: "
679                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalMinLimit / model.variables().size()));
680        pw.println("Average maximal class limit: "
681                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalMaxLimit / model.variables().size()));
682        // pwi.println("Average class limit,"+sDoubleFormat.format(1.0*(totalMinLimit+totalMaxLimit)/(2*model.variables().size())));
683        pw.println("Average number of placements: " + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrValues / model.variables().size()));
684        // pwi.println("Average domain size,"+sDoubleFormat.format(1.0*nrValues/model.variables().size()));
685        pwi.println("Avg. domain size," + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrValues / model.variables().size()));
686        pw.println("Average number of time locations: "
687                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrTimes / model.variables().size()));
688        pwi.println("Avg. number of avail. times/rooms,"
689                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrTimes / model.variables().size()) + "/"
690                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrRooms / model.variables().size()));
691        pw.println("Average number of room locations: "
692                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrRooms / model.variables().size()));
693        pw.println("Average minimal requested room size: "
694                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalAvailableMinRoomSize / nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables));
695        pw.println("Average maximal requested room size: "
696                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalAvailableMaxRoomSize / nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables));
697        pw.println("Average requested room sizes: " + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalRoomSize / nrRooms));
698        pwi.println("Average requested room size," + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalRoomSize / nrRooms));
699        pw.println("Average maximum normalized time preference: "
700                + sDoubleFormat.format(totalMaxNormTimePref / model.variables().size()));
701        pw.println("Average minimum normalized time preference: "
702                + sDoubleFormat.format(totalMinNormTimePref / model.variables().size()));
703        pw.println("Average normalized time preference,"
704                + sDoubleFormat.format(totalNormTimePref / model.variables().size()));
705        pw.println("Average maximum room preferences: "
706                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalMaxRoomPref / nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables));
707        pw.println("Average minimum room preferences: "
708                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalMinRoomPref / nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables));
709        pw.println("Average room preferences," + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalRoomPref / nrOneOrMoreRoomVariables));
710        pw.println("Total number of students:" + students.size());
711        pwi.println("Number of students," + students.size());
712        pwi.println("Number of inevitable student conflicts," + nrInevitableStudentConflicts);
713        pw.println("Total amount of student enrollments: " + nrStudentEnrls);
714        pwi.println("Number of student enrollments," + nrStudentEnrls);
715        pw.println("Total amount of joined enrollments: " + nrJenrls);
716        pwi.println("Number of joint student enrollments," + nrJenrls);
717        pw.println("Average number of students: "
718                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * students.size() / model.variables().size()));
719        pw.println("Average number of enrollemnts (per student): "
720                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrStudentEnrls / students.size()));
721        pwi.println("Avg. number of classes per student,"
722                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrStudentEnrls / students.size()));
723        pwi.println("Avg. number of committed classes per student,"
724                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalCommitedPlacements / students.size()));
725        pw.println("Total amount of inevitable student conflicts: " + nrInevitableStudentConflicts + " ("
726                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrInevitableStudentConflicts / nrStudentEnrls) + "%)");
727        pw.println("Average number of meetings (per class): "
728                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrMeetings / model.variables().size()));
729        pw.println("Average number of hours per class: "
730                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrHalfHours / model.variables().size() / 12.0));
731        pwi.println("Avg. number of meetings per class,"
732                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrMeetings / model.variables().size()));
733        pwi.println("Avg. number of hours per class,"
734                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrHalfHours / model.variables().size() / 12.0));
735        int minRoomSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
736        int maxRoomSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
737        int nrDistancePairs = 0;
738        double maxRoomDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
739        double totalRoomDistance = 0.0;
740        int[] totalAvailableSlots = new int[sizeLimits.length];
741        int[] totalAvailableSeats = new int[sizeLimits.length];
742        int nrOfRooms = 0;
743        totalRoomSize = 0;
744        for (RoomConstraint rc : model.getRoomConstraints()) {
745            if (rc.variables().isEmpty()) continue;
746            nrOfRooms++;
747            minRoomSize = Math.min(minRoomSize, rc.getCapacity());
748            maxRoomSize = Math.max(maxRoomSize, rc.getCapacity());
749            for (int l = 0; l < sizeLimits.length; l++) {
750                if (sizeLimits[l] <= rc.getCapacity()
751                        && (l + 1 == sizeLimits.length || rc.getCapacity() < sizeLimits[l + 1])) {
752                    nrRoomsOfSize[l]++;
753                    if (minRoomOfSize[l] == 0)
754                        minRoomOfSize[l] = rc.getCapacity();
755                    else
756                        minRoomOfSize[l] = Math.min(minRoomOfSize[l], rc.getCapacity());
757                    if (maxRoomOfSize[l] == 0)
758                        maxRoomOfSize[l] = rc.getCapacity();
759                    else
760                        maxRoomOfSize[l] = Math.max(maxRoomOfSize[l], rc.getCapacity());
761                }
762            }
763            totalRoomSize += rc.getCapacity();
764            if (rc.getPosX() != null && rc.getPosY() != null) {
765                for (RoomConstraint rc2 : model.getRoomConstraints()) {
766                    if (rc2.getResourceId().compareTo(rc.getResourceId()) > 0 && rc2.getPosX() != null && rc2.getPosY() != null) {
767                        double distance = ((TimetableModel)solution.getModel()).getDistanceMetric().getDistanceInMinutes(rc.getId(), rc.getPosX(), rc.getPosY(), rc2.getId(), rc2.getPosX(), rc2.getPosY());
768                        totalRoomDistance += distance;
769                        nrDistancePairs++;
770                        maxRoomDistance = Math.max(maxRoomDistance, distance);
771                    }
772                }
773            }
774            for (int d = firstWorkDay; d <= lastWorkDay; d++) {
775                for (int t = firstDaySlot; t <= lastDaySlot; t++) {
776                    if (rc.isAvailable((d % 7) * Constants.SLOTS_PER_DAY + t)) {
777                        for (int l = 0; l < sizeLimits.length; l++) {
778                            if (sizeLimits[l] <= rc.getCapacity()) {
779                                totalAvailableSlots[l]++;
780                                totalAvailableSeats[l] += rc.getCapacity();
781                            }
782                        }
783                    }
784                }
785            }
786        }
787        pw.println("Total number of rooms: " + nrOfRooms);
788        pwi.println("Number of rooms," + nrOfRooms);
789        pw.println("Minimal room size: " + minRoomSize);
790        pw.println("Maximal room size: " + maxRoomSize);
791        pwi.println("Room size min/max," + minRoomSize + "/" + maxRoomSize);
792        pw.println("Average room size: "
793                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalRoomSize / model.getRoomConstraints().size()));
794        pw.println("Maximal distance between two rooms: " + sDoubleFormat.format(maxRoomDistance));
795        pw.println("Average distance between two rooms: "
796                + sDoubleFormat.format(totalRoomDistance / nrDistancePairs));
797        pwi.println("Average distance between two rooms [min],"
798                + sDoubleFormat.format(totalRoomDistance / nrDistancePairs));
799        pwi.println("Maximal distance between two rooms [min]," + sDoubleFormat.format(maxRoomDistance));
800        for (int l = 0; l < sizeLimits.length; l++) {// sizeLimits.length;l++) {
801            pwi.println("\"Room frequency (size>=" + sizeLimits[l] + ", used/avaiable times)\","
802                    + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * totalUsedSlots[l] / totalAvailableSlots[l]) + "%");
803            pwi.println("\"Room utilization (size>=" + sizeLimits[l] + ", used/available seats)\","
804                    + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * totalUsedSeats[l] / totalAvailableSeats[l]) + "%");
805            pwi.println("\"Number of rooms (size>=" + sizeLimits[l] + ")\"," + nrRoomsOfSize[l]);
806            pwi.println("\"Min/max room size (size>=" + sizeLimits[l] + ")\"," + minRoomOfSize[l] + "-"
807                    + maxRoomOfSize[l]);
808            // pwi.println("\"Room utilization (size>="+sizeLimits[l]+", minRoomSize)\","+sDoubleFormat.format(100.0*totalUsedSeats2[l]/totalAvailableSeats[l])+"%");
809        }
810        pw.println("Average hours available: "
811                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalAvailableSlots[0] / nrOfRooms / 12.0));
812        int totalInstructedClasses = 0;
813        for (InstructorConstraint ic : model.getInstructorConstraints()) {
814            totalInstructedClasses += ic.variables().size();
815        }
816        pw.println("Total number of instructors: " + model.getInstructorConstraints().size());
817        pwi.println("Number of instructors," + model.getInstructorConstraints().size());
818        pw.println("Total class-instructor assignments: " + totalInstructedClasses + " ("
819                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * totalInstructedClasses / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
820        pwi.println("Number of class-instructor assignments," + totalInstructedClasses);
821        pw.println("Average classes per instructor: "
822                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalInstructedClasses / model.getInstructorConstraints().size()));
823        pwi.println("Average classes per instructor,"
824                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * totalInstructedClasses / model.getInstructorConstraints().size()));
825        // pw.println("Average hours available: "+sDoubleFormat.format(1.0*totalAvailableSlots/model.getInstructorConstraints().size()/12.0));
826        // pwi.println("Instructor availability [h],"+sDoubleFormat.format(1.0*totalAvailableSlots/model.getInstructorConstraints().size()/12.0));
827        int nrGroupConstraints = model.getGroupConstraints().size() + model.getSpreadConstraints().size();
828        int nrHardGroupConstraints = 0;
829        int nrVarsInGroupConstraints = 0;
830        for (GroupConstraint gc : model.getGroupConstraints()) {
831            if (gc.isHard())
832                nrHardGroupConstraints++;
833            nrVarsInGroupConstraints += gc.variables().size();
834        }
835        for (SpreadConstraint sc : model.getSpreadConstraints()) {
836            nrVarsInGroupConstraints += sc.variables().size();
837        }
838        pw.println("Total number of group constraints: " + nrGroupConstraints + " ("
839                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrGroupConstraints / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
840        // pwi.println("Number of group constraints,"+nrGroupConstraints);
841        pw.println("Total number of hard group constraints: " + nrHardGroupConstraints + " ("
842                + sDoubleFormat.format(100.0 * nrHardGroupConstraints / model.variables().size()) + "%)");
843        // pwi.println("Number of hard group constraints,"+nrHardGroupConstraints);
844        pw.println("Average classes per group constraint: "
845                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrVarsInGroupConstraints / nrGroupConstraints));
846        // pwi.println("Average classes per group constraint,"+sDoubleFormat.format(1.0*nrVarsInGroupConstraints/nrGroupConstraints));
847        pwi.println("Avg. number distribution constraints per class,"
848                + sDoubleFormat.format(1.0 * nrVarsInGroupConstraints / model.variables().size()));
849        pwi.println("Joint enrollment constraints," + model.getJenrlConstraints().size());
850        pw.flush();
851        pw.close();
852        pwi.flush();
853        pwi.close();
854    }
856    public static void saveOutputCSV(Solution<Lecture, Placement> s, File file) {
857        try {
858            DecimalFormat dx = new DecimalFormat("000");
859            PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file));
860            TimetableModel m = (TimetableModel) s.getModel();
861            int firstDaySlot = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_FIRST);
862            int lastDaySlot = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastDaySlot", Constants.DAY_SLOTS_LAST);
863            int firstWorkDay = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.FirstWorkDay", 0);
864            int lastWorkDay = m.getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.LastWorkDay", Constants.NR_DAYS_WEEK - 1);
865            if (lastWorkDay < firstWorkDay) lastWorkDay += 7;
866            Assignment<Lecture, Placement> a = s.getAssignment();
867            int idx = 1;
868            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Assigned variables," + a.nrAssignedVariables());
869            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Time [sec]," + sDoubleFormat.format(s.getBestTime()));
870            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Hard student conflicts," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentHardConflict.class).getValue(a)));
871            if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
872                w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distance student conf.," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentDistanceConflict.class).getValue(a)));
873            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Student conflicts," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentConflict.class).getValue(a)));
874            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Committed student conflicts," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentCommittedConflict.class).getValue(a)));
875            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " All Student conflicts,"
876                    + Math.round(m.getCriterion(StudentConflict.class).getValue(a) + m.getCriterion(StudentCommittedConflict.class).getValue(a)));
877            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Time preferences,"
878                    + sDoubleFormat.format( m.getCriterion(TimePreferences.class).getValue(a)));
879            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Room preferences," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(RoomPreferences.class).getValue(a)));
880            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Useless half-hours," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(UselessHalfHours.class).getValue(a)));
881            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Broken time patterns," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(BrokenTimePatterns.class).getValue(a)));
882            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Too big room," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(TooBigRooms.class).getValue(a)));
883            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distribution preferences," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(DistributionPreferences.class).getValue(a)));
884            if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
885                w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref.," + Math.round(m.getCriterion(BackToBackInstructorPreferences.class).getValue(a)));
886            if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.DeptBalancing", true)) {
887                w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Dept. balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(DepartmentBalancingPenalty.class).getValue(a)));
888            }
889            w.println("000." + dx.format(idx++) + " Same subpart balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(SameSubpartBalancingPenalty.class).getValue(a)));
890            if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.MPP", false)) {
891                Map<String, Double> mppInfo = ((UniversalPerturbationsCounter)((Perturbations)m.getCriterion(Perturbations.class)).getPerturbationsCounter()).getCompactInfo(a, m, false, false);
892                int pidx = 51;
893                w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Perturbation penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format(m.getCriterion(Perturbations.class).getValue(a)));
894                w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Additional perturbations," + m.perturbVariables(a).size());
895                int nrPert = 0, nrStudentPert = 0;
896                for (Lecture lecture : m.variables()) {
897                    if (lecture.getInitialAssignment() != null)
898                        continue;
899                    nrPert++;
900                    nrStudentPert += lecture.classLimit(a);
901                }
902                w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Given perturbations," + nrPert);
903                w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " Given student perturbations," + nrStudentPert);
904                for (String key : new TreeSet<String>(mppInfo.keySet())) {
905                    Double value = mppInfo.get(key);
906                    w.println("000." + dx.format(pidx++) + " " + key + "," + sDoubleFormat.format(value));
907                }
908            }
909            HashSet<Student> students = new HashSet<Student>();
910            int enrls = 0;
911            int minRoomPref = 0, maxRoomPref = 0;
912            int minGrPref = 0, maxGrPref = 0;
913            int minTimePref = 0, maxTimePref = 0;
914            int worstInstrPref = 0;
915            HashSet<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>> used = new HashSet<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>>();
916            for (Lecture lecture : m.variables()) {
917                enrls += (lecture.students() == null ? 0 : lecture.students().size());
918                students.addAll(lecture.students());
920                int[] minMaxRoomPref = lecture.getMinMaxRoomPreference();
921                maxRoomPref += minMaxRoomPref[1] - minMaxRoomPref[0];
923                double[] minMaxTimePref = lecture.getMinMaxTimePreference();
924                maxTimePref += minMaxTimePref[1] - minMaxTimePref[0];
925                for (Constraint<Lecture, Placement> c : lecture.constraints()) {
926                    if (!used.add(c))
927                        continue;
929                    if (c instanceof InstructorConstraint) {
930                        InstructorConstraint ic = (InstructorConstraint) c;
931                        worstInstrPref += ic.getWorstPreference();
932                    }
934                    if (c instanceof GroupConstraint) {
935                        GroupConstraint gc = (GroupConstraint) c;
936                        if (gc.isHard())
937                            continue;
938                        maxGrPref += Math.abs(gc.getPreference()) * (1 + (gc.variables().size() * (gc.variables().size() - 1)) / 2);
939                    }
940                }
941            }
942            int totalCommitedPlacements = 0;
943            for (Student student : students) {
944                if (student.getCommitedPlacements() != null)
945                    totalCommitedPlacements += student.getCommitedPlacements().size();
946            }
947            HashMap<Long, List<Lecture>> subs = new HashMap<Long, List<Lecture>>();
948            for (Lecture lecture : m.variables()) {
949                if (lecture.isCommitted() || lecture.getScheduler() == null)
950                    continue;
951                List<Lecture> vars = subs.get(lecture.getScheduler());
952                if (vars == null) {
953                    vars = new ArrayList<Lecture>();
954                    subs.put(lecture.getScheduler(), vars);
955                }
956                vars.add(lecture);
957            }
958            int bidx = 101;
959            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Assigned variables max," + m.variables().size());
960            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Student enrollments," + enrls);
961            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Student commited enrollments," + totalCommitedPlacements);
962            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " All student enrollments," + (enrls + totalCommitedPlacements));
963            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences min," + minTimePref);
964            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences max," + maxTimePref);
965            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences min," + minRoomPref);
966            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences max," + maxRoomPref);
967            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Useless half-hours max," +
968                    (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * m.getRoomConstraints().size() * (lastDaySlot - firstDaySlot + 1) * (lastWorkDay - firstWorkDay + 1)));
969            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Too big room max," + (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * m.variables().size()));
970            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences min," + minGrPref);
971            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences max," + maxGrPref);
972            w.println("000." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref max," + worstInstrPref);
973            TooBigRooms tbr = (TooBigRooms)m.getCriterion(TooBigRooms.class);
974            for (Long scheduler: new TreeSet<Long>(subs.keySet())) {
975                List<Lecture> vars = subs.get(scheduler);
976                idx = 001;
977                bidx = 101;
978                int nrAssg = 0;
979                enrls = 0;
980                int roomPref = 0;
981                minRoomPref = 0;
982                maxRoomPref = 0;
983                double timePref = 0;
984                minTimePref = 0;
985                maxTimePref = 0;
986                double grPref = 0;
987                minGrPref = 0;
988                maxGrPref = 0;
989                long allSC = 0, hardSC = 0, distSC = 0;
990                int instPref = 0;
991                worstInstrPref = 0;
992                int spreadPen = 0, deptSpreadPen = 0;
993                int tooBigRooms = 0;
994                int rcs = 0, uselessSlots = 0;
995                used = new HashSet<Constraint<Lecture, Placement>>();
996                for (Lecture lecture : vars) {
997                    if (lecture.isCommitted())
998                        continue;
999                    enrls += lecture.students().size();
1000                    Placement placement = a.getValue(lecture);
1001                    if (placement != null) {
1002                        nrAssg++;
1003                    }
1005                    int[] minMaxRoomPref = lecture.getMinMaxRoomPreference();
1006                    minRoomPref += minMaxRoomPref[0];
1007                    maxRoomPref += minMaxRoomPref[1];
1009                    double[] minMaxTimePref = lecture.getMinMaxTimePreference();
1010                    minTimePref += minMaxTimePref[0];
1011                    maxTimePref += minMaxTimePref[1];
1013                    if (placement != null) {
1014                        roomPref += placement.getRoomPreference();
1015                        timePref += placement.getTimeLocation().getNormalizedPreference();
1016                        if (tbr != null) tooBigRooms += tbr.getPreference(placement);
1017                    }
1019                    for (Constraint<Lecture, Placement> c : lecture.constraints()) {
1020                        if (!used.add(c))
1021                            continue;
1023                        if (c instanceof InstructorConstraint) {
1024                            InstructorConstraint ic = (InstructorConstraint) c;
1025                            instPref += ic.getPreference(a);
1026                            worstInstrPref += ic.getWorstPreference();
1027                        }
1029                        if (c instanceof DepartmentSpreadConstraint) {
1030                            DepartmentSpreadConstraint dsc = (DepartmentSpreadConstraint) c;
1031                            deptSpreadPen += dsc.getPenalty(a);
1032                        } else if (c instanceof SpreadConstraint) {
1033                            SpreadConstraint sc = (SpreadConstraint) c;
1034                            spreadPen += sc.getPenalty(a);
1035                        }
1037                        if (c instanceof GroupConstraint) {
1038                            GroupConstraint gc = (GroupConstraint) c;
1039                            if (gc.isHard())
1040                                continue;
1041                            minGrPref -= Math.abs(gc.getPreference());
1042                            maxGrPref += 0;
1043                            grPref += Math.min(0, gc.getCurrentPreference(a));
1044                            // minGrPref += Math.min(gc.getPreference(), 0);
1045                            // maxGrPref += Math.max(gc.getPreference(), 0);
1046                            // grPref += gc.getCurrentPreference();
1047                        }
1049                        if (c instanceof JenrlConstraint) {
1050                            JenrlConstraint jc = (JenrlConstraint) c;
1051                            if (!jc.isInConflict(a) || !jc.isOfTheSameProblem())
1052                                continue;
1053                            Lecture l1 = jc.first();
1054                            Lecture l2 = jc.second();
1055                            allSC += jc.getJenrl();
1056                            if (l1.areStudentConflictsHard(l2))
1057                                hardSC += jc.getJenrl();
1058                            Placement p1 = a.getValue(l1);
1059                            Placement p2 = a.getValue(l2);
1060                            if (!p1.getTimeLocation().hasIntersection(p2.getTimeLocation()))
1061                                distSC += jc.getJenrl();
1062                        }
1064                        if (c instanceof RoomConstraint) {
1065                            RoomConstraint rc = (RoomConstraint) c;
1066                            uselessSlots += UselessHalfHours.countUselessSlotsHalfHours(rc.getContext(a)) + BrokenTimePatterns.countUselessSlotsBrokenTimePatterns(rc.getContext(a));
1067                            rcs++;
1068                        }
1069                    }
1070                }
1071                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Assigned variables," + nrAssg);
1072                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Assigned variables max," + vars.size());
1073                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Hard student conflicts," + hardSC);
1074                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Student enrollments," + enrls);
1075                if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
1076                    w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distance student conf.," + distSC);
1077                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Student conflicts," + allSC);
1078                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Time preferences," + timePref);
1079                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences min," + minTimePref);
1080                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Time preferences max," + maxTimePref);
1081                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Room preferences," + roomPref);
1082                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences min," + minRoomPref);
1083                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Room preferences max," + maxRoomPref);
1084                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Useless half-hours," + uselessSlots);
1085                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Useless half-hours max," +
1086                        (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * rcs * (lastDaySlot - firstDaySlot + 1) * (lastWorkDay - firstWorkDay + 1)));
1087                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Too big room," + tooBigRooms);
1088                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Too big room max," + (Constants.sPreferenceLevelStronglyDiscouraged * vars.size()));
1089                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Distribution preferences," + grPref);
1090                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences min," + minGrPref);
1091                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Distribution preferences max," + maxGrPref);
1092                if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.UseDistanceConstraints", true))
1093                    w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref," + instPref);
1094                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(bidx++) + " Back-to-back instructor pref max," + worstInstrPref);
1095                if (m.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.DeptBalancing", true)) {
1096                    w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Department balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format((deptSpreadPen) / 12.0));
1097                }
1098                w.println(dx.format(scheduler) + "." + dx.format(idx++) + " Same subpart balancing penalty," + sDoubleFormat.format((spreadPen) / 12.0));
1099            }
1100            w.flush();
1101            w.close();
1102        } catch (java.io.IOException io) {
1103            sLogger.error(io.getMessage(), io);
1104        }
1105    }
1107    private class ShutdownHook extends Thread {
1108        Solver<Lecture, Placement> iSolver = null;
1110        private ShutdownHook(Solver<Lecture, Placement> solver) {
1111            setName("ShutdownHook");
1112            iSolver = solver;
1113        }
1115        @Override
1116        public void run() {
1117            try {
1118                if (iSolver.isRunning()) iSolver.stopSolver();
1119                Solution<Lecture, Placement> solution = iSolver.lastSolution();
1120                long lastIt = solution.getIteration();
1121                double lastTime = solution.getTime();
1122                DataProperties properties = iSolver.getProperties();
1123                TimetableModel model = (TimetableModel) solution.getModel();
1124                File outDir = new File(properties.getProperty("General.Output", "."));
1126                if (solution.getBestInfo() != null) {
1127                    Solution<Lecture, Placement> bestSolution = solution;// .cloneBest();
1128                    sLogger.info("Last solution: " + ToolBox.dict2string(bestSolution.getExtendedInfo(), 1));
1129                    sLogger.info("Best solution (before restore): " + ToolBox.dict2string(bestSolution.getBestInfo(), 1));
1130                    bestSolution.restoreBest();
1131                    sLogger.info("Best solution: " + ToolBox.dict2string(bestSolution.getExtendedInfo(), 1));
1132                    if (properties.getPropertyBoolean("General.SwitchStudents", true))
1133                        ((TimetableModel) bestSolution.getModel()).switchStudents(bestSolution.getAssignment());
1134                    sLogger.info("Best solution: " + ToolBox.dict2string(bestSolution.getExtendedInfo(), 1));
1135                    saveOutputCSV(bestSolution, new File(outDir, "output.csv"));
1137                    printSomeStuff(bestSolution);
1139                    if (properties.getPropertyBoolean("General.Save", true)) {
1140                        TimetableSaver saver = null;
1141                        try {
1142                            saver = (TimetableSaver) Class.forName(getTimetableSaverClass(properties))
1143                                .getConstructor(new Class[] { Solver.class }).newInstance(new Object[] { iSolver });
1144                        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
1145                            System.err.println(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
1146                            saver = new TimetableXMLSaver(iSolver);
1147                        }
1148                        if ((saver instanceof TimetableXMLSaver) && properties.getProperty("General.SolutionFile") != null)
1149                            ((TimetableXMLSaver) saver).save(new File(properties.getProperty("General.SolutionFile")));
1150                        else
1151                            saver.save();
1152                    }
1153                } else {
1154                    sLogger.info("Last solution:" + ToolBox.dict2string(solution.getExtendedInfo(), 1));
1155                }
1157                iCSVFile.close();
1159                sLogger.info("Total number of done iteration steps:" + lastIt);
1160                sLogger.info("Achieved speed: " + sDoubleFormat.format(lastIt / lastTime) + " iterations/second");
1162                PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(outDir, "solver.html")));
1163                out.println("<html><title>Save log</title><body>");
1164                out.println(Progress.getInstance(model).getHtmlLog(Progress.MSGLEVEL_TRACE, true));
1165                out.println("</html>");
1166                out.flush();
1167                out.close();
1168                Progress.removeInstance(model);
1170                if (iStat != null) {
1171                    PrintWriter cbs = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(outDir, "cbs.txt")));
1172                    cbs.println(iStat.toString());
1173                    cbs.flush(); cbs.close();
1174                }
1176                System.out.println("Unassigned variables: " + model.nrUnassignedVariables(solution.getAssignment()));
1177            } catch (Throwable t) {
1178                sLogger.error("Test failed.", t);
1179            }
1180        }
1181    }