001package org.cpsolver.coursett.sectioning;
003import java.util.ArrayList;
004import java.util.Arrays;
005import java.util.Collections;
006import java.util.Comparator;
007import java.util.HashMap;
008import java.util.HashSet;
009import java.util.LinkedList;
010import java.util.List;
011import java.util.Map;
012import java.util.Map.Entry;
013import java.util.Queue;
014import java.util.Set;
015import java.util.TreeSet;
017import org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint.JenrlConstraint;
018import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.StudentConflict;
019import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Configuration;
020import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Lecture;
021import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement;
022import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Student;
023import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.StudentGroup;
024import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimetableModel;
025import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment;
026import org.cpsolver.ifs.criteria.Criterion;
027import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.JProf;
030 * A model representing student enrollments of a course. Branch & bound algorithm
031 * is used to propose best possible enrollment of all students into the given course.
032 *  
033 * 
034 * @version CourseTT 1.3 (University Course Timetabling)<br>
035 *          Copyright (C) 2017 Tomáš Müller<br>
036 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
037 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
038 * <br>
039 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
040 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
041 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
042 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
043 * <br>
044 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
045 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
047 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
048 * <br>
049 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
050 *          License along with this library; if not see
051 *          <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.
052 */
053public class SctModel {
054    public static double sEps = 0.0001;
055    private long iTimeOut = 1000;
056    private boolean iUseCriteria = true;
057    private TimetableModel iModel;
058    private Assignment<Lecture, Placement> iAssignment;
059    private List<StudentConflict> iStudentConflictCriteria = null;
060    private List<Configuration> iConfigurations = null;
061    private List<SctStudent> iStudents = null;
062    private Long iOfferingId = null;
063    private Map<Long, Double> iLimits = new HashMap<Long, Double>();
064    private Map<Long, Map<Long, Set<Lecture>>> iSubparts = new HashMap<Long, Map<Long, Set<Lecture>>>();
065    private boolean iTimeOutReached = false;
066    private boolean iGroupFirst = false;
068    /**
069     * Constructor
070     * @param model course timetabling model
071     * @param assignment current assignment
072     */
073    public SctModel(TimetableModel model, Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment) {
074        iModel = model;
075        iAssignment = assignment;
076        iTimeOut = model.getProperties().getPropertyLong("SctSectioning.TimeOut", 1000);
077        iUseCriteria = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("SctSectioning.UseCriteria", true);
078        iGroupFirst = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("SctSectioning.GroupFirst", false);
079    }
081    /**
082     * List of student conflict criteria
083     */
084    public List<StudentConflict> getStudentConflictCriteria() {
085        if (!iUseCriteria) return null;
086        if (iStudentConflictCriteria == null && iModel != null) {
087            iStudentConflictCriteria = new ArrayList<StudentConflict>();
088            for (Criterion<Lecture, Placement> criterion: iModel.getCriteria())
089                if (criterion instanceof StudentConflict)
090                    iStudentConflictCriteria.add((StudentConflict)criterion);
091        }
092        return iStudentConflictCriteria;
093    }
095    /**
096     * All configuration of the selected offering
097     */
098    public List<Configuration> getConfigurations() { return iConfigurations; }
100    /**
101     * Select an offering for the model
102     */
103    public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) {
104        iConfigurations = new ArrayList<Configuration>();
105        iConfigurations.add(config);
106        iOfferingId = config.getOfferingId();
107        if (config.getAltConfigurations() != null)
108            for (Configuration alt: config.getAltConfigurations())
109                if (!alt.equals(config)) iConfigurations.add(alt);
110        iStudents = new ArrayList<SctStudent>();
111        Set<Long> studentIds = new HashSet<Long>();
112        for (Configuration c: iConfigurations)
113            for (Lecture l: c.getTopLectures(c.getTopSubpartIds().iterator().next())) {
114                for (Student s: l.students()) {
115                    if (studentIds.add(s.getId()))
116                        iStudents.add(new SctStudent(this, s));
117                }
118            }
119        for (Student student: getTimetableModel().getAllStudents())
120            if (student.hasOffering(getOfferingId()))
121                if (studentIds.add(student.getId()))
122                    iStudents.add(new SctStudent(this, student));
123        Collections.sort(iStudents);
124    }
126    /**
127     * List of scheduling subparts and their classes of the given configuration
128     */
129    public Map<Long, Set<Lecture>> getSubparts(Configuration configuration) {
130        Map<Long, Set<Lecture>> subparts = iSubparts.get(configuration.getConfigId());
131        if (subparts == null) {
132            subparts = new HashMap<Long, Set<Lecture>>();
133            Queue<Lecture> queue = new LinkedList<Lecture>();
134            for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<Lecture>> e: configuration.getTopLectures().entrySet()) {
135                subparts.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
136                queue.addAll(e.getValue());
137            }
138            Lecture lecture = null;
139            while ((lecture = queue.poll()) != null) {
140                if (lecture.getChildren() != null)
141                    for (Map.Entry<Long, List<Lecture>> e: lecture.getChildren().entrySet()) {
142                        Set<Lecture> lectures = subparts.get(e.getKey());
143                        if (lectures == null) {
144                            lectures = new HashSet<Lecture>(e.getValue());
145                            subparts.put(e.getKey(), lectures);
146                        } else {
147                            lectures.addAll(e.getValue());
148                        }
149                        queue.addAll(e.getValue());
150                    }
151            }
152            iSubparts.put(configuration.getConfigId(), subparts);
153        }
154        return subparts;
155    }
157    /**
158     * Selected offering id
159     */
160    public Long getOfferingId() { return iOfferingId; }
162    /**
163     * Course timetabling model
164     */
165    public TimetableModel getTimetableModel() { return iModel; }
167    /**
168     * Current assignment
169     */
170    public Assignment<Lecture, Placement> getAssignment() { return iAssignment; }
172    /**
173     * Enrollment of the given class
174     */
175    private double getEnrollment(Lecture lecture, Map<Long, Double> limits) {
176        Double enrollment = limits.get(lecture.getClassId());
177        return enrollment == null ? 0.0 : enrollment.doubleValue();
178    }
180    /**
181     * Increment enrollment of the given class
182     */
183    private void incEnrollment(Lecture lecture, Map<Long, Double> limits, double weight) {
184        Double enrollment = limits.get(lecture.getClassId());
185        limits.put(lecture.getClassId(), (enrollment == null ? 0.0 : enrollment.doubleValue()) + weight);
186    }
188    /**
189     * Increment enrollment of all classes of the given classes
190     */
191    private void incEnrollment(SctStudent student, SctEnrollment enrollment, Map<Long, Double> limits, Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> matches) {
192        for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures())
193            incEnrollment(lecture, limits, student.getOfferingWeight());
194        for (StudentGroup group: student.getStudent().getGroups()) {
195            Map<Long, Match> match = matches.get(group.getId());
196            if (match == null) { match = new HashMap<Long, Match>(); matches.put(group.getId(), match); }
197            for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures()) {
198                Match m = match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId());
199                if (m == null) { m = new Match(group, lecture); match.put(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId(), m); }
200                m.inc(lecture);
201            }
202        }
203    }
205    /**
206     * Decrement enrollment of all classes of the given classes
207     */
208    private void decEnrollment(SctStudent student, SctEnrollment enrollment, Map<Long, Double> limits, Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> matches) {
209        for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures())
210            incEnrollment(lecture, limits, -student.getOfferingWeight());
211        for (StudentGroup group: student.getStudent().getGroups()) {
212            Map<Long, Match> match = matches.get(group.getId());
213            if (match == null) { match = new HashMap<Long, Match>(); matches.put(group.getId(), match); }
214            for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures()) {
215                Match m = match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId());
216                if (m == null) { m = new Match(group, lecture); match.put(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId(), m); }
217                m.dec(lecture);
218            }
219        }
220    }
222    /**
223     * Class limit
224     */
225    private double getLimit(Lecture lecture) {
226        Double limit = iLimits.get(lecture.getClassId());
227        if (limit == null) {
228            limit = Math.max(lecture.classLimit(getAssignment()), lecture.nrWeightedStudents()) - sEps;
229            iLimits.put(lecture.getClassId(), limit);
230        }
231        return limit;
232    }
234    /**
235     * Check if all classes of the given enrollment are available (the limit is not breached)
236     */
237    private boolean isAvailable(SctStudent student, SctEnrollment enrollment, Map<Long, Double> limits) {
238        for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures())
239            if (getEnrollment(lecture, limits) > getLimit(lecture)) return false;
240        return true;
241    }
243    /**
244     * Group weight of the given enrollments
245     */
246    private double group(SctEnrollment[] enrollments) {
247        Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> matches = new HashMap<Long, Map<Long, Match>>();
248        for (SctEnrollment enrollment: enrollments) {
249            if (enrollment == null) continue;
250            for (StudentGroup group: enrollment.getStudent().getStudent().getGroups()) {
251                Map<Long, Match> match = matches.get(group.getId());
252                if (match == null) { match = new HashMap<Long, Match>(); matches.put(group.getId(), match); }
253                for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures()) {
254                    Match m = match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId());
255                    if (m == null) { m = new Match(group, lecture.getConfiguration()); match.put(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId(), m); }
256                    m.inc(lecture);
257                }
258            }
259        }
260        double ret = 0.0;
261        for (Map<Long, Match> match: matches.values()) {
262            for (Match m: match.values())
263                ret += m.value();
264        }
265        return ret;
266    }
268    /**
269     * Group weight of the given enrollments (up until the given index, computing bound for students above the index)
270     */
271    protected double group(SctEnrollment[] enrollments, int index,  Map<Long, Double> limits, Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> matches) {
272        // Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> matches = new HashMap<Long, Map<Long, Match>>();
273        Map<Long, UnMatched> unmatched = new HashMap<Long, UnMatched>();
274        for (int i = index; i < iStudents.size(); i++) {
275            SctStudent student = iStudents.get(i);
276            for (StudentGroup group: student.getStudent().getGroups()) {
277                UnMatched m = unmatched.get(group.getId());
278                if (m == null) { m = new UnMatched(group); unmatched.put(group.getId(), m); }
279                m.incBound(student);
280            }
281            /*
282            if (i < index) {
283                SctEnrollment enrollment = enrollments[i];
284                if (enrollment == null) continue;
285                for (StudentGroup group: student.getStudent().getGroups()) {
286                    Map<Long, Match> match = matches.get(group.getId());
287                    if (match == null) { match = new HashMap<Long, Match>(); matches.put(group.getId(), match); }
288                    for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures()) {
289                        Match m = match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId());
290                        if (m == null) { m = new Match(group, lecture.getConfiguration()); match.put(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId(), m); }
291                        m.inc(lecture);
292                    }
293                }
294            } else {
295                for (StudentGroup group: student.getStudent().getGroups()) {
296                    Map<Long, Match> match = matches.get(group.getId());
297                    if (match == null) {
298                        UnMatched m = unmatched.get(group.getId());
299                        if (m == null) { m = new UnMatched(group); unmatched.put(group.getId(), m); }
300                        m.incBound();
301                        continue;
302                    }
303                    boolean increased = false;
304                    for (Configuration configuration: iConfigurations) {
305                        for (Long subpartId: getSubparts(configuration).keySet()) {
306                            Match m = match.get(subpartId);
307                            if (m != null && m.incBound()) increased = true;
308                        }
309                        if (increased) break;
310                    }
311                    if (!increased) {
312                        UnMatched m = unmatched.get(group.getId());
313                        if (m == null) { m = new UnMatched(group); unmatched.put(group.getId(), m); }
314                        m.incBound();
315                    }
316                }
317            }*/
318        }
319        double ret = 0.0;
320        for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<Long, Match>> match: matches.entrySet()) {
321            for (Match m: match.getValue().values())
322                ret += m.value(unmatched.remove(match.getKey()), limits);
323        }
324        for (UnMatched m: unmatched.values()) {
325            ret += m.value();
326        }
327        return ret;
328    }
330    /**
331     * Compute best possible enrollment of students into the given offering
332     */
333    public void computeSolution(SctSolution solution, int index, SctEnrollment[] enrollments, Map<Long, Double> limits, Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> match, double totalConflicts, long t0) {
334        if (iTimeOutReached) return;
335        if (JProf.currentTimeMillis() - t0 > iTimeOut) {
336            iTimeOutReached = true; return;
337        }
338        if (index < iStudents.size()) {
339            if (!solution.checkBound(index, enrollments, totalConflicts, limits, match)) return;
340            SctStudent student = iStudents.get(index);
341            for (SctEnrollment enrollment: student.getEnrollments(new SctEnrollmentComparator(limits, match, index))) {
342                if (!isAvailable(student, enrollment, limits)) continue;
343                enrollments[index] = enrollment;
344                incEnrollment(student, enrollment, limits, match);
345                computeSolution(solution, index + 1, enrollments, limits, match, totalConflicts + enrollment.getConflictWeight(), t0);
346                decEnrollment(student, enrollment, limits, match);
347            }
348        } else {
349            if (solution.isBetter(enrollments, totalConflicts))
350                solution.record(enrollments, totalConflicts);
351        }
352    }
354    /**
355     * Compute best possible enrollment of students into the given offering
356     */
357    public SctSolution computeSolution() {
358        SctSolution solution = currentSolution();
359        iTimeOutReached = false;
360        computeSolution(solution, 0, new SctEnrollment[iStudents.size()], new HashMap<Long, Double>(), new HashMap<Long, Map<Long, Match>>(), 0.0, JProf.currentTimeMillis());
361        return solution;
362    }
364    /**
365     * Was time out reached while {@link SctModel#computeSolution()} was called?
366     */
367    public boolean isTimeOutReached() { return iTimeOutReached; }
369    public SctSolution currentSolution() {
370        SctEnrollment[] enrollments = new SctEnrollment[iStudents.size()];
371        for (int index = 0; index < iStudents.size(); index++)
372            enrollments[index] = iStudents.get(index).getCurrentEnrollment(true);
373        return new SctSolution(enrollments);
374    }
376    /**
377     * Decrement {@link JenrlConstraint} between the given two classes by the given student
378     */
379    protected void decJenrl(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment, Student student, Lecture l1, Lecture l2) {
380        if (l1.equals(l2)) return;
381        JenrlConstraint jenrl = l1.jenrlConstraint(l2);
382        if (jenrl != null) {
383            jenrl.decJenrl(assignment, student);
384            /*
385            if (jenrl.getNrStudents() == 0) {
386                jenrl.getContext(assignment).unassigned(assignment, null);
387                Object[] vars = jenrl.variables().toArray();
388                for (int k = 0; k < vars.length; k++)
389                    jenrl.removeVariable((Lecture) vars[k]);
390                iModel.removeConstraint(jenrl);
391            }
392            */
393        }
394    }
396    /**
397     * Increment {@link JenrlConstraint} between the given two classes by the given student
398     */
399    protected void incJenrl(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment, Student student, Lecture l1, Lecture l2) {
400        if (l1.equals(l2)) return;
401        JenrlConstraint jenrl = l1.jenrlConstraint(l2);
402        if (jenrl == null) {
403            jenrl = new JenrlConstraint();
404            jenrl.addVariable(l1);
405            jenrl.addVariable(l2);
406            iModel.addConstraint(jenrl);
407        }
408        jenrl.incJenrl(assignment, student);
409    }
411    /**
412     * Unassign all previous enrollments into the given offering
413     */
414    public void unassign() {
415        for (SctStudent student: iStudents) {
416            Configuration configuration = null;
417            for (Lecture lecture: student.getCurrentEnrollment(false).getLectures()) {
418                if (configuration == null) configuration = lecture.getConfiguration();
419                for (Lecture other: student.getStudent().getLectures())
420                    decJenrl(getAssignment(), student.getStudent(), lecture, other);
421                lecture.removeStudent(getAssignment(), student.getStudent());
422                student.getStudent().removeLecture(lecture);
423            }
424            if (configuration != null)
425                student.getStudent().removeConfiguration(configuration);
426        }
427    }
429    /**
430     * Assign given solution
431     */
432    public void assign(SctSolution solution) {
433        for (int index = 0; index < iStudents.size(); index++) {
434            SctStudent student = iStudents.get(index);
435            Configuration configuration = null;
436            SctEnrollment enrollment = solution.iEnrollments[index];
437            if (enrollment == null) continue;
438            for (Lecture lecture: enrollment.getLectures()) {
439                if (configuration == null) configuration = lecture.getConfiguration();
440                for (Lecture other: student.getStudent().getLectures())
441                    incJenrl(getAssignment(), student.getStudent(), lecture, other);
442                lecture.addStudent(getAssignment(), student.getStudent());
443                student.getStudent().addLecture(lecture);
444            }
445            if (configuration != null)
446                student.getStudent().addConfiguration(configuration);
447        }
448    }
450    /**
451     * Enrollment solution. Represent enrollments of all students into the given course.
452     */
453    class SctSolution {
454        private double iWeight = 0.0;
455        private double iGroup = 0.0;
456        private SctEnrollment[] iEnrollments = null;
458        /**
459         * Constructor (for empty solution)
460         */
461        public SctSolution() {}
463        /**
464         * Constructor (for given solution)
465         * @param enrollments given solution
466         */
467        public SctSolution(SctEnrollment[] enrollments) {
468            iEnrollments = enrollments;
469            iWeight = 0.0;
470            for (SctEnrollment enrollment: enrollments)
471                if (enrollment != null) iWeight += enrollment.getConflictWeight();
472            iGroup = group(enrollments);
473        }
475        /**
476         * Compare two solutions
477         */
478        public boolean isBetter(SctEnrollment[] solution, double weight) {
479            if (iGroupFirst) {
480                if (iEnrollments == null) return true;
481                double gr = group(solution);
482                return gr > iGroup || (gr == iGroup && weight < iWeight);
483            } else {
484                return iEnrollments == null || weight < iWeight || (weight == iWeight && group(solution) > iGroup);
485            }
486        }
488        /**
489         * Compare two solutions
490         */
491        public boolean isBetter(SctSolution other) {
492            if (iGroupFirst) {
493                if (iEnrollments == null) return true;
494                return other.getGroup() < iGroup || (other.getGroup() == iGroup && iWeight < other.getWeight());
495            } else {
496                return iEnrollments != null && (iWeight < other.getWeight() || (other.getWeight() == iWeight && other.getGroup() < iGroup));
497            }
498        }
500        /**
501         * Record given solution 
502         */
503        public void record(SctEnrollment[] solution, double weight) {
504            iEnrollments = Arrays.copyOf(solution, solution.length);
505            iWeight = weight;
506            iGroup = group(solution);
507        }
509        /**
510         * Check bounds (false means no better solution exists by extending the given solution) 
511         */
512        public boolean checkBound(int index, SctEnrollment[] solution, double weight, Map<Long, Double> limits, Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> match) {
513            if (iEnrollments == null) return true;
514            if (iGroupFirst) {
515                double gr = group(solution, index, limits, match);
516                if (gr == iGroup) {
517                    double guess = weight;
518                    for (int i = index; i < iStudents.size(); i++) {
519                        SctStudent student = iStudents.get(i);
520                        SctEnrollment enrollment = null;
521                        for (SctEnrollment e: student.getEnrollments()) {
522                            if (isAvailable(student, e, limits)) { enrollment = e; break; }
523                        }
524                        if (enrollment == null) return false;
525                        guess += enrollment.getConflictWeight();
526                        if (guess >= iWeight) break;
527                    }
528                    return guess < iWeight;
529                }
530                return gr > iGroup;
531            } else {
532                double guess = weight;
533                for (int i = index; i < iStudents.size(); i++) {
534                    SctStudent student = iStudents.get(i);
535                    SctEnrollment enrollment = null;
536                    for (SctEnrollment e: student.getEnrollments()) {
537                        if (isAvailable(student, e, limits)) { enrollment = e; break; }
538                    }
539                    if (enrollment == null) return false;
540                    guess += enrollment.getConflictWeight();
541                    if (guess > iWeight) break;
542                }
543                return (guess < iWeight || (guess == iWeight && group(solution, index, limits, match) > iGroup));
544            }
545        }
547        /**
548         * Individual student enrollments
549         */
550        public SctEnrollment[] getEnrollments() { return iEnrollments; }
551        /**
552         * Overall conflict weight
553         */
554        public double getWeight() { return iWeight; }
555        /**
556         * Overall group weight
557         */
558        public double getGroup() { return iGroup; }
559        /**
560         * False if empty
561         */
562        public boolean isValid() { return iEnrollments != null; }
563    }
565    /**
566     * Matching students within a scheduling subpart (for student group weight computation)
567     */
568    private class Match { 
569        private int iTotal = 0;
570        private Map<Lecture, Integer> iMatch = new HashMap<Lecture, Integer>();
571        private double iFraction = 1.0;
573        /**
574         * Constructor
575         * @param group student group
576         */
577        Match(StudentGroup group, Lecture lecture) {
578            this(group, lecture.getConfiguration());
579            for (Lecture l: lecture.sameSubpartLectures())
580                iMatch.put(l, 0);
581        }
583        Match(StudentGroup group, Configuration config) {
584            iTotal = group.countStudents(getOfferingId());
585            iFraction = 1.0 / getSubparts(config).size();
586        }
588        /**
589         * Increment given lecture
590         */
591        void inc(Lecture lecture) {
592            Integer val = iMatch.get(lecture);
593            iMatch.put(lecture, 1 + (val == null ? 0 : val.intValue()));
594        }
596        /**
597         * Decrement given lecture
598         */
599        void dec(Lecture lecture) {
600            Integer val = iMatch.get(lecture);
601            iMatch.put(lecture, (val == null ? 0 : val.intValue()) - 1);
602        }
604        /**
605         * Returns counter for the given lecture
606         */
607        int get(Lecture lecture) {
608            Integer val = iMatch.get(lecture);
609            return val == null ? 0 : val.intValue();
610        }
612        /**
613         * Value (an overall probability of two students being in the same lecture) 
614         */
615        double value(UnMatched u, final Map<Long, Double> limits) {
616            if (iTotal <= 1) return iFraction;
617            if (u == null || u.getNotMatched() == 0) return value();
618            double value = 0.0;
619            int unmatched = u.getNotMatched();
620            double remains = u.getEnrollmentWeight();
621            double avgWeight = remains / unmatched;
622            TreeSet<Map.Entry<Lecture, Integer>> entries = new TreeSet<Map.Entry<Lecture, Integer>>(new Comparator<Map.Entry<Lecture, Integer>>() {
623                @Override
624                public int compare(Entry<Lecture, Integer> e1, Entry<Lecture, Integer> e2) {
625                    if (e1.getValue() > e2.getValue()) return -1;
626                    if (e1.getValue() < e2.getValue()) return 1;
627                    double r1 = getLimit(e1.getKey()) - getEnrollment(e1.getKey(), limits);
628                    double r2 = getLimit(e2.getKey()) - getEnrollment(e2.getKey(), limits);
629                    int cmp = Double.compare(r2, r1);
630                    if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
631                    return e1.getKey().compareTo(e2.getKey());
632                }
633            });
634            entries.addAll(iMatch.entrySet());
635            for (Map.Entry<Lecture, Integer> entry: entries) {
636                Integer m = entry.getValue();
637                if (unmatched > 0) {
638                    double enroll = Math.min(remains, getLimit(entry.getKey()) - getEnrollment(entry.getKey(), limits));
639                    int inc = (int)Math.round(enroll / avgWeight);
640                    if (inc > 0) {
641                        m += inc;
642                        unmatched -= inc;
643                        remains -= enroll;
644                    }
645                }
646                if (m > 1)
647                    value += (m * (m - 1.0)) / (iTotal * (iTotal - 1.0));
648            }
649            if (unmatched > 1)
650                value += (unmatched * (unmatched - 1.0)) / (iTotal * (iTotal - 1.0));
651            return value * iFraction;
652        }
654        double value() {
655            if (iTotal <= 1) return iFraction;
656            double value = 0.0;
657            for (Integer m: iMatch.values())
658                if (m > 1) {
659                    value += (m * (m - 1.0)) / (iTotal * (iTotal - 1.0));
660                }
661            return value * iFraction;
662        }
664        @Override
665        public String toString() {
666            return iTotal + "/" + iMatch + "[" + value() + "]";
667        }
668    }
670    /**
671     * Matching students within a scheduling subpart (for student group weight computation)
672     */
673    private class UnMatched { 
674        private int iTotal = 0;
675        private int iNotMatched = 0;
676        private double iEnrollmentWeight = 0.0;
678        /**
679         * Constructor
680         * @param group student group
681         */
682        UnMatched(StudentGroup group) {
683            iTotal = group.countStudents(getOfferingId());
684        }
686        /**
687         * Increment bound (a student gets into the best possible class)
688         */
689        void incBound(SctStudent student) {
690            iNotMatched ++;
691            iEnrollmentWeight += student.getStudent().getOfferingWeight(getOfferingId());
692        }
694        /**
695         * Value (an overall probability of two students being in the same lecture) 
696         */
697        double value() {
698            if (iTotal <= 1) return 1.0;
699            if (iNotMatched > 1)
700                return (iNotMatched * (iNotMatched - 1.0)) / (iTotal * (iTotal - 1.0));
701            return 0.0;
702        }
704        int getNotMatched() { return iNotMatched; }
706        public double getEnrollmentWeight() { return iEnrollmentWeight; }
708        @Override
709        public String toString() {
710            return iTotal + "/" + iNotMatched;
711        }
712    }
714    private class SctEnrollmentComparator implements Comparator<SctEnrollment> {
715        private Map<Long, Double> limits;
716        private Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> matches;
717        private int index;
719        SctEnrollmentComparator(Map<Long, Double> limits, Map<Long, Map<Long, Match>> match, int index) {
720            this.limits = limits; this.matches = match; this.index = index;
721        }
723        public int compareByGroup(SctEnrollment e1, SctEnrollment e2) {
724            double m1 = 0, m2 = 0;
725            for (StudentGroup g: e1.getStudent().getStudent().getGroups()) {
726                int remaining = 0;
727                int total = g.countStudents(getOfferingId());
728                double remainingWeight = 0.0;
729                for (int i = index; i < iStudents.size(); i++) {
730                    SctStudent student = iStudents.get(i);
731                    if (student.getStudent().hasGroup(g)) {
732                        remaining++;
733                        remainingWeight += student.getStudent().getOfferingWeight(getOfferingId());
734                    }
735                }
736                double avgWeight = remainingWeight / remaining;
737                Map<Long, Match> match = matches.get(g.getId());
738                for (Lecture lecture: e1.getLectures()) {
739                    Match m = (match == null ? null : match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId()));
740                    double fraction = 1.0 / getSubparts(lecture.getConfiguration()).size();
741                    int a = (m == null ? 0 : m.get(lecture));
742                    double enroll = Math.min(remainingWeight, getLimit(lecture) - getEnrollment(lecture, limits));
743                    a += (int)Math.round(enroll / avgWeight);
744                    m1 += fraction * (a * (a - 1)) / ((total * (total - 1))); 
745                }
746                for (Lecture lecture: e2.getLectures()) {
747                    Match m = (match == null ? null : match.get(lecture.getSchedulingSubpartId()));
748                    double fraction = 1.0 / getSubparts(lecture.getConfiguration()).size();
749                    int a = (m == null ? 0 : m.get(lecture));
750                    double enroll = Math.min(remainingWeight, getLimit(lecture) - getEnrollment(lecture, limits));
751                    a += (int)Math.round(enroll / avgWeight);
752                    m2 += fraction * (a * (a - 1)) / ((total * (total - 1))); 
753                }
754            }
755            if (m1 != m2) return m1 > m2 ? -1 : 1;
756            return 0;
757        }
759        @Override
760        public int compare(SctEnrollment e1, SctEnrollment e2) {
761            if (iGroupFirst) {
762                int cmp = compareByGroup(e1, e2);
763                if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
764                cmp = Double.compare(e1.getConflictWeight(), e2.getConflictWeight());
765                if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
766            } else {
767                int cmp = Double.compare(e1.getConflictWeight(), e2.getConflictWeight());
768                if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
769                cmp = compareByGroup(e1, e2);
770                if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
771            }
772            return e1.getId().compareTo(e2.getId());
773        }
775    }