001package org.cpsolver.ifs.solver;
003import java.io.File;
004import java.io.FileOutputStream;
005import java.io.IOException;
006import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
007import java.util.ArrayList;
008import java.util.List;
009import java.util.StringTokenizer;
010import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
012import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment;
013import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ConflictStatistics;
014import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.Extension;
015import org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.MacPropagation;
016import org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.NeighbourSelection;
017import org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.StandardNeighbourSelection;
018import org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.ValueSelection;
019import org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.VariableSelection;
020import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Model;
021import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Neighbour;
022import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Value;
023import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Variable;
024import org.cpsolver.ifs.perturbations.DefaultPerturbationsCounter;
025import org.cpsolver.ifs.perturbations.PerturbationsCounter;
026import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator;
027import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
028import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.SolutionComparator;
029import org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition;
030import org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.TerminationCondition;
031import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
032import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.JProf;
033import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.Progress;
034import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
038 * IFS Solver. <br>
039 * <br>
040 * The iterative forward search (IFS) algorithm is based on ideas of local
041 * search methods. However, in contrast to classical local search techniques, it
042 * operates over feasible, though not necessarily complete solutions. In such a
043 * solution, some variables can be left unassigned. Still all hard constraints
044 * on assigned variables must be satisfied. Similarly to backtracking based
045 * algorithms, this means that there are no violations of hard constraints. <br>
046 * <br>
047 * This search works in iterations. During each step, an unassigned or assigned
048 * variable is initially selected. Typically an unassigned variable is chosen
049 * like in backtracking-based search. An assigned variable may be selected when
050 * all variables are assigned but the solution is not good enough (for example,
051 * when there are still many violations of soft constraints). Once a variable is
052 * selected, a value from its domain is chosen for assignment. Even if the best
053 * value is selected (whatever "best" means), its assignment to the selected
054 * variable may cause some hard conflicts with already assigned variables. Such
055 * conflicting variables are removed from the solution and become unassigned.
056 * Finally, the selected value is assigned to the selected variable. <br>
057 * <br>
058 * Algorithm schema:
059 * <pre><code>
060 * procedure org.cpsolver.ifs(initial)  // initial solution is the parameter
061 * &nbsp;&nbsp;iteration = 0;         // iteration counter
062 * &nbsp;&nbsp;current = initial;     // current (partial) feasible solution
063 * &nbsp;&nbsp;best = initial;        // best solution
064 * &nbsp;&nbsp;while canContinue(current, iteration) do
065 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iteration = iteration + 1;
066 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;variable = selectVariable(current);
067 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;value = selectValue(current, variable);
068 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UNASSIGN(current,  CONFLICTING_VARIABLES(current, variable, value));
069 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ASSIGN(current, variable, value);
070 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if better(current, best) then best = current;
071 * &nbsp;&nbsp;end while
072 * &nbsp;&nbsp;return best;
073 * end procedure
074 * </code></pre>
075 * The algorithm attempts to move from one (partial) feasible solution to
076 * another via repetitive assignment of a selected value to a selected variable.
077 * During this search, the feasibility of all hard constraints in each iteration
078 * step is enforced by unassigning the conflicting variables. The search is
079 * terminated when the requested solution is found or when there is a timeout,
080 * expressed e.g., as a maximal number of iterations or available time being
081 * reached. The best solution found is then returned. <br>
082 * <br>
083 * The above algorithm schema is parameterized by several functions, namely:
084 * <ul>
085 * <li>the termination condition (function canContinue, see
086 * {@link TerminationCondition}),
087 * <li>the solution comparator (function better, see {@link SolutionComparator}
088 * ),
089 * <li>the neighbour selection (function selectNeighbour, see
090 * {@link NeighbourSelection}) and
091 * </ul>
092 * <br>
093 * Usage:
094 * <pre><code>
095 * DataProperties cfg = ToolBox.loadProperties(inputCfg); //input configuration
096 * Solver solver = new Solver(cfg);
097 * solver.setInitalSolution(model); //sets initial solution
098 * 
099 * solver.start(); //server is executed in a thread
100 * 
101 * try { //wait untill the server finishes
102 * &nbsp;&nbsp;solver.getSolverThread().join(); 
103 * } catch (InterruptedException e) {} 
104 * 
105 * Solution solution = solver.lastSolution(); //last solution
106 * solution.restoreBest(); //restore best solution ever found
107 * </code></pre>
108 * Solver's parameters: <br>
109 * <table border='1' summary='Related Solver Parameters'>
110 * <tr>
111 * <th>Parameter</th>
112 * <th>Type</th>
113 * <th>Comment</th>
114 * </tr>
115 * <tr>
116 * <td>General.SaveBestUnassigned</td>
117 * <td>{@link Integer}</td>
118 * <td>During the search, solution is saved when it is the best ever found
119 * solution and if the number of assigned variables is less or equal this
120 * parameter (if set to -1, the solution is always saved)</td>
121 * </tr>
122 * <tr>
123 * <td>General.Seed</td>
124 * <td>{@link Long}</td>
125 * <td>If set, random number generator is initialized with this seed</td>
126 * </tr>
127 * <tr>
128 * <td>General.SaveConfiguration</td>
129 * <td>{@link Boolean}</td>
130 * <td>If true, given configuration is stored into the output folder (during
131 * initialization of the solver,
132 * ${General.Output}/${General.ProblemName}.properties)</td>
133 * </tr>
134 * <tr>
135 * <td>Solver.AutoConfigure</td>
136 * <td>{@link Boolean}</td>
137 * <td>If true, IFS Solver is configured according to the following parameters</td>
138 * </tr>
139 * <tr>
140 * <td>Termination.Class</td>
141 * <td>{@link String}</td>
142 * <td>Fully qualified class name of the termination condition (see
143 * {@link TerminationCondition}, e.g. {@link GeneralTerminationCondition})</td>
144 * </tr>
145 * <tr>
146 * <td>Comparator.Class</td>
147 * <td>{@link String}</td>
148 * <td>Fully qualified class name of the solution comparator (see
149 * {@link SolutionComparator}, e.g. {@link GeneralSolutionComparator})</td>
150 * </tr>
151 * <tr>
152 * <td>Neighbour.Class</td>
153 * <td>{@link String}</td>
154 * <td>Fully qualified class name of the neighbour selection criterion (see
155 * {@link NeighbourSelection}, e.g. {@link StandardNeighbourSelection})</td>
156 * </tr>
157 * <tr>
158 * <td>PerturbationCounter.Class</td>
159 * <td>{@link String}</td>
160 * <td>Fully qualified class name of the perturbation counter in case of solving
161 * minimal perturbation problem (see {@link PerturbationsCounter}, e.g.
162 * {@link DefaultPerturbationsCounter})</td>
163 * </tr>
164 * <tr>
165 * <td>Extensions.Classes</td>
166 * <td>{@link String}</td>
167 * <td>Semi-colon separated list of fully qualified class names of IFS
168 * extensions (see {@link Extension}, e.g. {@link ConflictStatistics} or
169 * {@link MacPropagation})</td>
170 * </tr>
171 * </table>
172 * 
173 * @see SolverListener
174 * @see Model
175 * @see Solution
176 * @see TerminationCondition
177 * @see SolutionComparator
178 * @see PerturbationsCounter
179 * @see VariableSelection
180 * @see ValueSelection
181 * @see Extension
182 * 
183 * @version IFS 1.3 (Iterative Forward Search)<br>
184 *          Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 Tomáš Müller<br>
185 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
186 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
187 * <br>
188 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
189 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
190 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
191 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
192 * <br>
193 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
194 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
196 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
197 * <br>
198 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
199 *          License along with this library; if not see <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses</a>.
200 *
201 * @param <V> Variable
202 * @param <T> Value
203 **/
204public class Solver<V extends Variable<V, T>, T extends Value<V, T>> {
205    public static int THREAD_PRIORITY = 3;
206    /** log */
207    protected static org.apache.log4j.Logger sLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Solver.class);
208    /** current solution */
209    protected Solution<V, T> iCurrentSolution = null;
210    /** last solution (after IFS Solver finishes) */
211    protected Solution<V, T> iLastSolution = null;
213    /** solver is stopped */
214    protected boolean iStop = false;
216    /** solver thread */
217    protected SolverThread iSolverThread = null;
218    /** configuration */
219    private DataProperties iProperties = null;
221    private TerminationCondition<V, T> iTerminationCondition = null;
222    private SolutionComparator<V, T> iSolutionComparator = null;
223    private PerturbationsCounter<V, T> iPerturbationsCounter = null;
224    private NeighbourSelection<V, T> iNeighbourSelection = null;
225    private List<Extension<V, T>> iExtensions = new ArrayList<Extension<V, T>>();
226    protected List<SolverListener<V, T>> iSolverListeners = new ArrayList<SolverListener<V, T>>();
227    protected int iSaveBestUnassigned = 0;
229    private boolean iUpdateProgress = true;
231    protected Progress iProgress;
233    /**
234     * Constructor.
235     * 
236     * @param properties
237     *            input configuration
238     */
239    public Solver(DataProperties properties) {
240        iProperties = properties;
241    }
243    /** Dispose solver */
244    public void dispose() {
245        iExtensions.clear();
246        iSolverListeners.clear();
247        iTerminationCondition = null;
248        iSolutionComparator = null;
249        iPerturbationsCounter = null;
250        iNeighbourSelection = null;
251    }
253    /** Sets termination condition
254     * @param terminationCondition termination condition
255     **/
256    public void setTerminalCondition(TerminationCondition<V, T> terminationCondition) {
257        iTerminationCondition = terminationCondition;
258    }
260    /** Sets solution comparator
261     * @param solutionComparator solution comparator
262     **/
263    public void setSolutionComparator(SolutionComparator<V, T> solutionComparator) {
264        iSolutionComparator = solutionComparator;
265    }
267    /** Sets neighbour selection criterion
268     * @param neighbourSelection neighbour selection criterion
269     **/
270    public void setNeighbourSelection(NeighbourSelection<V, T> neighbourSelection) {
271        iNeighbourSelection = neighbourSelection;
272    }
274    /** Sets perturbation counter (minimal perturbation problem)
275     * @param perturbationsCounter perturbation counter
276     **/
277    public void setPerturbationsCounter(PerturbationsCounter<V, T> perturbationsCounter) {
278        iPerturbationsCounter = perturbationsCounter;
279    }
281    /** Add an IFS extension
282     * @param extension an extension
283     **/
284    public void addExtension(Extension<V, T> extension) {
285        iExtensions.add(extension);
286    }
288    /** Returns termination condition
289     * @return termination condition
290     **/
291    public TerminationCondition<V, T> getTerminationCondition() {
292        return iTerminationCondition;
293    }
295    /** Returns solution comparator
296     * @return solution comparator
297     **/
298    public SolutionComparator<V, T> getSolutionComparator() {
299        return iSolutionComparator;
300    }
302    /** Returns neighbour selection criterion
303     * @return neighbour selection criterion
304     **/
305    public NeighbourSelection<V, T> getNeighbourSelection() {
306        return iNeighbourSelection;
307    }
309    /** Returns perturbation counter (minimal perturbation problem)
310     * @return perturbation counter
311     **/
312    public PerturbationsCounter<V, T> getPerturbationsCounter() {
313        return iPerturbationsCounter;
314    }
316    /** Returns list of all used extensions
317     * @return list of all registered extensions
318     **/
319    public List<Extension<V, T>> getExtensions() {
320        return iExtensions;
321    }
323    /** Adds a solver listener
324     * @param listener solver listener
325     **/
326    public void addSolverListener(SolverListener<V, T> listener) {
327        iSolverListeners.add(listener);
328    }
330    /** Removes a solver listener
331     * @param listener solver listener
332     **/
333    public void removeSolverListener(SolverListener<V, T> listener) {
334        iSolverListeners.remove(listener);
335    }
337    /** Registered solver listeners
338     * @return list of all registered solver listeners
339     **/
340    public List<SolverListener<V, T>> getSolverListeners() {
341        return iSolverListeners;
342    }
344    /** Returns configuration
345     * @return solver configuration
346     **/
347    public DataProperties getProperties() {
348        return iProperties;
349    }
351    /**
352     * Automatic configuratin of the solver -- when Solver.AutoConfigure is true
353     */
354    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
355    protected void autoConfigure() {
356        try {
357            boolean mpp = getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("General.MPP", false);
359            String terminationConditionClassName = getProperties().getProperty(
360                    "Termination.Class",
361                    (mpp ? "org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.MPPTerminationCondition"
362                            : "org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition"));
363            sLogger.info("Using " + terminationConditionClassName);
364            Class<?> terminationConditionClass = Class.forName(terminationConditionClassName);
365            Constructor<?> terminationConditionConstructor = terminationConditionClass
366                    .getConstructor(new Class[] { DataProperties.class });
367            setTerminalCondition((TerminationCondition<V, T>) terminationConditionConstructor
368                    .newInstance(new Object[] { getProperties() }));
370            String solutionComparatorClassName = getProperties().getProperty(
371                    "Comparator.Class",
372                    (mpp ? "org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.MPPSolutionComparator"
373                            : "org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator"));
374            sLogger.info("Using " + solutionComparatorClassName);
375            Class<?> solutionComparatorClass = Class.forName(solutionComparatorClassName);
376            Constructor<?> solutionComparatorConstructor = solutionComparatorClass
377                    .getConstructor(new Class[] { DataProperties.class });
378            setSolutionComparator((SolutionComparator<V, T>) solutionComparatorConstructor
379                    .newInstance(new Object[] { getProperties() }));
381            String neighbourSelectionClassName = getProperties().getProperty("Neighbour.Class",
382                    "org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.StandardNeighbourSelection");
383            sLogger.info("Using " + neighbourSelectionClassName);
384            Class<?> neighbourSelectionClass = Class.forName(neighbourSelectionClassName);
385            Constructor<?> neighbourSelectionConstructor = neighbourSelectionClass
386                    .getConstructor(new Class[] { DataProperties.class });
387            setNeighbourSelection((NeighbourSelection<V, T>) neighbourSelectionConstructor
388                    .newInstance(new Object[] { getProperties() }));
390            String perturbationCounterClassName = getProperties().getProperty("PerturbationCounter.Class",
391                    "org.cpsolver.ifs.perturbations.DefaultPerturbationsCounter");
392            sLogger.info("Using " + perturbationCounterClassName);
393            Class<?> perturbationCounterClass = Class.forName(perturbationCounterClassName);
394            Constructor<?> perturbationCounterConstructor = perturbationCounterClass
395                    .getConstructor(new Class[] { DataProperties.class });
396            setPerturbationsCounter((PerturbationsCounter<V, T>) perturbationCounterConstructor
397                    .newInstance(new Object[] { getProperties() }));
399            for (Extension<V, T> extension : iExtensions) {
400                extension.unregister(iCurrentSolution.getModel());
401            }
402            iExtensions.clear();
403            String extensionClassNames = getProperties().getProperty("Extensions.Classes", null);
404            if (extensionClassNames != null) {
405                StringTokenizer extensionClassNameTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(extensionClassNames, ";");
406                while (extensionClassNameTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
407                    String extensionClassName = extensionClassNameTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
408                    if (extensionClassName.isEmpty()) continue;
409                    sLogger.info("Using " + extensionClassName);
410                    Class<?> extensionClass = Class.forName(extensionClassName);
411                    Constructor<?> extensionConstructor = extensionClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { Solver.class,
412                            DataProperties.class });
413                    addExtension((Extension<V, T>) extensionConstructor.newInstance(new Object[] { this,
414                            getProperties() }));
415                }
416            }
417        } catch (Exception e) {
418            sLogger.error("Unable to autoconfigure solver.", e);
419        }
420    }
422    /** Clears best solution */
423    public void clearBest() {
424        if (iCurrentSolution != null)
425            iCurrentSolution.clearBest();
426    }
428    /** Sets initial solution 
429     * @param solution initial solution
430     **/
431    public void setInitalSolution(Solution<V, T> solution) {
432        iCurrentSolution = solution;
433        iLastSolution = null;
434    }
436    /** Sets initial solution 
437     * @param model problem model
438     **/
439    public void setInitalSolution(Model<V, T> model) {
440        setInitalSolution(new Solution<V, T>(model, new DefaultSingleAssignment<V, T>(), 0, 0));
441    }
443    /** Starts solver */
444    public void start() {
445        iSolverThread = new SolverThread();
446        iSolverThread.setPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY);
447        iSolverThread.start();
448    }
450    /** Returns solver's thread 
451     * @return solver's thread
452     **/
453    public Thread getSolverThread() {
454        return iSolverThread;
455    }
457    /** Initialization */
458    public void init() {
459    }
461    /** True, when solver should update progress (see {@link Progress}) 
462     * @return true if the solver should update process
463     **/
464    protected boolean isUpdateProgress() {
465        return iUpdateProgress;
466    }
468    /** True, when solver should update progress (see {@link Progress})
469     * @param updateProgress true if the solver should update process (default is true)
470     **/
471    public void setUpdateProgress(boolean updateProgress) {
472        iUpdateProgress = updateProgress;
473    }
475    /** Last solution (when solver finishes) 
476     * @return last solution
477     **/
478    public Solution<V, T> lastSolution() {
479        return (iLastSolution == null ? iCurrentSolution : iLastSolution);
480    }
482    /** Current solution (during the search) 
483     * @return current solution
484     **/
485    public Solution<V, T> currentSolution() {
486        return iCurrentSolution;
487    }
489    public void initSolver() {
490        long seed = getProperties().getPropertyLong("General.Seed", System.currentTimeMillis());
491        ToolBox.setSeed(seed);
493        iSaveBestUnassigned = getProperties().getPropertyInt("General.SaveBestUnassigned", 0);
495        clearBest();
496        if (iProperties.getPropertyBoolean("Solver.AutoConfigure", true)) {
497            autoConfigure();
498        }
500        // register extensions
501        for (Extension<V, T> extension : iExtensions) {
502            extension.register(iCurrentSolution.getModel());
503        }
505        // register solution
506        iCurrentSolution.init(Solver.this);
508        // register and intialize neighbour selection
509        getNeighbourSelection().init(Solver.this);
511        // register and intialize perturbations counter
512        if (getPerturbationsCounter() != null)
513            getPerturbationsCounter().init(Solver.this);
515        // save initial configuration
516        if (iProperties.getPropertyBoolean("General.SaveConfiguration", false)) {
517            FileOutputStream f = null;
518            try {
519                f = new FileOutputStream(iProperties.getProperty("General.Output") + File.separator
520                        + iProperties.getProperty("General.ProblemName", "ifs") + ".properties");
521                iProperties.store(f, iProperties.getProperty("General.ProblemNameLong", "Iterative Forward Search")
522                        + "  -- configuration file");
523                f.flush();
524                f.close();
525                f = null;
526            } catch (Exception e) {
527                sLogger.error("Unable to store configuration file :-(", e);
528            } finally {
529                try {
530                    if (f != null)
531                        f.close();
532                } catch (IOException e) {
533                }
534            }
535        }
536    }
538    /** Stop running solver */
539    public void stopSolver() {
540        stopSolver(true);
541    }
543    /** Stop running solver 
544     * @param join wait for the solver thread to finish
545     **/
546    public void stopSolver(boolean join) {
547        if (getSolverThread() != null) {
548            iStop = true;
549            if (join) {
550                try {
551                    getSolverThread().join();
552                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
553                }
554            }
555        }
556    }
558    /** True, if the solver is running 
559     * @return true if the solver is running
560     **/
561    public boolean isRunning() {
562        return (getSolverThread() != null);
563    }
565    /** Called when the solver is stopped */
566    protected void onStop() {
567    }
569    /** Called when the solver is started */
570    protected void onStart() {
571    }
573    /** Called when the solver is finished */
574    protected void onFinish() {
575    }
577    /** Called when the solver fails */
578    protected void onFailure() {
579    }
581    /** Called in each iteration, after a neighbour is assigned 
582     * @param startTime solver start time in seconds
583     * @param solution current solution
584     **/
585    protected void onAssigned(double startTime, Solution<V, T> solution) {
586    }
588    /**
589     * Returns true if the solver works only with one solution (regardless the number of threads it is using)
590     * @return true
591     */
592    public boolean hasSingleSolution() {
593        return currentSolution().getAssignment() instanceof DefaultSingleAssignment;
594    }
596    /** Solver thread */
597    protected class SolverThread extends Thread {
599        /** Solving rutine */
600        @Override
601        public void run() {
602            try {
603                iStop = false;
604                // Sets thread name
605                setName("Solver");
607                // Initialization
608                iProgress = Progress.getInstance(iCurrentSolution.getModel());
609                iProgress.setStatus("Solving problem ...");
610                iProgress.setPhase("Initializing solver");
611                initSolver();
612                onStart();
614                double startTime = JProf.currentTimeSec();
615                int timeout = getProperties().getPropertyInt("Termination.TimeOut", 1800);
616                if (isUpdateProgress()) {
617                    if (iCurrentSolution.getBestInfo() == null) {
618                        iProgress.setPhase("Searching for initial solution ...", iCurrentSolution.getModel()
619                                .variables().size());
620                    } else {
621                        iProgress.setPhase("Improving found solution ...");
622                    }
623                }
624                sLogger.info("Initial solution:" + ToolBox.dict2string(iCurrentSolution.getExtendedInfo(), 1));
625                if ((iSaveBestUnassigned < 0 || iSaveBestUnassigned >= iCurrentSolution.getAssignment().nrUnassignedVariables(iCurrentSolution.getModel()))
626                        && (iCurrentSolution.getBestInfo() == null || getSolutionComparator().isBetterThanBestSolution(iCurrentSolution))) {
627                    if (iCurrentSolution.getModel().variables().size() == iCurrentSolution.getAssignment().nrAssignedVariables())
628                        sLogger.info("Complete solution " + ToolBox.dict2string(iCurrentSolution.getExtendedInfo(), 1) + " was found.");
629                    iCurrentSolution.saveBest();
630                }
632                if (iCurrentSolution.getModel().variables().isEmpty()) {
633                    iProgress.error("Nothing to solve.");
634                    iStop = true;
635                }
637                // Iterations: until solver can continue
638                while (!iStop && getTerminationCondition().canContinue(iCurrentSolution)) {
639                    // Neighbour selection
640                    Neighbour<V, T> neighbour = getNeighbourSelection().selectNeighbour(iCurrentSolution);
641                    for (SolverListener<V, T> listener : iSolverListeners) {
642                        if (!listener.neighbourSelected(iCurrentSolution.getAssignment(), iCurrentSolution.getIteration(), neighbour)) {
643                            neighbour = null;
644                            continue;
645                        }
646                    }
647                    if (neighbour == null) {
648                        sLogger.debug("No neighbour selected.");
649                        // still update the solution (increase iteration etc.)
650                        iCurrentSolution.update(JProf.currentTimeSec() - startTime, false);
651                        continue;
652                    }
654                    // Assign selected value to the selected variable
655                    Lock lock = iCurrentSolution.getLock().writeLock();
656                    lock.lock();
657                    try {
658                        neighbour.assign(iCurrentSolution.getAssignment(), iCurrentSolution.getIteration());
659                    } finally {
660                        lock.unlock();
661                    }
662                    double time = JProf.currentTimeSec() - startTime;
663                    iCurrentSolution.update(time);
665                    onAssigned(startTime, iCurrentSolution);
667                    // Check if the solution is the best ever found one
668                    if ((iSaveBestUnassigned < 0 || iSaveBestUnassigned >= iCurrentSolution.getAssignment().nrUnassignedVariables(iCurrentSolution.getModel())) && (iCurrentSolution.getBestInfo() == null || getSolutionComparator().isBetterThanBestSolution(iCurrentSolution))) {
669                        if (iCurrentSolution.getModel().variables().size() == iCurrentSolution.getAssignment().nrAssignedVariables()) {
670                            iProgress.debug("Complete solution of value " + iCurrentSolution.getModel().getTotalValue(iCurrentSolution.getAssignment()) + " was found.");
671                        }
672                        iCurrentSolution.saveBest();
673                    }
675                    // Increment progress bar
676                    if (isUpdateProgress()) {
677                        if (iCurrentSolution.getBestInfo() != null && iCurrentSolution.getModel().getBestUnassignedVariables() == 0) {
678                            if (!"Improving found solution ...".equals(iProgress.getPhase()))
679                                iProgress.setPhase("Improving found solution ...");
680                            iProgress.setProgress(Math.min(100, (int)Math.round(100 * time / timeout)));
681                        } else if ((iCurrentSolution.getBestInfo() == null || iCurrentSolution.getModel().getBestUnassignedVariables() > 0) && (iCurrentSolution.getAssignment().nrAssignedVariables() > iProgress.getProgress())) {
682                            iProgress.setProgress(iCurrentSolution.getAssignment().nrAssignedVariables());
683                        }
684                    }
686                }
688                // Finalization
689                iLastSolution = iCurrentSolution;
691                iProgress.setPhase("Done", 1);
692                iProgress.incProgress();
694                if (iStop) {
695                    sLogger.debug("Solver stopped.");
696                    iProgress.setStatus("Solver stopped.");
697                    onStop();
698                } else {
699                    sLogger.debug("Solver done.");
700                    iProgress.setStatus("Solver done.");
701                    onFinish();
702                }
703            } catch (Exception ex) {
704                sLogger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
705                iProgress.fatal("Solver failed, reason:" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
706                iProgress.setStatus("Solver failed.");
707                onFailure();
708            } finally {
709                iSolverThread = null;
710            }
711        }
712    }
714    /** Return true if {@link Solver#stopSolver()} was called 
715     * @return true if the solver is to be stopped
716     **/
717    public boolean isStop() {
718        return iStop;
719    }