001package org.cpsolver.studentsct;
003import java.io.File;
004import java.io.FileOutputStream;
005import java.text.DecimalFormat;
006import java.util.Collections;
007import java.util.Comparator;
010import org.cpsolver.coursett.Constants;
011import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment;
012import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment;
013import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
014import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
015import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Course;
016import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest;
017import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Enrollment;
018import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.FreeTimeRequest;
019import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request;
020import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request.RequestPriority;
021import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section;
022import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Student;
023import org.dom4j.Document;
024import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
025import org.dom4j.Element;
026import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat;
027import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter;
030 * This class exports student course and free time requests in a format as
031 * defined in this <a
032 * href='http://www.unitime.org/interface/StudentSectioning.dtd'>Student
033 * Sectioning DTD</a>. See this <a href=
034 * 'http://www.unitime.org/interface/studentSectioningRequest.xml'>example</a>
035 * file.
036 * 
037 * @version StudentSct 1.3 (Student Sectioning)<br>
038 *          Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 Tomáš Müller<br>
039 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
040 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
041 * <br>
042 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
043 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
044 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
045 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
046 * <br>
047 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
048 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
050 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
051 * <br>
052 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
053 *          License along with this library; if not see <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses</a>.
054 * 
055 */
057public class StudentRequestXml {
058    private static DecimalFormat s2zDF = new DecimalFormat("00");
060    public static Document exportModel(Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment, StudentSectioningModel model) {
061        Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
062        Element requestElement = document.addElement("request");
063        requestElement.addAttribute("campus", model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Initiative"));
064        requestElement.addAttribute("year", model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Year"));
065        requestElement.addAttribute("term", model.getProperties().getProperty("Data.Term"));
066        for (Student student : model.getStudents()) {
067            Element studentElement = requestElement.addElement("student");
068            studentElement.addAttribute("key", String.valueOf(student.getId()));
069            Element courseRequestsElement = studentElement.addElement("updateCourseRequests");
070            courseRequestsElement.addAttribute("commit", "true");
071            Collections.sort(student.getRequests(), new Comparator<Request>() {
072                @Override
073                public int compare(Request r1, Request r2) {
074                    if (r1.isAlternative() != r2.isAlternative()) {
075                        return (r1.isAlternative() ? 1 : -1);
076                    }
077                    return Double.compare(r1.getPriority(), r2.getPriority());
078                }
079            });
080            boolean hasSchedule = false;
081            for (Request request : student.getRequests()) {
082                if (assignment.getValue(request) != null)
083                    hasSchedule = true;
084                if (request instanceof FreeTimeRequest) {
085                    FreeTimeRequest ftReq = (FreeTimeRequest) request;
086                    Element ftReqElement = courseRequestsElement.addElement("freeTime");
087                    requestElement.addAttribute("days", ftReq.getTime().getDayHeader());
088                    int startSlot = ftReq.getTime().getStartSlot();
089                    int startTime = startSlot * Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN + Constants.FIRST_SLOT_TIME_MIN;
090                    ftReqElement.addAttribute("startTime", s2zDF.format(startTime / 60) + s2zDF.format(startTime % 60));
091                    int endTime = startTime + ftReq.getTime().getLength() * Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN
092                            - ftReq.getTime().getBreakTime();
093                    ftReqElement.addAttribute("endTime", s2zDF.format(endTime / 60) + s2zDF.format(endTime % 60));
094                    ftReqElement.addAttribute("length", String.valueOf(ftReq.getTime().getLength()
095                            * Constants.SLOT_LENGTH_MIN));
096                } else {
097                    CourseRequest crReq = (CourseRequest) request;
098                    Element crReqElement = courseRequestsElement.addElement("courseOffering");
099                    Course course = crReq.getCourses().get(0);
100                    crReqElement.addAttribute("subjectArea", course.getSubjectArea());
101                    crReqElement.addAttribute("courseNumber", course.getCourseNumber());
102                    crReqElement.addAttribute("waitlist", crReq.isWaitlist() ? "true" : "false");
103                    crReqElement.addAttribute("critical", crReq.getRequestPriority() == RequestPriority.Critical ? "true" : "false");
104                    crReqElement.addAttribute("importance", crReq.getRequestPriority().name());
105                    crReqElement.addAttribute("alternative", crReq.isAlternative() ? "true" : "false");
106                    for (int i = 1; i < crReq.getCourses().size(); i++) {
107                        Course altCourse = crReq.getCourses().get(i);
108                        Element altCourseElement = crReqElement.addElement("alternative");
109                        altCourseElement.addAttribute("subjectArea", altCourse.getSubjectArea());
110                        altCourseElement.addAttribute("courseNumber", altCourse.getCourseNumber());
111                    }
112                }
113            }
114            if (hasSchedule) {
115                Element requestScheduleElement = studentElement.addElement("requestSchedule");
116                requestScheduleElement.addAttribute("type", "commit");
117                for (Request request : student.getRequests()) {
118                    if (request instanceof CourseRequest) {
119                        CourseRequest crReq = (CourseRequest) request;
120                        Enrollment enrollment = assignment.getValue(crReq);
121                        if (enrollment == null)
122                            continue;
123                        Element crReqElement = requestScheduleElement.addElement("courseOffering");
124                        Course course = enrollment.getCourse();
125                        crReqElement.addAttribute("subjectArea", course.getSubjectArea());
126                        crReqElement.addAttribute("courseNumber", course.getCourseNumber());
127                        for (Section section : enrollment.getSections()) {
128                            Element classEl = crReqElement.addElement("class");
129                            classEl.addAttribute("id", section.getSubpart().getInstructionalType());
130                            classEl.addAttribute("assignmentId", String.valueOf(section.getId()));
131                        }
132                    }
133                }
134            }
135        }
136        return document;
137    }
139    public static void main(String[] args) {
140        try {
141            ToolBox.configureLogging();
142            StudentSectioningModel model = new StudentSectioningModel(new DataProperties());
143            Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment = new DefaultSingleAssignment<Request, Enrollment>();
144            StudentSectioningXMLLoader xmlLoad = new StudentSectioningXMLLoader(model, assignment);
145            xmlLoad.setInputFile(new File(args[0]));
146            xmlLoad.load();
147            Document document = exportModel(assignment, model);
148            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(args[1]));
149            (new XMLWriter(fos, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint())).write(document);
150            fos.flush();
151            fos.close();
152        } catch (Exception e) {
153            e.printStackTrace();
154        }
155    }