001package org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.selection;
003import java.util.ArrayList;
004import java.util.Collections;
005import java.util.Comparator;
006import java.util.HashMap;
007import java.util.HashSet;
008import java.util.Hashtable;
009import java.util.Iterator;
010import java.util.List;
011import java.util.Map;
012import java.util.Set;
013import java.util.TreeSet;
015import org.cpsolver.coursett.Constants;
016import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation;
017import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment;
018import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
019import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
020import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Config;
021import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Course;
022import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.CourseRequest;
023import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Enrollment;
024import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.FreeTimeRequest;
025import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Request;
026import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Section;
027import org.cpsolver.studentsct.model.Student;
028import org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.OnlineSectioningModel;
029import org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.expectations.OverExpectedCriterion;
030import org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.selection.MultiCriteriaBranchAndBoundSelection.SelectionComparator;
033 * Computation of suggestions using a limited depth branch and bound.
034 * For a given schedule and a selected section, compute
035 * possible changes that will be displayed to the student as suggestions. The number
036 * of suggestions is limited by Suggestions.MaxSuggestions parameter (defaults to 20).
037 * Time is limited by Suggestions.Timeout (defaults to 5000 ms), search depth is limited
038 * by Suggestions.MaxDepth parameter (default to 4).
039 * 
040 * @version StudentSct 1.3 (Student Sectioning)<br>
041 *          Copyright (C) 2014 Tomáš Müller<br>
042 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
043 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
044 * <br>
045 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
046 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
047 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
048 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
049 * <br>
050 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
051 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
053 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
054 * <br>
055 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
056 *          License along with this library; if not see <a
057 *          href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses</a>.
058 * 
059 */
060public class SuggestionsBranchAndBound {
061    private Hashtable<CourseRequest, Set<Section>> iRequiredSections = null;
062    private Set<FreeTimeRequest> iRequiredFreeTimes = null;
063    private Hashtable<CourseRequest, Set<Section>> iPreferredSections = null;
064    private Request iSelectedRequest = null;
065    private Section iSelectedSection = null;
066    private Student iStudent = null;
067    private TreeSet<Suggestion> iSuggestions = new TreeSet<Suggestion>();
068    private int iMaxDepth = 4;
069    private long iTimeout = 5000;
070    private int iMaxSuggestions = 20;
071    private long iT0, iT1;
072    private boolean iTimeoutReached = false;
073    private int iNrSolutionsSeen = 0;
074    private OnlineSectioningModel iModel;
075    private Assignment<Request, Enrollment> iAssignment;
076    private Hashtable<Request, List<Enrollment>> iValues = new Hashtable<Request, List<Enrollment>>();
077    private long iLastSuggestionId = 0;
078    private SuggestionFilter iFilter = null;
079    protected SelectionComparator iComparator = null;
080    protected int iMatched = 0;
081    protected double iMaxSectionsWithPenalty = 0;
083    /**
084     * Constructor 
085     * @param properties configuration
086     * @param student given student
087     * @param assignment current assignment
088     * @param requiredSections required sections
089     * @param requiredFreeTimes required free times (free time requests that must be assigned)
090     * @param preferredSections preferred sections
091     * @param selectedRequest selected request
092     * @param selectedSection selected section
093     * @param filter section filter
094     * @param maxSectionsWithPenalty maximal number of sections that have a positive over-expectation penalty {@link OverExpectedCriterion#getOverExpected(Assignment, Section, Request)}
095     */
096    public SuggestionsBranchAndBound(DataProperties properties, Student student,
097            Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment, Hashtable<CourseRequest, Set<Section>> requiredSections,
098            Set<FreeTimeRequest> requiredFreeTimes, Hashtable<CourseRequest, Set<Section>> preferredSections,
099            Request selectedRequest, Section selectedSection, SuggestionFilter filter, double maxSectionsWithPenalty) {
100        iRequiredSections = requiredSections;
101        iRequiredFreeTimes = requiredFreeTimes;
102        iPreferredSections = preferredSections;
103        iSelectedRequest = selectedRequest;
104        iSelectedSection = selectedSection;
105        iStudent = student;
106        iModel = (OnlineSectioningModel) selectedRequest.getModel();
107        iAssignment = assignment;
108        iMaxDepth = properties.getPropertyInt("Suggestions.MaxDepth", iMaxDepth);
109        iTimeout = properties.getPropertyLong("Suggestions.Timeout", iTimeout);
110        iMaxSuggestions = properties.getPropertyInt("Suggestions.MaxSuggestions", iMaxSuggestions);
111        iMaxSectionsWithPenalty = maxSectionsWithPenalty;
112        iFilter = filter;
113        iComparator = new SelectionComparator() {
114            private HashMap<Enrollment, Double> iValues = new HashMap<Enrollment, Double>();
116            private Double value(Enrollment e) {
117                Double value = iValues.get(e);
118                if (value == null) {
119                    if (iModel.getStudentQuality() != null)
120                        value = iModel.getStudentWeights().getWeight(iAssignment, e, iModel.getStudentQuality().conflicts(e));
121                    else
122                        value = iModel.getStudentWeights().getWeight(iAssignment, e,
123                                (iModel.getDistanceConflict() == null ? null : iModel.getDistanceConflict().conflicts(e)),
124                                (iModel.getTimeOverlaps() == null ? null : iModel.getTimeOverlaps().conflicts(e)));
125                    iValues.put(e, value);
126                }
127                return value;
128            }
130            @Override
131            public int compare(Assignment<Request, Enrollment> a, Enrollment e1, Enrollment e2) {
132                return value(e2).compareTo(value(e1));
133            }
134        };
135    }
137    /**
138     * Return search time
139     * @return search time
140     */
141    public long getTime() {
142        return iT1 - iT0;
143    }
145    /**
146     * Was time limit reached
147     * @return true if reached
148     */
149    public boolean isTimeoutReached() {
150        return iTimeoutReached;
151    }
153    /**
154     * Number of possible suggestions visited
155     * @return a number of solutions seen
156     */
157    public int getNrSolutionsSeen() {
158        return iNrSolutionsSeen;
159    }
161    /**
162     * Perform the search
163     * @return an ordered set of possible suggestions
164     */
165    public TreeSet<Suggestion> computeSuggestions() {
166        iT0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
167        iTimeoutReached = false;
168        iNrSolutionsSeen = 0;
169        iSuggestions.clear();
171        ArrayList<Request> requests2resolve = new ArrayList<Request>();
172        requests2resolve.add(iSelectedRequest);
173        TreeSet<Request> altRequests2resolve = new TreeSet<Request>();
175        for (Map.Entry<CourseRequest, Set<Section>> entry : iPreferredSections.entrySet()) {
176            CourseRequest request = entry.getKey();
177            Set<Section> sections = entry.getValue();
178            if (!sections.isEmpty() && sections.size() == sections.iterator().next().getSubpart().getConfig().getSubparts().size())
179                iAssignment.assign(0, request.createEnrollment(iAssignment, sections));
180            else if (!request.equals(iSelectedRequest)) {
181                if (sections.isEmpty())
182                    altRequests2resolve.add(request);
183                else
184                    requests2resolve.add(request);
185            }
186        }
188        for (Request request : iStudent.getRequests()) {
189            if (iAssignment.getValue(request) == null && request instanceof FreeTimeRequest) {
190                FreeTimeRequest ft = (FreeTimeRequest) request;
191                Enrollment enrollment = ft.createEnrollment();
192                if (iModel.conflictValues(iAssignment, enrollment).isEmpty())
193                    iAssignment.assign(0, enrollment);
194            }
195        }
197        for (Request request : iStudent.getRequests()) {
198            request.setInitialAssignment(iAssignment.getValue(request));
199        }
201        backtrack(requests2resolve, altRequests2resolve, 0, iMaxDepth, false);
203        iT1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
204        return iSuggestions;
205    }
207    /**
208     * Main branch and bound rutine
209     * @param requests2resolve remaining requests to assign
210     * @param altRequests2resolve alternative requests to assign
211     * @param idx current depth
212     * @param depth remaining depth
213     * @param alt can leave a request unassigned
214     */
215    protected void backtrack(ArrayList<Request> requests2resolve, TreeSet<Request> altRequests2resolve, int idx,
216            int depth, boolean alt) {
217        if (!iTimeoutReached && iTimeout > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - iT0 > iTimeout)
218            iTimeoutReached = true;
219        int nrUnassigned = requests2resolve.size() - idx;
220        if (nrUnassigned == 0) {
221            List<FreeTimeRequest> okFreeTimes = new ArrayList<FreeTimeRequest>();
222            double sectionsWithPenalty = 0;
223            for (Request r : iStudent.getRequests()) {
224                Enrollment e = iAssignment.getValue(r);
225                if (iMaxSectionsWithPenalty >= 0 && e != null && r instanceof CourseRequest) {
226                    for (Section s : e.getSections())
227                        sectionsWithPenalty += iModel.getOverExpected(iAssignment, s, r);
228                }
229                if (e == null && r instanceof FreeTimeRequest) {
230                    FreeTimeRequest ft = (FreeTimeRequest) r;
231                    Enrollment enrollment = ft.createEnrollment();
232                    if (iModel.conflictValues(iAssignment, enrollment).isEmpty()) {
233                        iAssignment.assign(0, enrollment);
234                        okFreeTimes.add(ft);
235                    }
236                }
237                if (e != null && e.isCourseRequest() && e.getSections().isEmpty()) {
238                    Double minPenalty = null;
239                    for (Enrollment other : values(e.getRequest())) {
240                        if (!isAllowed(other)) continue;
241                        if (e.equals(other)) continue;
242                        double penalty = 0.0;
243                        for (Section s: other.getSections())
244                            penalty += iModel.getOverExpected(iAssignment, s, other.getRequest());
245                        if (minPenalty == null || minPenalty > penalty) minPenalty = penalty;
246                        if (minPenalty == 0.0) break;
247                    }
248                    if (minPenalty != null) sectionsWithPenalty += minPenalty;
249                }
250            }
251            if (iMaxSectionsWithPenalty >= 0 && sectionsWithPenalty > iMaxSectionsWithPenalty)
252                return;
253            Suggestion s = new Suggestion(requests2resolve);
254            if (iSuggestions.size() >= iMaxSuggestions && iSuggestions.last().compareTo(s) <= 0)
255                return;
256            if (iMatched != 1) {
257                for (Iterator<Suggestion> i = iSuggestions.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
258                    Suggestion x = i.next();
259                    if (x.sameSelectedSection()) {
260                        if (x.compareTo(s) <= 0) return;
261                        i.remove();
262                    }
263                }
264            }
265            s.init();
266            iSuggestions.add(s);
267            if (iSuggestions.size() > iMaxSuggestions)
268                iSuggestions.remove(iSuggestions.last());
269            for (FreeTimeRequest ft : okFreeTimes)
270                iAssignment.unassign(0, ft);
271            return;
272        }
273        if (!canContinue(requests2resolve, idx, depth))
274            return;
275        Request request = requests2resolve.get(idx);
276        for (Enrollment enrollment : values(request)) {
277            if (!canContinueEvaluation())
278                break;
279            if (!isAllowed(enrollment))
280                continue;
281            if (enrollment.equals(iAssignment.getValue(request)))
282                continue;
283            if (enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty() && alt)
284                continue;
285            Set<Enrollment> conflicts = iModel.conflictValues(iAssignment, enrollment);
286            if (!checkBound(requests2resolve, idx, depth, enrollment, conflicts))
287                continue;
288            Enrollment current = iAssignment.getValue(request);
289            ArrayList<Request> newVariables2resolve = new ArrayList<Request>(requests2resolve);
290            for (Iterator<Enrollment> i = conflicts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
291                Enrollment conflict = i.next();
292                iAssignment.unassign(0, conflict.variable());
293                if (!newVariables2resolve.contains(conflict.variable()))
294                    newVariables2resolve.add(conflict.variable());
295            }
296            if (current != null)
297                iAssignment.unassign(0, current.variable());
298            iAssignment.assign(0, enrollment);
299            if (enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty()) {
300                if (altRequests2resolve != null && !altRequests2resolve.isEmpty()) {
301                    Suggestion lastBefore = (iSuggestions.isEmpty() ? null : iSuggestions.last());
302                    int sizeBefore = iSuggestions.size();
303                    for (Request r : altRequests2resolve) {
304                        newVariables2resolve.add(r);
305                        backtrack(newVariables2resolve, null, idx + 1, depth, true);
306                        newVariables2resolve.remove(r);
307                    }
308                    Suggestion lastAfter = (iSuggestions.isEmpty() ? null : iSuggestions.last());
309                    int sizeAfter = iSuggestions.size();
310                    // did not succeeded with an alternative -> try without it
311                    if (sizeBefore == sizeAfter && (sizeAfter < iMaxSuggestions || sizeAfter == 0 || lastAfter.compareTo(lastBefore) == 0))
312                        backtrack(newVariables2resolve, altRequests2resolve, idx + 1, depth - 1, alt);
313                } else {
314                    backtrack(newVariables2resolve, altRequests2resolve, idx + 1, depth - 1, alt);
315                }
316            } else {
317                backtrack(newVariables2resolve, altRequests2resolve, idx + 1, depth - 1, alt);
318            }
319            if (current == null)
320                iAssignment.unassign(0, request);
321            else
322                iAssignment.assign(0, current);
323            for (Iterator<Enrollment> i = conflicts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
324                Enrollment conflict = i.next();
325                iAssignment.assign(0, conflict);
326            }
327        }
328    }
330    /**
331     * Domain of a request    
332     * @param request given request
333     * @return possible enrollments (meeting the filter etc)
334     */
335    protected List<Enrollment> values(final Request request) {
336        if (!request.equals(iSelectedRequest) && !request.getStudent().canAssign(iAssignment, request)) {
337            if (canLeaveUnassigned(request)) {
338                List<Enrollment> values = new ArrayList<Enrollment>();
339                Config config = null;
340                if (request instanceof CourseRequest)
341                    config = ((CourseRequest) request).getCourses().get(0).getOffering().getConfigs().get(0);
342                values.add(new Enrollment(request, 0, config, new HashSet<Section>(), iAssignment));
343                return values;
344            }
345            return new ArrayList<Enrollment>();
346        }
347        List<Enrollment> values = iValues.get(request);
348        if (values != null)
349            return values;
350        if (request instanceof CourseRequest) {
351            CourseRequest cr = (CourseRequest) request;
352            values = (cr.equals(iSelectedRequest) ? cr.getAvaiableEnrollments(iAssignment) : cr.getAvaiableEnrollmentsSkipSameTime(iAssignment));
353            if (cr.equals(iSelectedRequest)) {
354                Collections.sort(values, new Comparator<Enrollment>() {
355                    @Override
356                    public int compare(Enrollment e1, Enrollment e2) {
357                        int s1 = 0;
358                        for (Section s: e1.getSections())
359                            if (((CourseRequest)iSelectedRequest).isSelected(s)) s1++;
360                        int s2 = 0;
361                        for (Section s: e2.getSections())
362                            if (((CourseRequest)iSelectedRequest).isSelected(s)) s2++;
363                        if (s1 != s2) return (s1 > s2 ? -1 : 1);
365                        if (e1.getRequest().getInitialAssignment() != null) {
366                            Enrollment original = e1.getRequest().getInitialAssignment();
367                            int x1 = 0;
368                            if (original.getCourse().equals(e1.getCourse())) x1 += 100;
369                            if (original.getConfig().equals(e1.getConfig())) {
370                                x1 += 10;
371                                for (Section section: original.getSections()) {
372                                    for (Section s: e1.getSections()) {
373                                        if (s.getSubpart().getId() == section.getSubpart().getId()) {
374                                            if (ToolBox.equals(section.getTime(), s.getTime()) && ToolBox.equals(section.getRooms(), s.getRooms()))
375                                                x1 ++;
376                                            break;
377                                        }
378                                    }
379                                }
380                            }
381                            int x2 = 0;
382                            if (original.getCourse().equals(e2.getCourse())) x2 += 100;
383                            if (original.getConfig().equals(e2.getConfig())) {
384                                x2 += 10;
385                                for (Section section: original.getSections()) {
386                                    for (Section s: e2.getSections()) {
387                                        if (s.getSubpart().getId() == section.getSubpart().getId()) {
388                                            if (ToolBox.equals(section.getTime(), s.getTime()) && ToolBox.equals(section.getRooms(), s.getRooms()))
389                                                x2 ++;
390                                            break;
391                                        }
392                                    }
393                                }
394                            }
395                            if (x1 != x2) {
396                                return (x1 > x2 ? -1 : 1);
397                            }
398                        }
400                        return iComparator.compare(iAssignment, e1, e2);
401                    }
402                });
403            } else {
404                Collections.sort(values, new Comparator<Enrollment>() {
405                    @Override
406                    public int compare(Enrollment e1, Enrollment e2) {
407                        return iComparator.compare(iAssignment, e1, e2);
408                    }
409                });
410            }
411        } else {
412            values = new ArrayList<Enrollment>();
413            values.add(((FreeTimeRequest) request).createEnrollment());
414        }
415        if (canLeaveUnassigned(request)) {
416            Config config = null;
417            if (request instanceof CourseRequest)
418                config = ((CourseRequest) request).getCourses().get(0).getOffering().getConfigs().get(0);
419            values.add(new Enrollment(request, 0, config, new HashSet<Section>(), iAssignment));
420        }
421        iValues.put(request, values);
422        if (request.equals(iSelectedRequest) && iFilter != null && request instanceof CourseRequest) {
423            for (Iterator<Enrollment> i = values.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
424                Enrollment enrollment = i.next();
425                if (enrollment.getAssignments() != null && !enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty()) {
426                    boolean match = false;
427                    for (Iterator<Section> j = enrollment.getSections().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
428                        Section section = j.next();
429                        if (iSelectedSection != null) {
430                            if (section.getSubpart().getId() == iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getId()) {
431                                if (iFilter.match(enrollment.getCourse(), section)) {
432                                    match = true;
433                                    break;
434                                }
435                            }
436                            if (section.getSubpart().getConfig().getId() != iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getConfig().getId() &&
437                                    section.getSubpart().getInstructionalType().equals(iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getInstructionalType())) {
438                                if (iFilter.match(enrollment.getCourse(), section)) {
439                                    match = true;
440                                    break;
441                                }
442                            }
443                        } else {
444                            if (iFilter.match(enrollment.getCourse(), section)) {
445                                match = true;
446                                break;
447                            }
448                        }
449                    }
450                    if (!match)
451                        i.remove();
452                }
453            }
454        }
455        if (request.equals(iSelectedRequest))
456            iMatched = values.size();
457        return values;
458    }
460    /**
461     * Termination criterion
462     * @param requests2resolve request to resolve
463     * @param idx current depth
464     * @param depth remaining depth
465     * @return true if the search can continue
466     */
467    protected boolean canContinue(ArrayList<Request> requests2resolve, int idx, int depth) {
468        if (depth <= 0)
469            return false;
470        if (iTimeoutReached)
471            return false;
472        return true;
473    }
475    /**
476     * Can continue evaluation of possible enrollments
477     * @return false if the timeout was reached
478     */
479    protected boolean canContinueEvaluation() {
480        return !iTimeoutReached;
481    }
483    /**
484     * Check bound
485     * @param requests2resolve requests to resolve
486     * @param idx current depth
487     * @param depth remaining depth
488     * @param value enrollment in question
489     * @param conflicts conflicting enrollments
490     * @return false if the branch can be cut
491     */
492    protected boolean checkBound(ArrayList<Request> requests2resolve, int idx, int depth, Enrollment value,
493            Set<Enrollment> conflicts) {
494        if (iMaxSectionsWithPenalty < 0.0 && idx > 0 && !conflicts.isEmpty()) return false;
495        int nrUnassigned = requests2resolve.size() - idx;
496        if ((nrUnassigned + conflicts.size() > depth)) {
497            return false;
498        }
499        for (Enrollment conflict : conflicts) {
500            int confIdx = requests2resolve.indexOf(conflict.variable());
501            if (confIdx >= 0 && confIdx <= idx)
502                return false;
503        }
504        if (iMaxSectionsWithPenalty >= 0) {
505            double sectionsWithPenalty = 0;
506            for (Request r : iStudent.getRequests()) {
507                Enrollment e = iAssignment.getValue(r);
508                if (r.equals(value.variable())) {
509                    e = value;
510                } else if (conflicts.contains(e)) {
511                    e = null;
512                }
513                if (e != null && e.isCourseRequest()) {
514                    sectionsWithPenalty += iModel.getOverExpected(iAssignment, e, value, conflicts);
515                }
516            }
517            if (sectionsWithPenalty > iMaxSectionsWithPenalty)
518                return false;
519        }
520        return true;
521    }
523    /**
524     * Check required sections
525     * @param enrollment given enrollment
526     * @return true if  the given enrollment allowed
527     */
528    public boolean isAllowed(Enrollment enrollment) {
529        if (iRequiredSections != null && enrollment.getRequest() instanceof CourseRequest) {
530            // Obey required sections
531            Set<Section> required = iRequiredSections.get(enrollment.getRequest());
532            if (required != null && !required.isEmpty()) {
533                if (enrollment.getAssignments() == null)
534                    return false;
535                for (Section r : required)
536                    if (!enrollment.getAssignments().contains(r))
537                        return false;
538            }
539        }
540        if (enrollment.getRequest().equals(iSelectedRequest)) {
541            // Selected request must be assigned
542            if (enrollment.getAssignments() == null || enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty())
543                return false;
544            // Selected section must be assigned differently
545            if (iSelectedSection != null && enrollment.getAssignments().contains(iSelectedSection))
546                return false;
547        }
548        return true;
549    }
551    /**
552     * Can this request be left unassigned
553     * @param request given request
554     * @return true if can be left unassigned (there is no requirement)
555     */
556    public boolean canLeaveUnassigned(Request request) {
557        if (request instanceof CourseRequest) {
558            if (iRequiredSections != null) {
559                // Request with required section must be assigned
560                Set<Section> required = iRequiredSections.get(request);
561                if (required != null && !required.isEmpty())
562                    return false;
563            }
564        } else {
565            // Free time is required
566            if (iRequiredFreeTimes.contains(request))
567                return false;
568        }
569        // Selected request must be assigned
570        if (request.equals(iSelectedRequest))
571            return false;
572        return true;
573    }
575    /**
576     * Compare two suggestions
577     * @param assignment current assignment
578     * @param s1 first suggestion
579     * @param s2 second suggestion
580     * @return true if s1 is better than s2
581     */
582    protected int compare(Assignment<Request, Enrollment> assignment, Suggestion s1, Suggestion s2) {
583        return Double.compare(s1.getValue(), s2.getValue());
584    }
586    /**
587     * Suggestion
588     */
589    public class Suggestion implements Comparable<Suggestion> {
590        private double iValue = 0.0;
591        private int iNrUnassigned = 0;
592        private int iUnassignedPriority = 0;
593        private int iNrChanges = 0;
595        private long iId = iLastSuggestionId++;
596        private Enrollment[] iEnrollments;
597        private Section iSelectedEnrollment = null;
598        private boolean iSelectedEnrollmentChangeTime = false;
599        private TreeSet<Section> iSelectedSections = new TreeSet<Section>(new EnrollmentSectionComparator());
600        private int iSelectedChoice = 0;
602        /**
603         * Create suggestion
604         * @param resolvedRequests assigned requests
605         */
606        public Suggestion(ArrayList<Request> resolvedRequests) {
607            for (Request request : resolvedRequests) {
608                Enrollment enrollment = iAssignment.getValue(request);
609                if (enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty()) {
610                    iNrUnassigned++;
611                    iUnassignedPriority += request.getPriority();
612                }
613                iValue += (enrollment.getAssignments() == null || enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty() ? 0.0 : enrollment.toDouble(iAssignment, false));
614                if (request.getInitialAssignment() != null && enrollment.isCourseRequest()) {
615                    Enrollment original = request.getInitialAssignment();
616                    for (Iterator<Section> i = enrollment.getSections().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
617                        Section section = i.next();
618                        Section originalSection = null;
619                        for (Iterator<Section> j = original.getSections().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
620                            Section x = j.next();
621                            if (x.getSubpart().getId() == section.getSubpart().getId()) {
622                                originalSection = x;
623                                break;
624                            }
625                        }
626                        if (originalSection == null || !ToolBox.equals(section.getTime(), originalSection.getTime())
627                                || !ToolBox.equals(section.getRooms(), originalSection.getRooms()))
628                            iNrChanges++;
629                    }
630                    if (!enrollment.getCourse().equals(request.getInitialAssignment().getCourse()))
631                        iNrChanges += 100 * (1 + enrollment.getTruePriority());
632                    if (!enrollment.getConfig().equals(request.getInitialAssignment().getConfig()))
633                        iNrChanges += 10;
634                }
635            }
636            if (iSelectedRequest != null && iSelectedSection != null) {
637                Enrollment enrollment = iAssignment.getValue(iSelectedRequest);
638                if (enrollment.getAssignments() != null && !enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty()) {
639                    for (Iterator<Section> i = enrollment.getSections().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
640                        Section section = i.next();
641                        if (section.getSubpart().getId() == iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getId()) {
642                            iSelectedEnrollment = section;
643                            break;
644                        }
645                        if (section.getSubpart().getConfig().getId() != iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getConfig()
646                                .getId()
647                                && section.getSubpart().getInstructionalType()
648                                        .equals(iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getInstructionalType())) {
649                            iSelectedEnrollment = section;
650                            break;
651                        }
652                    }
653                }
654            }
655            if (iSelectedEnrollment != null)
656                iSelectedEnrollmentChangeTime = !ToolBox.equals(iSelectedEnrollment.getTime(),
657                        iSelectedSection.getTime());
658            if (iSelectedRequest != null) {
659                Enrollment enrollment = iAssignment.getValue(iSelectedRequest);
660                if (enrollment.isCourseRequest() && enrollment.getAssignments() != null
661                        && !enrollment.getAssignments().isEmpty()) {
662                    iSelectedSections.addAll(enrollment.getSections());
663                    iSelectedChoice = ((CourseRequest)iSelectedRequest).getCourses().indexOf(enrollment.getCourse());
664                }
665            }
666        }
668        /** initialization */
669        public void init() {
670            iEnrollments = new Enrollment[iStudent.getRequests().size()];
671            for (int i = 0; i < iStudent.getRequests().size(); i++) {
672                Request r = iStudent.getRequests().get(i);
673                iEnrollments[i] = iAssignment.getValue(r);
674                if (iEnrollments[i] == null) {
675                    Config c = null;
676                    if (r instanceof CourseRequest)
677                        c = ((CourseRequest) r).getCourses().get(0).getOffering().getConfigs().get(0);
678                    iEnrollments[i] = new Enrollment(r, 0, c, null, iAssignment);
679                }
680            }
681        }
683        /**
684         * Current assignment for the student
685         * @return schedule
686         */
687        public Enrollment[] getEnrollments() {
688            return iEnrollments;
689        }
691        /**
692         * Current value
693         * @return assignment value
694         */
695        public double getValue() {
696            return iValue;
697        }
699        /**
700         * Number of unassigned requests
701         * @return number of unassigned requests
702         */
703        public int getNrUnassigned() {
704            return iNrUnassigned;
705        }
707        /**
708         * Average unassigned priority
709         * @return average priority of unassinged requests
710         */
711        public double getAverageUnassignedPriority() {
712            return ((double) iUnassignedPriority) / iNrUnassigned;
713        }
715        /**
716         * Number of changes in this schedule (comparing to the original one)
717         * @return number of changes
718         */
719        public int getNrChanges() {
720            return iNrChanges;
721        }
723        /**
724         * Is the same section selected (as in the current assignment)
725         * @return true the same section is selected
726         */
727        public boolean sameSelectedSection() {
728            if (iSelectedRequest != null && iSelectedEnrollment != null) {
729                Enrollment enrollment = iAssignment.getValue(iSelectedRequest);
730                if (enrollment != null && enrollment.getAssignments().contains(iSelectedEnrollment))
731                    return true;
732                if (iSelectedEnrollmentChangeTime && iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getSections().size() > iMaxSuggestions) {
733                    Section selectedEnrollment = null;
734                    for (Iterator<Section> i = enrollment.getSections().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
735                        Section section = i.next();
736                        if (section.getSubpart().getId() == iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getId()) {
737                            selectedEnrollment = section;
738                            break;
739                        }
740                        if (section.getSubpart().getConfig().getId() != iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getConfig().getId() &&
741                                section.getSubpart().getInstructionalType().equals(iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getInstructionalType())) {
742                            selectedEnrollment = section;
743                            break;
744                        }
745                    }
746                    if (selectedEnrollment != null && ToolBox.equals(selectedEnrollment.getTime(), iSelectedEnrollment.getTime()))
747                        return true;
748                }
749            }
750            return false;
751        }
753        @Override
754        public int compareTo(Suggestion suggestion) {
755            int cmp = Double.compare(getNrUnassigned(), suggestion.getNrUnassigned());
756            if (cmp != 0)
757                return cmp;
758            if (getNrUnassigned() > 0) {
759                cmp = Double.compare(suggestion.getAverageUnassignedPriority(), getAverageUnassignedPriority());
760                if (cmp != 0)
761                    return cmp;
762            }
764            if (iSelectedRequest != null && iSelectedRequest instanceof CourseRequest) {
765                int s1 = 0;
766                for (Section s: iSelectedSections)
767                    if (((CourseRequest)iSelectedRequest).isSelected(s)) s1++;
768                int s2 = 0;
769                for (Section s: suggestion.iSelectedSections)
770                    if (((CourseRequest)iSelectedRequest).isSelected(s)) s2++;
771                if (s1 != s2) {
772                    return (s1 > s2 ? -1 : 1);
773                }
774            }
776            cmp = Double.compare(getNrChanges(), suggestion.getNrChanges());
777            if (cmp != 0)
778                return cmp;
780            cmp = Double.compare(iSelectedChoice, suggestion.iSelectedChoice);
781            if (cmp != 0)
782                return cmp;
784            Iterator<Section> i1 = iSelectedSections.iterator();
785            Iterator<Section> i2 = suggestion.iSelectedSections.iterator();
786            SectionAssignmentComparator c = new SectionAssignmentComparator();
787            while (i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) {
788                cmp = c.compare(i1.next(), i2.next());
789                if (cmp != 0)
790                    return cmp;
791            }
793            cmp = compare(iAssignment, this, suggestion);
794            if (cmp != 0)
795                return cmp;
797            return Double.compare(iId, suggestion.iId);
798        }
799    }
801    /**
802     * Enrollment comparator (used to sort enrollments in a domain).
803     * Selected sections go first.
804     */
805    public class EnrollmentSectionComparator implements Comparator<Section> {
806        /**
807         * Is section s1 parent of section s2 (or a parent of a parent...)
808         * @param s1 a section
809         * @param s2 a section
810         * @return if there is a parent-child relation between the two sections
811         */
812        public boolean isParent(Section s1, Section s2) {
813            Section p1 = s1.getParent();
814            if (p1 == null)
815                return false;
816            if (p1.equals(s2))
817                return true;
818            return isParent(p1, s2);
819        }
821        @Override
822        public int compare(Section a, Section b) {
823            if (iSelectedSection != null && iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getId() == a.getSubpart().getId())
824                return -1;
825            if (iSelectedSection != null && iSelectedSection.getSubpart().getId() == b.getSubpart().getId())
826                return 1;
828            if (isParent(a, b))
829                return 1;
830            if (isParent(b, a))
831                return -1;
833            int cmp = a.getSubpart().getInstructionalType().compareToIgnoreCase(b.getSubpart().getInstructionalType());
834            if (cmp != 0)
835                return cmp;
837            return Double.compare(a.getId(), b.getId());
838        }
839    }
841    /**
842     * Section comparator. Order section by time first, then by room.
843     */
844    public class SectionAssignmentComparator implements Comparator<Section> {
845        @Override
846        public int compare(Section a, Section b) {
847            TimeLocation t1 = (a == null ? null : a.getTime());
848            TimeLocation t2 = (b == null ? null : b.getTime());
849            if (t1 != null && t2 != null) {
850                for (int i = 0; i < Constants.DAY_CODES.length; i++) {
851                    if ((t1.getDayCode() & Constants.DAY_CODES[i]) != 0) {
852                        if ((t2.getDayCode() & Constants.DAY_CODES[i]) == 0)
853                            return -1;
854                    } else if ((t2.getDayCode() & Constants.DAY_CODES[i]) != 0) {
855                        return 1;
856                    }
857                }
858                int cmp = Double.compare(t1.getStartSlot(), t2.getStartSlot());
859                if (cmp != 0)
860                    return cmp;
861            }
862            String r1 = (a == null || a.getRooms() == null ? null : a.getRooms().toString());
863            String r2 = (b == null || b.getRooms() == null ? null : b.getRooms().toString());
864            if (r1 != null && r2 != null) {
865                int cmp = r1.compareToIgnoreCase(r2);
866                if (cmp != 0)
867                    return cmp;
868            }
870            return 0;
871        }
872    }
874    /** 
875     * Number of possible enrollments of the selected request
876     * @return number of possible enrollment of the selected request (meeting the given filter etc.)
877     */
878    public int getNrMatched() {
879        return iMatched;
880    }
882    /**
883     * Suggestion filter.
884     */
885    public static interface SuggestionFilter {
886        /**
887         * Match the given section 
888         * @param course given course
889         * @param section given section
890         * @return true if matching the filter (can be used)
891         */
892        public boolean match(Course course, Section section);
893    }