001package org.cpsolver.ifs.algorithms;
003import java.text.DecimalFormat;
005import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment;
006import org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.NeighbourSelection;
007import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Model;
008import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Neighbour;
009import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Value;
010import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Variable;
011import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
012import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
013import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.JProf;
017 * Great deluge. In each iteration, one of the given neighbourhoods is selected first,
018 * then a neighbour is generated and it is accepted if the value of the new
019 * solution is below certain bound. This bound is initialized to the
020 * GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate × value of the best solution ever found.
021 * After each iteration, the bound is decreased by GreatDeluge.CoolRate (new
022 * bound equals to old bound × GreatDeluge.CoolRate). If the bound gets
023 * bellow GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate × value of the best solution ever
024 * found, it is changed back to GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate × value of the
025 * best solution ever found.
026 * <br><br>
027 * If there was no improvement found between the bounds, the new bounds are
028 * changed to GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate^2 and GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate^2,
029 * GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate^3 and GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate^3, etc. till
030 * there is an improvement found. <br>
031 * <br>
032 * Custom neighbours can be set using GreatDeluge.Neighbours property that should
033 * contain semicolon separated list of {@link NeighbourSelection}. By default, 
034 * each neighbour selection is selected with the same probability (each has 1 point in
035 * a roulette wheel selection). It can be changed by adding &nbsp;@n at the end
036 * of the name of the class, for example:
037 * <pre><code>
038 * GreatDeluge.Neighbours=org.cpsolver.ifs.algorithms.neighbourhoods.RandomMove;org.cpsolver.ifs.algorithms.neighbourhoods.RandomSwapMove@0.1
039 * </code></pre>
040 * Selector RandomSwapMove is 10&times; less probable to be selected than other selectors.
041 * When GreatDeluge.Random is true, all selectors are selected with the same probability, ignoring these weights.
042 * <br><br>
043 * When GreatDeluge.Update is true, {@link NeighbourSelector#update(Assignment, Neighbour, long)} is called 
044 * after each iteration (on the selector that was used) and roulette wheel selection 
045 * that is using {@link NeighbourSelector#getPoints()} is used to pick a selector in each iteration. 
046 * See {@link NeighbourSelector} for more details. 
047 * <br>
048 * 
049 * @version IFS 1.3 (Iterative Forward Search)<br>
050 *          Copyright (C) 2014 Tomáš Müller<br>
051 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
052 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
053 * <br>
054 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
055 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
056 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
057 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
058 * <br>
059 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
060 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
062 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
063 * <br>
064 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
065 *          License along with this library; if not see
066 *          <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.
067 * @param <V> Variable
068 * @param <T> Value
069 */
070public class GreatDeluge<V extends Variable<V, T>, T extends Value<V, T>> extends NeighbourSearch<V, T> {
071    private DecimalFormat sDF2 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
072    private DecimalFormat sDF5 = new DecimalFormat("0.00000");
073    private double iCoolRate = 0.9999999;
074    private double iUpperBoundRate = 1.05;
075    private double iLowerBoundRate = 0.95;
076    private Double[] iCoolRateAdjusts = null;
078    /**
079     * Constructor. Following problem properties are considered:
080     * <ul>
081     * <li>GreatDeluge.CoolRate ... bound cooling rate (default 0.99999995)
082     * <li>GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate ... bound upper bound relative to best solution ever found (default 1.05)
083     * <li>GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate ... bound lower bound relative to best solution ever found (default 0.95)
084     * <li>GreatDeluge.Neighbours ... semicolon separated list of classes implementing {@link NeighbourSelection}
085     * <li>GreatDeluge.AdditionalNeighbours ... semicolon separated list of classes implementing {@link NeighbourSelection}
086     * <li>GreatDeluge.Random ... when true, a neighbour selector is selected randomly
087     * <li>GreatDeluge.Update ... when true, a neighbour selector is selected using {@link NeighbourSelector#getPoints()} weights (roulette wheel selection)
088     * </ul>
089     * 
090     * @param properties
091     *            problem properties
092     */
093    public GreatDeluge(DataProperties properties) {
094        super(properties);
095        iCoolRate = properties.getPropertyDouble(getParameterBaseName() + ".CoolRate", iCoolRate);
096        iUpperBoundRate = properties.getPropertyDouble(getParameterBaseName() + ".UpperBoundRate", iUpperBoundRate);
097        iLowerBoundRate = properties.getPropertyDouble(getParameterBaseName() + ".LowerBoundRate", iLowerBoundRate);
098        iCoolRateAdjusts = properties.getPropertyDoubleArry(getParameterBaseName() + ".CoolRateAdjustments", null);
099    }
101    @Override
102    public String getParameterBaseName() { return "GreatDeluge"; }
104    @Override
105    public NeighbourSearchContext createAssignmentContext(Assignment<V, T> assignment) {
106        return new GreatDelugeContext();
107    }
109    public class GreatDelugeContext extends NeighbourSearchContext {
110        private int iMoves = 0;
111        private int iAcceptedMoves = 0;
112        private int iNrIdle = 0;
113        private long iLastImprovingIter = 0;
114        private double iBestValue = 0;
115        private double iBound = 0.0;
116        private double iUpperBound;
118        /** Accept the given neighbour if it does not worsen the current solution or when the new solution is below the bound */
119        @Override
120        protected boolean accept(Assignment<V, T> assignment, Model<V, T> model, Neighbour<V, T> neighbour, double value, boolean lazy) {
121            iMoves ++;
122            if (value <= 0.0 || (lazy ? model.getTotalValue(assignment) : value + model.getTotalValue(assignment)) < iBound) {
123                iAcceptedMoves ++;
124                return true;
125            }
126            return false;
127        }
129        /** Setup the bound */
130        @Override
131        protected void activate(Solution<V, T> solution) {
132            super.activate(solution);
133            iNrIdle = 0;
134            iLastImprovingIter = 0;
135            iBound = (solution.getBestValue() > 0.0 ? iUpperBoundRate * solution.getBestValue() : solution.getBestValue() / iUpperBoundRate);
136            iUpperBound = iBound;
137        }
139        protected double getCoolRate(int idx) {
140            if (idx < 0 || iCoolRateAdjusts == null || idx >= iCoolRateAdjusts.length || iCoolRateAdjusts[idx] == null) return iCoolRate;
141            return iCoolRate * iCoolRateAdjusts[idx];
142        }
144        /** Increment iteration count, update bound */
145        @Override
146        protected void incIteration(Solution<V, T> solution) {
147            super.incIteration(solution);
148            if (solution.getBestValue() >= 0.0)
149                iBound *= getCoolRate(solution.getAssignment().getIndex() - 1);
150            else
151                iBound /= getCoolRate(solution.getAssignment().getIndex() - 1);
152            if (iIter % 10000 == 0) {
153                info("Iter=" + iIter / 1000 + "k, NonImpIter=" + sDF2.format((iIter - iLastImprovingIter) / 1000.0)
154                        + "k, Speed=" + sDF2.format(1000.0 * iIter / (JProf.currentTimeMillis() - iT0)) + " it/s");
155                info("Bound is " + sDF2.format(iBound) + ", " + "best value is " + sDF2.format(solution.getBestValue())
156                        + " (" + sDF2.format(100.0 * iBound / solution.getBestValue()) + "%), " + "current value is "
157                        + sDF2.format(solution.getModel().getTotalValue(solution.getAssignment())) + " ("
158                        + sDF2.format(100.0 * iBound / solution.getModel().getTotalValue(solution.getAssignment())) + "%), " + "#idle=" + iNrIdle
159                        + ", " + "Pacc=" + sDF5.format(100.0 * iAcceptedMoves / iMoves) + "%");
160                logNeibourStatus();
161                iAcceptedMoves = iMoves = 0;
162            }
163            if (isMaster(solution)) {
164                double upperBound = Math.max(solution.getBestValue() + 2.0,(solution.getBestValue() >= 0.0 ?
165                        Math.pow(iUpperBoundRate, 1 + iNrIdle) * solution.getBestValue() :
166                        solution.getBestValue() / Math.pow(iUpperBoundRate, 1 + iNrIdle)));
167                double lowerBound = (solution.getBestValue() >= 0.0
168                        ? Math.pow(iLowerBoundRate, 1 + iNrIdle) * solution.getBestValue()
169                        : solution.getBestValue() / Math.pow(iLowerBoundRate, 1 + iNrIdle));
170                if (iBound > upperBound) {
171                    iBound = upperBound;
172                } else if (iBound < lowerBound) {
173                    iNrIdle++;
174                    iBound = upperBound;
175                    iUpperBound = iBound;
176                    setProgressPhase("Great Deluge [" + (1 + iNrIdle) + "]...");
177                }
178                setProgress(100 - Math.round(100.0 * (iBound - lowerBound) / (iUpperBound - lowerBound)));
179            }
180            iMoves++;
181        }
183        /** Update last improving iteration count */
184        @Override
185        public void bestSaved(Solution<V, T> solution) {
186            super.bestSaved(solution);
187            if (Math.abs(iBestValue - solution.getBestValue()) >= 1.0) {
188                iLastImprovingIter = iIter;
189                iNrIdle = 0;
190                iBestValue = solution.getBestValue();
191            }
192        }
193    }