001package org.cpsolver.coursett.constraint;
003import java.util.ArrayList;
004import java.util.BitSet;
005import java.util.Comparator;
006import java.util.HashMap;
007import java.util.HashSet;
008import java.util.List;
009import java.util.Set;
011import org.cpsolver.coursett.Constants;
012import org.cpsolver.coursett.criteria.FlexibleConstraintCriterion;
013import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Lecture;
014import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.Placement;
015import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimeLocation;
016import org.cpsolver.coursett.model.TimetableModel;
017import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment;
018import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.context.AssignmentConstraintContext;
019import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.context.ConstraintWithContext;
020import org.cpsolver.ifs.criteria.Criterion;
024 * Flexible constraint. <br>
025 * This constraint expresses relations between several classes. Provides similar
026 * functions as Group constraint. Unlike group constraint, Flexible constraint
027 * is able to parse some of its parameters from its reference field<br>
028 * 
029 * @version CourseTT 1.3 (University Course Timetabling)<br>
030 *          Copyright (C) 2013 Matej Lukac<br>
031 * <br>
032 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
033 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
034 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
035 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
036 * <br>
037 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
038 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
040 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
041 * <br>
042 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
043 *          License along with this library; if not see
044 *          <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.
045 */
046public abstract class FlexibleConstraint extends ConstraintWithContext<Lecture, Placement, FlexibleConstraint.FlexibleConstraintContext> {
048    protected int iPreference;
049    private boolean iIsRequired;   
050    private String iOwner;
052    // Constraint type
053    protected FlexibleConstraintType iConstraintType = null;
055    // A pattern the constraint was created from
056    protected String iReference = "";   
058    // Determines whether the constraint is checked for every week in the semester    
059    protected List<BitSet> iWeeks = null;
061    /**
062     * Flexible constraint types
063     * 
064     */
065    public static enum FlexibleConstraintType {
066        /**
067         * Given classes must be taught in a way there is a break between two blocks of classes. 
068         */
069        MAXBLOCK_BACKTOBACK("_(MaxBlock):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)_", MaxBlockFlexibleConstraint.class, "Block"),
070        /**
071         * There must be a break of a given length in a given time interval.
072         */
073        BREAK("_(Break):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)_", BreakFlexibleConstraint.class, "Break"),
074        /**
075         * Limit number of breaks between adjacent classes on a day.
076         */
077        MAX_BREAKS("_(MaxBreaks):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)_", MaxBreaksFlexibleConstraint.class, "MaxBreaks"),
078        /**
079         * Limit number of weeks on which an a class can take place.
080         */
081        MAX_WEEKS("_(MaxWeeks):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)_", MaxWeeksFlexibleConstraint.class, "MaxWeeks"),
082        /**
083         * Limit number of days of a week. 
084         */
085        MAX_DAYS("_(MaxDays):([0-9]+)_", MaxDaysFlexibleConstraint.class, "MaxDays"),
086        /**
087         * Minimize free time of an instructor during a day (between the first and the last class).
088         */
089        MAX_HOLES("_(MaxHoles):([0-9]+)_", MaxHolesFlexibleConstraint.class, "MaxHoles"),
090        /**
091         * Limit number of half-days of a week. 
092         */
093        MAX_HALF_DAYS("_(MaxHalfDays):([0-9]+)_", MaxHalfDaysFlexibleConstraint.class, "MaxHalfDays"),
094        ;
096        private String iPattern;
097        private Class<? extends FlexibleConstraint> iImplementation;
098        private String iName;
099        FlexibleConstraintType(String pattern, Class<? extends FlexibleConstraint> implementation, String name) {
100            iPattern = pattern; iImplementation = implementation; iName = name;
101        }
103        public String getPattern() { return iPattern; }
105        public String getName() { return iName.replaceAll("(?<=[^A-Z])([A-Z])"," $1"); }
107        public FlexibleConstraint create(Long id, String owner, String preference, String reference) throws IllegalArgumentException {
108            try {
109                return iImplementation.getConstructor(Long.class, String.class, String.class, String.class).newInstance(id, owner, preference, reference);
110            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
111                throw e;
112            } catch (Exception e) {
113                throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
114            }
115        }
116    }
118    /**
119     * Constructor
120     * @param id unique id
121     * @param owner identifier of distribution preference the constraint was created for
122     * @param preference time preference ("R" for required, "P" for prohibited, "-2",
123     *            "-1", "1", "2" for soft preference)   
124     * @param reference parameters of the constraint in String form            
125     */
126    public FlexibleConstraint(Long id, String owner, String preference, String reference){
127        super();                
128        iId = id;
129        iReference = reference;
130        iPreference = Constants.preference2preferenceLevel(preference);
131        iIsRequired = preference.equals(Constants.sPreferenceRequired);        
132        iOwner = owner;                
133    }
136    /** 
137     * Return current number of violations.
138     * @param assignment current assignment
139     * @param conflicts conflicting placements to be unassigned
140     * @param assignments assigned placements 
141     * @return the number of violations of the constraint during days and all weeks of the semester
142     */
143    public abstract double getNrViolations(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment, Set<Placement> conflicts, HashMap<Lecture, Placement> assignments);
146    /**
147     * Return weeks of the term.
148     * @return a list of bitsets (one for each week of the term) representing datePatterns or null if semester is whole semester is considered
149     */
150    public List<BitSet> getWeeks(){
151        if (iWeeks == null){
152            TimetableModel model = (TimetableModel) getModel();
153            iWeeks = new ArrayList<BitSet>();
155            boolean checkWeeks = model.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("FlexibleConstraint.CheckWeeks", false);
157            if (checkWeeks) {
158                // get weeks method returns bitsets representing weeks during semester
159                iWeeks = model.getWeeks();
160            } else {
161                // weeks are not considered, all placements are taken into consideration
162                iWeeks.add(null);
163            } 
164        }  
166        return iWeeks;
167    }
169    @Override
170    public boolean isConsistent(Placement value1, Placement value2) {
171        HashMap<Lecture, Placement> assignments = new HashMap<Lecture, Placement>();
172        if (value1 != null)
173            assignments.put(value1.variable(), value1);
174        if (value2 != null)
175            assignments.put(value2.variable(), value2);
177        if (getNrViolations(null, null, assignments) != 0) return false;
179        return super.isConsistent(value1, value2);
180    }
182    /**
183     * Returns placements of variables assigned to this constraint with assignment which satisfy following conditions:
184     * They must be taught in the day included in dayCode.
185     * They cannot be included in conflicts
186     * Their date pattern intersects with week
187     * 
188     * @param assignment current assignment
189     * @param dayCode representation of days in week combination
190     * @param conflicts placements to be unassigned
191     * @param value placement to be assigned
192     * @param assignments placements of variables
193     * @param week bitset representing a date pattern
194     * @return placements of variables assigned to this constraint with assignment which satisfy conditions above
195     */
196    protected Set<Placement> getRelevantPlacements(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment, int dayCode, Set<Placement> conflicts, Placement value,
197            HashMap<Lecture, Placement> assignments, BitSet week) {
198        Set<Placement> placements = new HashSet<Placement>();
200        for (Lecture lecture : variables()) {
201            // lecture of the value is already assigned
202            if(value != null && lecture.equals(value.variable()))continue;
204            // lecture might not have assignment if it is present in assignments
205            if (assignments != null && assignments.containsKey(lecture)) {
206                Placement placement = assignments.get(lecture);
207                if (placement != null && shareWeeksAndDay(placement.getTimeLocation(), week, dayCode))
208                    placements.add(placement);
209            } else if (assignment != null) {
210                Placement placement = assignment.getValue(lecture);
211                if (placement != null && (conflicts == null || !conflicts.contains(placement)) && shareWeeksAndDay(placement.getTimeLocation(), week, dayCode))
212                    placements.add(placement);
213            }
214        }
216        if (value == null || (conflicts != null && conflicts.contains(value))) {
217            return placements;
218        } 
220        if (shareWeeksAndDay(value.getTimeLocation(), week, dayCode)) placements.add(value); 
222        return placements;
223    }
225    /**
226     * Used to determine the daycode and week of a timelocation
227     * 
228     * @param t timelocation 
229     * @param week date pattern compared to timelocation
230     * @param dayCode days compared to timelocation
231     * @return true if TimeLocation matches the date pattern and days
232     */
233    private boolean shareWeeksAndDay(TimeLocation t, BitSet week, int dayCode){
234        boolean matchDay = (t.getDayCode() & dayCode) != 0;
235        boolean matchWeek = (week == null || t.shareWeeks(week));                
237        return matchDay && matchWeek;
238    }
240    /**
241     * Creates a list of blocks from a placements sorted by startSlot
242     * 
243     * @param sorted list of placements sorted by startSlot
244     * @param maxBreakBetweenBTB maximum number of free slots between BTB placements
245     * @return groups of BTB placements as a list of blocks
246     */
247    protected List<Block> mergeToBlocks(List<Placement> sorted, int maxBreakBetweenBTB){
248        List<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
249        // add placements to blocks
250        for (int i = 0; i < sorted.size(); i++) {
251            Placement placement = sorted.get(i);
252            boolean added = false;
253            // add placement to a suitable block
254            for (int j = 0; j < blocks.size(); j++) {
255                if (blocks.get(j).addPlacement(placement)) {
256                    added = true;
257                }
258            }
259            // create a new block if a lecture does not fit into any block
260            if (!added) {
261                Block block = new Block(maxBreakBetweenBTB);
262                block.addPlacement(placement);
263                blocks.add(block);
264            }
265        }   
266        return blocks;
267    }
269    @Override
270    public boolean isHard() {
271        return iIsRequired;
272    }    
274    @Override
275    public String getName() {
276        return iOwner + ": " + iConstraintType.getName();
277    }
279    public FlexibleConstraintType getType(){
280        return iConstraintType;
281    }
283    public String getReference() {        
284        return iReference;
285    }
287    public String getOwner() {        
288        return iOwner;
289    }   
291    /**
292     * Prolog reference: "R" for required, "P" for prohibited", "-2",.."2" for
293     * preference
294     * @return prolog preference
295     */
296    public String getPrologPreference() {
297        return Constants.preferenceLevel2preference(iPreference);
298    }
300    /**
301     * Return the current preference of the flexible constraint, considering conflicts and new assignments.
302     * Used to compute value for flexible constraint criterion.
303     * @param assignment current assignment
304     * @param conflicts conflicting assignment
305     * @param assignments proposed assignments
306     * @return the current preference of the flexible constraint
307     */
308    public double getCurrentPreference(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment, Set<Placement> conflicts, HashMap<Lecture, Placement> assignments){
309        if (isHard()) return 0;
310        double pref = getNrViolations(assignment, conflicts, assignments);
311        if(pref == 0){
312            return - Math.abs(iPreference);
313        }
314        return Math.abs(iPreference) * pref;
315    }
317    /**
318     * A block is a list of placements sorted by startSlot, which are BTB.
319     * maxSlotsBetweenBackToBack determines the number of free slots between two BTB placements
320     *
321     */
322    public class Block {
324        // start slot of the block
325        private int startSlotCurrentBlock = -1;        
326        // end slot of the block
327        private int endSlotCurrentBlock = -1;        
328        // max number of slots between classes to be considered Back-To-Back; 4 slots default      
329        private int maxSlotsBetweenBackToBack = 4;
330        // the list of placements of this block
331        private List<Placement> placements = new ArrayList<Placement>();
333        public Block(int maxSlotsBetweenBTB){
334            this.maxSlotsBetweenBackToBack = maxSlotsBetweenBTB;            
335        }              
337        /**
338         * Adds placement to the block and updates block's attributes.
339         * 
340         * @param placement placement to be added to the block
341         * @return true if the placement was successfully added to the block
342         */
343        public boolean addPlacement(Placement placement){   
344            if (placement == null){
345                return false;
346            }
348            TimeLocation t = placement.getTimeLocation();
350            if (t == null){
351                return false;
352            }
354            // if placements is empty, the block only contains currently added placement -> set start and end
355            if (placements.isEmpty()){
356                placements.add(placement);
357                startSlotCurrentBlock = t.getStartSlot();
358                endSlotCurrentBlock = t.getStartSlot() + t.getLength();
359                return true;
360            }
362            // if startSlotCurrentBlock equals placement's start slot, add placement and adjust endSlotCurrentBlock
363            if (t.getStartSlot() == startSlotCurrentBlock){
364                placements.add(placement);
365                int tEnd = t.getStartSlot() + t.getLength();
366                if (tEnd > endSlotCurrentBlock){
367                    endSlotCurrentBlock = tEnd;
368                }
369                return true;
370            }      
372            // if placement starts among endSlotCurrentBlock + modifier and startSlotCurrentBlock, add the placement
373            if (endSlotCurrentBlock + maxSlotsBetweenBackToBack >= t.getStartSlot() && t.getStartSlot() >= startSlotCurrentBlock ){
374                placements.add(placement);
375                int tEnd = t.getStartSlot() + t.getLength();
376                if (tEnd > endSlotCurrentBlock){
377                    endSlotCurrentBlock = tEnd;
378                }
379                return true;
380            }
382            return false;
383        }
385        public boolean haveSameStartTime() {
386            if (!placements.isEmpty()) {
387                int startSlot = placements.get(0).getTimeLocation().getStartSlot();
388                for (Placement p : getPlacements()) {
389                    if (p.getTimeLocation().getStartSlot() != startSlot)
390                        return false;
391                }
392            }
393            return true;
394        }
396        public int getStartSlotCurrentBlock(){
397            return startSlotCurrentBlock;
398        }
400        public int getEndSlotCurrentBlock(){
401            return endSlotCurrentBlock;
402        }
404        public int getNbrPlacements(){
405            return placements.size();
406        }        
408        public List<Placement> getPlacements(){
409            return placements;
410        }
412        public int getLengthInSlots(){
413            return endSlotCurrentBlock - startSlotCurrentBlock;
414        }
416        @Override
417        public String toString(){
418            return "[" + startSlotCurrentBlock + ", " + endSlotCurrentBlock + "]" + " PlacementsNbr: "+ getNbrPlacements();
419        }          
420    }
422    /**
423     * Placement comparator: earlier placement first, shorter placement first if both start at the same time.
424     */
425    protected static class PlacementTimeComparator implements Comparator<Placement> {
426        @Override
427        public int compare(Placement p1, Placement p2) {
428            TimeLocation t1 = p1.getTimeLocation(), t2 = p2.getTimeLocation();
429            // compare by start time (earlier first)
430            if (t1.getStartSlot() < t2.getStartSlot())
431                return -1;
432            if (t1.getStartSlot() > t2.getStartSlot())
433                return 1;
434            // same start -> compare by length (shorter first)
435            if (t1.getLength() < t2.getLength())
436                return -1;
437            if (t1.getLength() > t2.getLength())
438                return 1;
439            // fallback
440            return 0;
441        }
442    }
444    @Override
445    public String toString() {
446        return getName();
447    }
449    @Override
450    public FlexibleConstraintContext createAssignmentContext(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment) {
451        return new FlexibleConstraintContext(assignment);
452    }
454    public class FlexibleConstraintContext implements AssignmentConstraintContext<Lecture, Placement> {
455        protected double iLastPreference = 0;
457        FlexibleConstraintContext() {}
459        FlexibleConstraintContext(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment) {
460            updateCriterion(assignment);
461        }
463        @Override
464        public void assigned(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment, Placement value) {
465            updateCriterion(assignment);
466        }
468        @Override
469        public void unassigned(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment, Placement value) {
470            updateCriterion(assignment);
471        }
473        /**
474         * Update value of FlexibleConstraintCriterion and number of violated FlexibleConstraints
475         */
476        protected void updateCriterion(Assignment<Lecture, Placement> assignment) {
477            if (!isHard()) {
478                Criterion<Lecture, Placement> criterion = getModel().getCriterion(FlexibleConstraintCriterion.class);
479                if (criterion != null) {
480                    criterion.inc(assignment, -iLastPreference);                
481                    iLastPreference = getCurrentPreference(assignment, null, null);
482                    criterion.inc(assignment, iLastPreference);  
483                }
484            }
485        }
487        public double getPreference() {
488            return iLastPreference;
489        }
490    }