001package org.cpsolver.ifs.example.tt;
003import java.io.File;
004import java.io.FileInputStream;
005import java.io.FileOutputStream;
006import java.io.IOException;
007import java.util.ArrayList;
008import java.util.HashSet;
009import java.util.HashMap;
010import java.util.Iterator;
011import java.util.List;
012import java.util.Map;
013import java.util.Set;
014import java.util.TreeSet;
017import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.Assignment;
018import org.cpsolver.ifs.assignment.DefaultSingleAssignment;
019import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Constraint;
020import org.cpsolver.ifs.model.Model;
021import org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
022import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
023import org.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
024import org.dom4j.Document;
025import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
026import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
027import org.dom4j.Element;
028import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat;
029import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
030import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter;
033 * Simple Timetabling Problem. <br>
034 * <br>
035 * The problem is modelled in such a way that every lecture was represented by a
036 * variable, resource as a constraint and every possible location of an activity
037 * in the time and space was represented by a single value. It means that a
038 * value stands for a selection of the time (starting time slot), and one of the
039 * available rooms. Binary dependencies are of course represented as constraints
040 * as well.
041 * 
042 * @version IFS 1.3 (Iterative Forward Search)<br>
043 *          Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 Tomáš Müller<br>
044 *          <a href="mailto:muller@unitime.org">muller@unitime.org</a><br>
045 *          <a href="http://muller.unitime.org">http://muller.unitime.org</a><br>
046 * <br>
047 *          This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
048 *          it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
049 *          published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
050 *          License, or (at your option) any later version. <br>
051 * <br>
052 *          This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
053 *          WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
055 *          Lesser General Public License for more details. <br>
056 * <br>
057 *          You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
058 *          License along with this library; if not see
059 *          <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>.
060 */
061public class TimetableModel extends Model<Activity, Location> {
062    private static org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger sLogger = org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getLogger(TimetableModel.class);
063    private int iNrDays, iNrHours;
065    public TimetableModel(int nrDays, int nrHours) {
066        super();
067        iNrDays = nrDays;
068        iNrHours = nrHours;
069    }
071    public int getNrDays() {
072        return iNrDays;
073    }
075    public int getNrHours() {
076        return iNrHours;
077    }
079    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
080    public static TimetableModel generate(DataProperties cfg, Assignment<Activity, Location> assignment) {
081        int nrDays = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrDays", 5);
082        int nrHours = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrHours", 20);
083        int nrSlots = nrDays * nrHours;
084        TimetableModel m = new TimetableModel(nrDays, nrHours);
086        int nrRooms = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrRooms", 20);
087        int nrInstructors = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrInstructors", 20);
088        int nrClasses = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrClasses", 20);
089        int nrGroupsOfRooms = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrGroupsOfRooms", 20);
090        int nrRoomsInGroupMin = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrRoomsInGroupMin", 1);
091        int nrRoomsInGroupMax = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrRoomsInGroupMax", 10);
092        int nrRoomInGroupMin = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrRoomInGroupMin", 1);
093        double fillFactor = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Generator.FillFactor", 0.8);
094        int maxLength = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.ActivityLengthMax", 5);
095        double hardFreeResource = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Generator.HardFreeResource", 0.05);
096        double softFreeResource = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Generator.SoftFreeResource", 0.3);
097        double softUsedResource = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Generator.SoftUsedResource", 0.05);
098        double softUsedActivity = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Generator.SoftUsedActivity", 0.05);
099        double softFreeActivity = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Generator.SoftFreeActivity", 0.3);
100        double hardFreeActivity = cfg.getPropertyDouble("Generator.HardFreeActivity", 0.05);
101        int nrDependencies = cfg.getPropertyInt("Generator.NrDependencies", 50);
103        Resource rooms[] = new Resource[nrRooms];
104        ArrayList<ArrayList<Resource>> groupForRoom[] = new ArrayList[nrRooms];
105        for (int i = 0; i < nrRooms; i++) {
106            rooms[i] = new Resource("r" + (i + 1), Resource.TYPE_ROOM, "Room " + (i + 1));
107            groupForRoom[i] = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Resource>>();
108            m.addConstraint(rooms[i]);
109        }
110        ArrayList<Resource> groupOfRooms[] = new ArrayList[nrGroupsOfRooms];
111        for (int i = 0; i < nrGroupsOfRooms; i++) {
112            groupOfRooms[i] = new ArrayList<Resource>();
113            for (int j = 0; j < ToolBox.random(1 + nrRoomsInGroupMax - nrRoomsInGroupMin) + nrRoomsInGroupMin; j++) {
114                int r = 0;
115                do {
116                    r = ToolBox.random(nrRooms);
117                } while (groupOfRooms[i].contains(rooms[r]));
118                groupOfRooms[i].add(rooms[r]);
119                groupForRoom[r].add(groupOfRooms[i]);
120            }
121        }
122        for (int i = 0; i < nrRooms; i++) {
123            int cnt = 0;
124            for (int j = 0; j < nrGroupsOfRooms; j++)
125                if (groupOfRooms[j].contains(rooms[i]))
126                    cnt++;
127            while (cnt < nrRoomInGroupMin) {
128                int r = 0;
129                do {
130                    r = ToolBox.random(nrGroupsOfRooms);
131                } while (groupOfRooms[r].contains(rooms[i]));
132                groupOfRooms[r].add(rooms[i]);
133                groupForRoom[i].add(groupOfRooms[r]);
134                cnt++;
135            }
136        }
137        Resource instructors[] = new Resource[nrInstructors];
138        for (int i = 0; i < nrInstructors; i++) {
139            instructors[i] = new Resource("t" + (i + 1), Resource.TYPE_INSTRUCTOR, "Teacher " + (i + 1));
140            m.addConstraint(instructors[i]);
141        }
142        Resource classes[] = new Resource[nrClasses];
143        for (int i = 0; i < nrClasses; i++) {
144            classes[i] = new Resource("c" + (i + 1), Resource.TYPE_CLASS, "Class " + (i + 1));
145            m.addConstraint(classes[i]);
146        }
148        int[][] timetable4room = new int[nrRooms][nrSlots];
149        int[][] timetable4instr = new int[nrInstructors][nrSlots];
150        int[][] timetable4class = new int[nrClasses][nrSlots];
151        int act = 0;
152        for (int i = 0; i < timetable4room.length; i++)
153            for (int j = 0; j < timetable4room[i].length; j++)
154                timetable4room[i][j] = 0;
155        for (int i = 0; i < timetable4instr.length; i++)
156            for (int j = 0; j < timetable4instr[i].length; j++)
157                timetable4instr[i][j] = 0;
158        for (int i = 0; i < timetable4class.length; i++)
159            for (int j = 0; j < timetable4class[i].length; j++)
160                timetable4class[i][j] = 0;
162        int totalSlots = nrRooms * nrSlots;
163        int usedSlots = 0;
164        ArrayList<Integer> starts = new ArrayList<Integer>();
165        ArrayList<Integer> arooms = new ArrayList<Integer>();
166        while ((((double) usedSlots / ((double) totalSlots))) < fillFactor) {
167            int attempt = 0;
168            int slot = ToolBox.random(nrSlots);
169            int room = ToolBox.random(nrRooms);
170            while (attempt < 500 && timetable4room[room][slot] != 0) {
171                slot = ToolBox.random(nrSlots);
172                room = ToolBox.random(nrRooms);
173            }
174            if (attempt == 500) {
175                int s = slot;
176                int r = room;
177                while (timetable4room[r][s] != 0) {
178                    r++;
179                    if (r == nrRooms)
180                        r = 0;
181                    if (r == room)
182                        s++;
183                    if (s == nrSlots)
184                        s = 0;
185                }
186                slot = s;
187                room = r;
188            }
189            int length = maxLength;// ToolBox.random(maxLength)+1;
190            int aclass = ToolBox.random(nrClasses);
191            int instr = ToolBox.random(nrInstructors);
192            attempt = 0;
193            while (attempt < 500 && (timetable4class[aclass][slot] != 0 || timetable4instr[instr][slot] != 0)) {
194                aclass = ToolBox.random(nrClasses);
195                instr = ToolBox.random(nrInstructors);
196            }
197            if (attempt == 500)
198                continue;
199            int len = 1;
200            while (len < length) {
201                if ((((slot + len) % nrHours) != 0) && timetable4room[room][slot + len] == 0
202                        && timetable4instr[instr][slot + len] == 0 && timetable4class[aclass][slot + len] == 0)
203                    len++;
204                else
205                    break;
206            }
207            ArrayList<Resource> roomGr = ToolBox.random(groupForRoom[room]);
208            act++;
209            usedSlots += len;
210            Activity a = new Activity(len, "a" + act, "Activity " + act);
211            a.addResourceGroup(roomGr);
212            a.addResourceGroup(instructors[instr]);
213            a.addResourceGroup(classes[aclass]);
214            m.addVariable(a);
215            starts.add(slot);
216            arooms.add(room);
217            for (int i = slot; i < slot + len; i++) {
218                timetable4room[room][i] = act;
219                timetable4instr[instr][i] = act;
220                timetable4class[aclass][i] = act;
221            }
222        }
223        int nrHardFreeRes = 0;
224        int nrSoftFreeRes = 0;
225        int nrSoftUsedRes = 0;
226        for (int slot = 0; slot < nrSlots; slot++) {
227            for (int room = 0; room < nrRooms; room++) {
228                if (timetable4room[room][slot] == 0) {
229                    if (ToolBox.random() < hardFreeResource) {
230                        nrHardFreeRes++;
231                        rooms[room].addProhibitedSlot(slot);
232                    } else if (ToolBox.random() < softFreeResource / (1.0 - hardFreeResource)) {
233                        nrSoftFreeRes++;
234                        rooms[room].addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
235                    }
236                } else if (ToolBox.random() < softUsedResource) {
237                    nrSoftUsedRes++;
238                    rooms[room].addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
239                }
240            }
241            for (int instr = 0; instr < nrInstructors; instr++) {
242                if (timetable4instr[instr][slot] == 0) {
243                    if (ToolBox.random() < hardFreeResource) {
244                        nrHardFreeRes++;
245                        instructors[instr].addProhibitedSlot(slot);
246                    } else if (ToolBox.random() < softFreeResource / (1.0 - hardFreeResource)) {
247                        nrSoftFreeRes++;
248                        instructors[instr].addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
249                    }
250                } else if (ToolBox.random() < softUsedResource) {
251                    nrSoftUsedRes++;
252                    instructors[instr].addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
253                }
254            }
255            for (int aclass = 0; aclass < nrClasses; aclass++) {
256                if (timetable4class[aclass][slot] == 0) {
257                    if (ToolBox.random() < hardFreeResource) {
258                        nrHardFreeRes++;
259                        classes[aclass].addProhibitedSlot(slot);
260                    } else if (ToolBox.random() < softFreeResource / (1.0 - hardFreeResource)) {
261                        nrSoftFreeRes++;
262                        classes[aclass].addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
263                    }
264                } else if (ToolBox.random() < softUsedResource) {
265                    nrSoftUsedRes++;
266                    classes[aclass].addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
267                }
268            }
269        }
270        int nrSoftFreeAct = 0;
271        int nrSoftUsedAct = 0;
272        int nrHardFreeAct = 0;
273        for (int i = 0; i < m.variables().size(); i++) {
274            Activity activity = m.variables().get(i);
275            for (int slot = 0; slot < nrSlots; slot++) {
276                int start = starts.get(i);
277                if (slot < start || slot >= start + activity.getLength()) {
278                    if (ToolBox.random() < hardFreeActivity) {
279                        nrHardFreeAct++;
280                        activity.addProhibitedSlot(slot);
281                    } else if (ToolBox.random() < (softFreeActivity / (1.0 - hardFreeActivity))) {
282                        nrSoftFreeAct++;
283                        activity.addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
284                    }
285                } else {
286                    if (ToolBox.random() < softUsedActivity) {
287                        nrSoftUsedAct++;
288                        activity.addDiscouragedSlot(slot);
289                    }
290                }
291            }
292            activity.init();
293        }
294        for (int i = 0; i < nrDependencies;) {
295            int ac1 = ToolBox.random(m.variables().size());
296            int ac2 = ToolBox.random(m.variables().size());
297            while (ac1 == ac2) {
298                ac2 = ToolBox.random(m.variables().size());
299            }
300            int s1 = starts.get(ac1);
301            int s2 = starts.get(ac2);
302            Activity a1 = m.variables().get(ac1);
303            Activity a2 = m.variables().get(ac2);
304            Dependence dep = null;
305            if (s1 < s2) {
306                if (s1 + a1.getLength() == s2)
307                    dep = new Dependence("d" + (i + 1), Dependence.TYPE_CLOSELY_BEFORE);
308                else if (s1 + a1.getLength() < s2)
309                    dep = new Dependence("d" + (i + 1), Dependence.TYPE_BEFORE);
310            } else {
311                if (s2 == s1 + a1.getLength())
312                    dep = new Dependence("d" + (i + 1), Dependence.TYPE_CLOSELY_AFTER);
313                else if (s2 > s1 + a1.getLength())
314                    dep = new Dependence("d" + (i + 1), Dependence.TYPE_AFTER);
315            }
316            if (dep != null) {
317                dep.addVariable(a1);
318                dep.addVariable(a2);
319                m.addConstraint(dep);
320                i++;
321            }
322        }
323        for (int i = 0; i < m.variables().size(); i++) {
324            Activity activity = m.variables().get(i);
325            // sLogger.debug("-- processing activity "+activity.getName());
326            int start = starts.get(i);
327            int room = arooms.get(i);
328            Location location = null;
329            for (Location l : activity.values(assignment)) {
330                if (l.getSlot() == start && l.getResource(0).getResourceId().equals("r" + (room + 1))) {
331                    location = l;
332                    break;
333                }
334            }
335            if (location != null) {
336                Set<Location> conflicts = m.conflictValues(assignment, location);
337                if (!conflicts.isEmpty()) {
338                    sLogger.warn("Unable to assign " + location.getName() + " to " + activity.getName() + ", reason:");
339                    for (Constraint<Activity, Location> c : activity.constraints()) {
340                        Set<Location> cc = new HashSet<Location>();
341                        c.computeConflicts(assignment, location, cc);
342                        if (!cc.isEmpty())
343                            sLogger.warn("  -- Constraint " + c.getName() + " causes conflicts " + cc);
344                    }
345                } else {
346                    assignment.assign(0, location);
347                    activity.setInitialAssignment(location);
348                }
349                // sLogger.debug("  -- location "+location.getName()+" found");
350                activity.setInitialAssignment(location);
351            } else {
352                sLogger.warn("Unable to assign " + activity.getName() + " -- no location matching slot=" + start
353                        + " room='R" + (room + 1) + "'");
354            }
355        }
356        if (!cfg.getPropertyBoolean("General.InitialAssignment", true)) {
357            for (int i = 0; i < m.variables().size(); i++) {
358                Activity activity = m.variables().get(i);
359                assignment.unassign(0, activity);
360            }
361        }
363        int forcedPerturbances = cfg.getPropertyInt("General.ForcedPerturbances", 0);
364        if (forcedPerturbances > 0) {
365            List<Activity> initialVariables = new ArrayList<Activity>();
366            for (Activity v : m.variables()) {
367                if (v.getInitialAssignment() != null)
368                    initialVariables.add(v);
369            }
370            for (int i = 0; i < forcedPerturbances; i++) {
371                if (initialVariables.isEmpty())
372                    break;
373                Activity var = ToolBox.random(initialVariables);
374                initialVariables.remove(var);
375                var.removeInitialValue();
376            }
377        }
379        sLogger.debug("-- Generator Info ---------------------------------------------------------");
380        sLogger.debug("  Total number of " + m.variables().size() + " activities generated.");
381        sLogger.debug("  Total number of " + usedSlots + " slots are filled (" + ((100.0 * usedSlots) / totalSlots)
382                + "% filled).");
383        sLogger.debug("  Average length of an activity is " + (((double) usedSlots) / m.variables().size()));
384        sLogger.debug("  Total number of hard constraints posted on free slots on activities: " + nrHardFreeAct);
385        sLogger.debug("  Total number of soft constraints posted on free slots on activities: " + nrSoftFreeAct);
386        sLogger.debug("  Total number of soft constraints posted on used slots on activities: " + nrSoftUsedAct);
387        sLogger.debug("  Total number of hard constraints posted on free slots on resources: " + nrHardFreeRes);
388        sLogger.debug("  Total number of soft constraints posted on free slots on resources: " + nrSoftFreeRes);
389        sLogger.debug("  Total number of soft constraints posted on used slots on resources: " + nrSoftUsedRes);
390        sLogger.debug("  Total number of " + nrDependencies + " dependencies generated.");
391        sLogger.debug("---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
393        return m;
394    }
396    public static void main(String[] args) {
397        try {
398            // Configure logging
399            ToolBox.configureLogging();
401            // Load properties (take first argument as input file, containing key=value lines)
402            DataProperties properties = new DataProperties();
403            properties.load(new FileInputStream(args[0]));
405            // Generate model
406            Assignment<Activity, Location> assignment = new DefaultSingleAssignment<Activity, Location>();
407            TimetableModel model = TimetableModel.generate(new DataProperties(), assignment);
408            System.out.println(model.getInfo(assignment));
410            // Save solution (take second argument as output file)
411            model.saveAsXML(properties, true, new Solution<Activity, Location>(model, assignment), assignment, new File(args[1]));
412        } catch (Exception e) {
413            e.printStackTrace();
414        }
415    }
417    public void saveAsXML(DataProperties cfg, boolean gen, Solution<Activity, Location> solution, Assignment<Activity, Location> assignment, File outFile) throws IOException {
418        outFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
419        sLogger.debug("Writting XML data to:" + outFile);
421        Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
422        document.addComment("Interactive Timetabling - University Timetable Generator (version 2.0)");
423        if (assignment == null && solution != null)
424            assignment = solution.getAssignment();
425        if (assignment == null)
426            assignment = new DefaultSingleAssignment<Activity, Location>();
428        if (!assignedVariables(assignment).isEmpty()) {
429            StringBuffer comments = new StringBuffer("Solution Info:\n");
430            Map<String, String> solutionInfo = (solution == null ? getInfo(assignment) : solution.getInfo());
431            for (String key : new TreeSet<String>(solutionInfo.keySet())) {
432                String value = solutionInfo.get(key);
433                comments.append("    " + key + ": " + value + "\n");
434            }
435            document.addComment(comments.toString());
436        }
438        Element root = document.addElement("Timetable");
439        if (gen) {
440            Element generator = root.addElement("Generator");
441            generator.addAttribute("version", "2.0");
442            generator.addElement("DaysPerWeek").setText(String.valueOf(iNrDays));
443            generator.addElement("SlotsPerDay").setText(String.valueOf(iNrHours));
444            generator.addElement("NrRooms").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrRooms", "20"));
445            generator.addElement("NrInstructors").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrInstructors", "20"));
446            generator.addElement("NrClasses").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrClasses", "20"));
447            generator.addElement("FillFactor").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.FillFactor", "0.8"));
448            generator.addElement("ActivityLengthMax").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.ActivityLengthMax", "5"));
449            generator.addElement("NrGroupsOfRooms").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrGroupsOfRooms", "20"));
450            generator.addElement("NrRoomsInGroupMin").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrRoomsInGroupMin", "1"));
451            generator.addElement("NrRoomsInGroupMax").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrRoomsInGroupMax", "10"));
452            generator.addElement("NrRoomInGroupMin").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrRoomInGroupMin", "1"));
453            generator.addElement("HardFreeResource").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.HardFreeResource", "0.05"));
454            generator.addElement("SoftFreeResource").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.SoftFreeResource", "0.3"));
455            generator.addElement("SoftUsedResource").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.SoftUsedResource", "0.05"));
456            generator.addElement("SoftUsedActivity").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.SoftUsedActivity", "0.05"));
457            generator.addElement("SoftFreeActivity").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.SoftFreeActivity", "0.3"));
458            generator.addElement("HardFreeActivity").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.HardFreeActivity", "0.05"));
459            generator.addElement("NrDependencies").setText(cfg.getProperty("Generator.NrDependencies", "50"));
460        }
462        ArrayList<Resource> rooms = new ArrayList<Resource>();
463        ArrayList<Resource> classes = new ArrayList<Resource>();
464        ArrayList<Resource> instructors = new ArrayList<Resource>();
465        ArrayList<Resource> specials = new ArrayList<Resource>();
466        ArrayList<Dependence> dependencies = new ArrayList<Dependence>();
468        for (Constraint<Activity, Location> c : constraints()) {
469            if (c instanceof Resource) {
470                Resource r = (Resource) c;
471                switch (r.getType()) {
472                    case Resource.TYPE_ROOM:
473                        rooms.add(r);
474                        break;
475                    case Resource.TYPE_CLASS:
476                        classes.add(r);
477                        break;
478                    case Resource.TYPE_INSTRUCTOR:
479                        instructors.add(r);
480                        break;
481                    default:
482                        specials.add(r);
483                }
484            } else if (c instanceof Dependence) {
485                dependencies.add((Dependence) c);
486            }
487        }
489        Element problem = root.addElement("Problem");
490        problem.addAttribute("version", "2.0");
491        Element problemGen = problem.addElement("General");
492        problemGen.addElement("DaysPerWeek").setText(String.valueOf(iNrDays));
493        problemGen.addElement("SlotsPerDay").setText(String.valueOf(iNrHours));
494        Element resourceGen = problemGen.addElement("Resources");
495        resourceGen.addElement("Classrooms").setText(String.valueOf(rooms.size()));
496        resourceGen.addElement("Teachers").setText(String.valueOf(instructors.size()));
497        resourceGen.addElement("Classes").setText(String.valueOf(classes.size()));
498        resourceGen.addElement("Special").setText(String.valueOf(specials.size()));
499        problemGen.addElement("Activities").setText(String.valueOf(variables().size()));
500        problemGen.addElement("Dependences").setText(String.valueOf(dependencies.size()));
502        Element resources = problem.addElement("Resources");
504        Element resEl = resources.addElement("Classrooms");
505        for (Resource r : rooms) {
506            Element el = resEl.addElement("Resource");
507            el.addAttribute("id", r.getResourceId());
508            el.addElement("Name").setText(r.getName());
509            Element pref = el.addElement("TimePreferences");
510            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getDiscouragedSlots()))
511                pref.addElement("Soft").setText(slot.toString());
512            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getProhibitedSlots()))
513                pref.addElement("Hard").setText(slot.toString());
514        }
516        resEl = resources.addElement("Teachers");
517        for (Resource r : instructors) {
518            Element el = resEl.addElement("Resource");
519            el.addAttribute("id", r.getResourceId());
520            el.addElement("Name").setText(r.getName());
521            Element pref = el.addElement("TimePreferences");
522            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getDiscouragedSlots()))
523                pref.addElement("Soft").setText(slot.toString());
524            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getProhibitedSlots()))
525                pref.addElement("Hard").setText(slot.toString());
526        }
528        resEl = resources.addElement("Classes");
529        for (Resource r : classes) {
530            Element el = resEl.addElement("Resource");
531            el.addAttribute("id", r.getResourceId());
532            el.addElement("Name").setText(r.getName());
533            Element pref = el.addElement("TimePreferences");
534            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getDiscouragedSlots()))
535                pref.addElement("Soft").setText(slot.toString());
536            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getProhibitedSlots()))
537                pref.addElement("Hard").setText(slot.toString());
538        }
540        resEl = resources.addElement("Special");
541        for (Resource r : specials) {
542            Element el = resEl.addElement("Resource");
543            el.addAttribute("id", r.getResourceId());
544            el.addElement("Name").setText(r.getName());
545            Element pref = el.addElement("TimePreferences");
546            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getDiscouragedSlots()))
547                pref.addElement("Soft").setText(slot.toString());
548            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(r.getProhibitedSlots()))
549                pref.addElement("Hard").setText(slot.toString());
550        }
552        boolean hasSolution = false;
553        Element actEl = problem.addElement("Activities");
554        for (Activity a : variables()) {
555            Element el = actEl.addElement("Activity");
556            el.addAttribute("id", a.getActivityId());
557            el.addElement("Name").setText(a.getName());
558            el.addElement("Length").setText(String.valueOf(a.getLength()));
559            if (assignment.getValue(a) != null)
560                hasSolution = true;
561            Element pref = el.addElement("TimePreferences");
562            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(a.getDiscouragedSlots()))
563                pref.addElement("Soft").setText(slot.toString());
564            for (Integer slot : new TreeSet<Integer>(a.getProhibitedSlots()))
565                pref.addElement("Hard").setText(slot.toString());
566            Element reqRes = el.addElement("RequiredResources");
567            for (List<Resource> gr : a.getResourceGroups()) {
568                if (gr.size() == 1) {
569                    reqRes.addElement("Resource").setText(gr.get(0).getResourceId());
570                } else {
571                    Element grEl = reqRes.addElement("Group").addAttribute("conjunctive", "no");
572                    for (Resource r : gr)
573                        grEl.addElement("Resource").setText(r.getResourceId());
574                }
575            }
576        }
578        Element depEl = problem.addElement("Dependences");
579        for (Dependence d : dependencies) {
580            Element el = depEl.addElement("Dependence");
581            el.addAttribute("id", d.getResourceId());
582            el.addElement("FirstActivity").setText((d.first()).getActivityId());
583            el.addElement("SecondActivity").setText((d.second()).getActivityId());
584            switch (d.getType()) {
585                case Dependence.TYPE_AFTER:
586                    el.addElement("Operator").setText("After");
587                    break;
588                case Dependence.TYPE_BEFORE:
589                    el.addElement("Operator").setText("Before");
590                    break;
591                case Dependence.TYPE_CLOSELY_BEFORE:
592                    el.addElement("Operator").setText("Closely before");
593                    break;
594                case Dependence.TYPE_CLOSELY_AFTER:
595                    el.addElement("Operator").setText("Closely after");
596                    break;
597                case Dependence.TYPE_CONCURRENCY:
598                    el.addElement("Operator").setText("Concurrently");
599                    break;
600                default:
601                    el.addElement("Operator").setText("Unknown");
602            }
603        }
605        if (hasSolution) {
606            Element solutionEl = root.addElement("Solution");
607            solutionEl.addAttribute("version", "2.0");
608            for (Activity a : variables()) {
609                Element el = solutionEl.addElement("Activity");
610                el.addAttribute("id", a.getActivityId());
611                Location location = assignment.getValue(a);
612                if (location != null) {
613                    el.addElement("StartTime").setText(String.valueOf(location.getSlot()));
614                    Element res = el.addElement("UsedResources");
615                    for (int i = 0; i < location.getResources().length; i++)
616                        res.addElement("Resource").setText(location.getResources()[i].getResourceId());
617                }
618            }
619        }
621        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
622        (new XMLWriter(fos, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint())).write(document);
623        fos.flush();
624        fos.close();
625    }
627    public static TimetableModel loadFromXML(File inFile, Assignment<Activity, Location> assignment) throws IOException, DocumentException {
628        Document document = (new SAXReader()).read(inFile);
629        Element root = document.getRootElement();
630        if (!"Timetable".equals(root.getName())) {
631            sLogger.error("Given XML file is not interactive timetabling problem.");
632            return null;
633        }
635        Element problem = root.element("Problem");
636        Element problemGen = problem.element("General");
637        TimetableModel m = new TimetableModel(Integer.parseInt(problemGen.elementText("DaysPerWeek")), Integer
638                .parseInt(problemGen.elementText("SlotsPerDay")));
640        Element resources = problem.element("Resources");
642        HashMap<String, Resource> resTab = new HashMap<String, Resource>();
644        Element resEl = resources.element("Classrooms");
645        for (Iterator<?> i = resEl.elementIterator("Resource"); i.hasNext();) {
646            Element el = (Element) i.next();
647            Resource r = new Resource(el.attributeValue("id"), Resource.TYPE_ROOM, el.elementText("Name"));
648            Element pref = el.element("TimePreferences");
649            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Soft"); j.hasNext();)
650                r.addDiscouragedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
651            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Hard"); j.hasNext();)
652                r.addProhibitedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
653            m.addConstraint(r);
654            resTab.put(r.getResourceId(), r);
655        }
657        resEl = resources.element("Teachers");
658        for (Iterator<?> i = resEl.elementIterator("Resource"); i.hasNext();) {
659            Element el = (Element) i.next();
660            Resource r = new Resource(el.attributeValue("id"), Resource.TYPE_INSTRUCTOR, el.elementText("Name"));
661            Element pref = el.element("TimePreferences");
662            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Soft"); j.hasNext();)
663                r.addDiscouragedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
664            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Hard"); j.hasNext();)
665                r.addProhibitedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
666            m.addConstraint(r);
667            resTab.put(r.getResourceId(), r);
668        }
670        resEl = resources.element("Classes");
671        for (Iterator<?> i = resEl.elementIterator("Resource"); i.hasNext();) {
672            Element el = (Element) i.next();
673            Resource r = new Resource(el.attributeValue("id"), Resource.TYPE_CLASS, el.elementText("Name"));
674            Element pref = el.element("TimePreferences");
675            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Soft"); j.hasNext();)
676                r.addDiscouragedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
677            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Hard"); j.hasNext();)
678                r.addProhibitedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
679            m.addConstraint(r);
680            resTab.put(r.getResourceId(), r);
681        }
683        resEl = resources.element("Special");
684        for (Iterator<?> i = resEl.elementIterator("Resource"); i.hasNext();) {
685            Element el = (Element) i.next();
686            Resource r = new Resource(el.attributeValue("id"), Resource.TYPE_OTHER, el.elementText("Name"));
687            Element pref = el.element("TimePreferences");
688            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Soft"); j.hasNext();)
689                r.addDiscouragedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
690            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Hard"); j.hasNext();)
691                r.addProhibitedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
692            m.addConstraint(r);
693            resTab.put(r.getResourceId(), r);
694        }
696        Element actEl = problem.element("Activities");
697        HashMap<String, Activity> actTab = new HashMap<String, Activity>();
698        for (Iterator<?> i = actEl.elementIterator("Activity"); i.hasNext();) {
699            Element el = (Element) i.next();
700            Activity a = new Activity(Integer.parseInt(el.elementText("Length")), el.attributeValue("id"), el
701                    .elementText("Name"));
702            Element pref = el.element("TimePreferences");
703            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Soft"); j.hasNext();)
704                a.addDiscouragedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
705            for (Iterator<?> j = pref.elementIterator("Hard"); j.hasNext();)
706                a.addProhibitedSlot(Integer.parseInt(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
707            Element req = el.element("RequiredResources");
708            for (Iterator<?> j = req.elementIterator(); j.hasNext();) {
709                Element rqEl = (Element) j.next();
710                if ("Resource".equals(rqEl.getName())) {
711                    a.addResourceGroup(resTab.get(rqEl.getText()));
712                } else if ("Group".equals(rqEl.getName())) {
713                    if ("no".equalsIgnoreCase(rqEl.attributeValue("conjunctive"))
714                            || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(rqEl.attributeValue("conjunctive"))) {
715                        List<Resource> gr = new ArrayList<Resource>();
716                        for (Iterator<?> k = rqEl.elementIterator("Resource"); k.hasNext();)
717                            gr.add(resTab.get(((Element) k.next()).getText()));
718                        a.addResourceGroup(gr);
719                    } else {
720                        for (Iterator<?> k = rqEl.elementIterator("Resource"); k.hasNext();)
721                            a.addResourceGroup(resTab.get(((Element) k.next()).getText()));
722                    }
723                }
724            }
725            m.addVariable(a);
726            a.init();
727            actTab.put(a.getActivityId(), a);
728        }
730        Element depEl = problem.element("Dependences");
731        for (Iterator<?> i = depEl.elementIterator("Dependence"); i.hasNext();) {
732            Element el = (Element) i.next();
733            int type = Dependence.TYPE_NO_DEPENDENCE;
734            String typeStr = el.elementText("Operator");
735            if ("After".equals(typeStr))
736                type = Dependence.TYPE_AFTER;
737            else if ("Before".equals(typeStr))
738                type = Dependence.TYPE_BEFORE;
739            else if ("After".equals(typeStr))
740                type = Dependence.TYPE_AFTER;
741            else if ("Closely before".equals(typeStr))
742                type = Dependence.TYPE_CLOSELY_BEFORE;
743            else if ("Closely after".equals(typeStr))
744                type = Dependence.TYPE_CLOSELY_AFTER;
745            else if ("Concurrently".equals(typeStr))
746                type = Dependence.TYPE_CONCURRENCY;
747            Dependence d = new Dependence(el.attributeValue("id"), type);
748            d.addVariable(actTab.get(el.elementText("FirstActivity")));
749            d.addVariable(actTab.get(el.elementText("SecondActivity")));
750            m.addConstraint(d);
751        }
753        Element solEl = root.element("Solution");
754        if (solEl != null) {
755            for (Iterator<?> i = solEl.elementIterator("Activity"); i.hasNext();) {
756                Element el = (Element) i.next();
757                Activity a = actTab.get(el.attributeValue("id"));
758                if (a == null)
759                    continue;
760                int slot = Integer.parseInt(el.elementText("StartTime"));
761                Element usResEl = el.element("UsedResources");
762                List<Resource> res = new ArrayList<Resource>();
763                for (Iterator<?> j = usResEl.elementIterator("Resource"); j.hasNext();)
764                    res.add(resTab.get(((Element) j.next()).getText()));
765                for (Location loc : a.values(assignment)) {
766                    if (loc.getSlot() != slot || loc.getResources().length != res.size())
767                        continue;
768                    boolean same = true;
769                    for (int j = 0; j < loc.getResources().length && same; j++)
770                        if (!res.get(j).equals(loc.getResources()[j]))
771                            same = false;
772                    if (!same)
773                        continue;
774                    a.setInitialAssignment(loc);
775                    if (assignment != null)
776                        assignment.assign(0, loc);
777                    break;
778                }
779            }
780        }
781        return m;
782    }