## General ## ---------------------------------------------- ## Output folder (if not defined as a parameter of csp.bat) General.Output=output\\SimpleTT(20,80,50) ## Number of test to be executed Test.NrTests=5 ## Minimal perturbation problem General.MPP=false ## Number of forced perturbances (for testing purposes only) General.ForcedPerturbances=0 ## Assign variables according to the input solution General.InitialAssignment=false ## Problem difinition ## --------------------------------------------- ## SimpleTT(size=20, fillFactor=80%, nrDeps=50) ## Number of days per week Generator.NrDays=5 ## Number of hours per day Generator.NrHours=10 ## Number of rooms Generator.NrRooms=20 ## Number of instructors Generator.NrInstructors=20 ## Number of classes Generator.NrClasses=20 ## Number of groups of rooms to be generted (each class has assigned a group of alternative rooms) Generator.NrGroupsOfRooms=20 ## Minimal number of rooms in a group Generator.NrRoomsInGroupMin=1 ## Maximal number of rooms in a group Generator.NrRoomsInGroupMax=10 ## Minimul number of groups every room has to be in Generator.NrRoomInGroupMin=1 ## Maximal length of the activity (average length of an activity is approx. 1/2 of this value) Generator.ActivityLengthMax=5 ## Fill factor (ratio between number of used time slots vs. number of all time slots) Generator.FillFactor=0.8 ## Probability that a free slot of a resource will be marked as prohibited Generator.HardFreeResource = 0.05 ## Probability that a free slot of a resource will be marked as discouraged Generator.SoftFreeResource = 0.3 ## Probability that a used slot of a resource will be marked as discouraged Generator.SoftUsedResource = 0.05 ## Probability that a free slot of an activity will be marked as prohibited Generator.SoftUsedActivity = 0.05 ## Probability that a free slot of an activity will be marked as discouraged Generator.SoftFreeActivity = 0.3 ## Probability that a used slot of an activity will be marked as discouraged Generator.HardFreeActivity = 0.05 ## Number of binary dependencies between acitivities to be generated Generator.NrDependencies=50 ## Value selection heurisitcs ## -------------------------------------------- ## Class Value.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralValueSelection ## MPP: limit on number of perturbations (-1 no use) Value.MPPLimit=-1 ## MPP: probability of selection of an initial value Value.InitialSelectionProb=0.0 ## MPP: difference in the number of initial assignments Value.WeightDeltaInitialAssignments=0.0 ## CSP: weight of the number of hard conflicts, weighted by CBS Value.WeightWeightedConflicts=1.0 ## CBS: weight of potential hard conflicts Value.WeightPotentialConflicts=0.0 ## MAC: Probability of selection of a good (not deleted) value Value.GoodSelectionProb=0.0 ## Weight of a hard conflict (variable that has to be unassigned if the value is selected) Value.WeightConflicts=1.0 ## Weight of the number of prior assignements of the value Value.WeightNrAssignments=0.0 ## Weight of a value Value.WeightValue=0.001 ## Random walk (random value selection) probability Value.RandomWalkProb=0.0 ## Length of the tabu-list (0 means no use) Value.Tabu=0 ## Variable selection heuristics ## ------------------------------------------- ## Class Variable.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralVariableSelection ## Random selection Variable.RandomSelection=true ## Termination condition ## ------------------------------------------- ## Class Termination.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition ## Maximum number of iterations Termination.MaxIters=-1 ## Timeout in seconds (5 minutes) Termination.TimeOut=300 ## MPP: minimal number of perturbations Termination.MinPerturbances=-1 ## Stop search when a complete solution is found Termination.StopWhenComplete=false ## Solution comparator ## ------------------------------------------- ## Class Comparator.Class=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator ## Extensions ## ------------------------------------------- ## Use CBS Extensions.Classes=net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ConflictStatistics