Uses of Class

Packages that use ExamPeriod
net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model Examination Timetabling: Model. 

Uses of ExamPeriod in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model that return ExamPeriod
 ExamPeriod ExamModel.addPeriod(Long id, String day, String time, int length, int penalty)
          Add a period
 ExamPeriod ExamPeriodPlacement.getPeriod()
          Examination period
 ExamPeriod ExamPlacement.getPeriod()
          Assigned period
 ExamPeriod ExamModel.getPeriod(Long id)
          Period of given unique id
          Next period
 ExamPeriod ExamPeriod.prev()
          Previous period

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model with parameters of type ExamPeriod
 void Exam.allowAllStudentConflicts(ExamPeriod period)
          Allow all direct student conflict for the given period (see ExamStudent.canConflict(Exam, Exam)).
 Set ExamInstructor.getExams(ExamPeriod period)
          Exam(s) enrolled by the instructor that are scheduled in the given period
 Set ExamStudent.getExams(ExamPeriod period)
          Exam(s) enrolled by the student that are scheduled in the given period
 Set ExamInstructor.getExamsADay(ExamPeriod period)
          Exam(s) enrolled by the instructor that are scheduled in the given day
 Set ExamStudent.getExamsADay(ExamPeriod period)
          Exam(s) enrolled by the student that are scheduled in the given day
 int ExamRoom.getPenalty(ExamPeriod period)
          Return room penalty for given period
 int ExamRoomPlacement.getPenalty(ExamPeriod period)
          Penalty for assignment of an exam into this room Exam.getRoomPlacements() and the given examination period
 ExamPeriodPlacement Exam.getPeriodPlacement(ExamPeriod period)
          Returns appropriate ExamPeriodPlacement for the given period, if it is available for this exam, null otherwise.
 ExamPlacement ExamRoom.getPlacement(ExamPeriod period)
          An exam placed at the given period
 HashSet Exam.getStudentConflicts(ExamPeriod period)
          List of exams that are assigned to the given period and share one or more students with this exam (that does not have direct conflicts allowed, see ExamStudent.canConflict(Exam, Exam)).
 boolean Exam.hasStudentConflictWithPreAssigned(ExamPeriod period)
          True, if there is a student of this exam (that does not have direct conflicts allowed, see ExamStudent.canConflict(Exam, Exam)) that attends some other exam in the given period.
 boolean ExamInstructor.isAvailable(ExamPeriod period)
          True if the student is available (for examination timetabling) during the given period
 boolean ExamRoom.isAvailable(ExamPeriod period)
          True if the room is available (for examination timetabling) during the given period
 boolean ExamRoomPlacement.isAvailable(ExamPeriod period)
          Examination room availability
 boolean ExamStudent.isAvailable(ExamPeriod period)
          True if the student is available (for examination timetabling) during the given period
 void ExamRoom.setAvailable(ExamPeriod period, boolean available)
          Set whether the room is available (for examination timetabling) during the given period
 void ExamPeriod.setNext(ExamPeriod next)
          Set next period (only to be used by ExamModel.addPeriod(Long, String, String, int, int))
 void ExamRoom.setPenalty(ExamPeriod period, int penalty)
          Set room penalty for given period
 void ExamPeriod.setPrev(ExamPeriod prev)
          Set previous period (only to be used by ExamModel.addPeriod(Long, String, String, int, int))

Constructors in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model with parameters of type ExamPeriod
ExamPeriodPlacement(ExamPeriod period, int penalty)