Uses of Class

Packages that use Value
net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.constraint University Course Timetabling: Constraints. 
net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics University Course Timetabling: Heuristics. 
net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.model University Course Timetabling: Model. 
net.sf.cpsolver.exam.heuristics Examination Timetabling: Solution Heuristics. 
net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model Examination Timetabling: Model. 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.constant Extension of the model with constant variables. 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.dbt Dynamic backtracking extension of IFS solver 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.csp Random Binary CSP with uniform distribution. 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.jobshop JobShop Problem. 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.rpp Random Placement Problem. Simple Timetabling Problem. 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension IFS Extensions (conflict-based statistics, maintenance of arc consistency) 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics IFS Heuristics (value and variable selection criteria) 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model IFS Model (description of a problem) 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.multi Extension of the model with multi-variable variables (constraint hierarchy). 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.perturbations Minimal Perturbation Problem: counting of perturbations 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver IFS Solver 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct Student Sectioning Solver. 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint Student Sectioning: Constraints. 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension Student Sectioning: Various Extensions. 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics Student Sectioning: Heuristics. 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model Student Sectioning: Model. 

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.constraint

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.constraint with parameters of type Value
 void ClassLimitConstraint.addParentAdepts(Collection adepts, Lecture parent, Value value, Set conflicts)
 boolean JenrlConstraint.areStudentConflictsDistance(Value value)
 void DiscouragedRoomConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void GroupConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void InstructorConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void JenrlConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void MinimizeNumberOfUsedGroupsOfTime.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void MinimizeNumberOfUsedRoomsConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void RoomConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void SpreadConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void ClassLimitConstraint.computeAdepts(Collection adepts, Vector variables, Value value, Set conflicts)
 void ClassLimitConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void DiscouragedRoomConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void GroupConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void InstructorConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void JenrlConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void MinimizeNumberOfUsedGroupsOfTime.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void MinimizeNumberOfUsedRoomsConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void RoomConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void SpreadConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 int ClassLimitConstraint.currentClassLimit(Value value, Set conflicts)
 int MinimizeNumberOfUsedGroupsOfTime.getOverLimit(Value value)
 int MinimizeNumberOfUsedRoomsConstraint.getOverLimit(Value value)
 int InstructorConstraint.getPreference(Value value)
          Back-to-back preference of the given placement
 int InstructorConstraint.getPreferenceCombination(Value value)
 boolean ClassLimitConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean DiscouragedRoomConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean GroupConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean InstructorConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean JenrlConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean MinimizeNumberOfUsedGroupsOfTime.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean MinimizeNumberOfUsedRoomsConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean RoomConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean SpreadConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean DiscouragedRoomConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean GroupConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean InstructorConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean JenrlConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean MinimizeNumberOfUsedGroupsOfTime.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean MinimizeNumberOfUsedRoomsConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean RoomConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean SpreadConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean DiscouragedRoomConstraint.isOverLimit(Value value)
 boolean MinimizeNumberOfUsedGroupsOfTime.isOverLimit(Value value)
 boolean MinimizeNumberOfUsedRoomsConstraint.isOverLimit(Value value)
 long JenrlConstraint.jenrl(Variable variable, Value value)
          Number of joined enrollments if the given value is assigned to the given variable
 void DiscouragedRoomConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void GroupConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void InstructorConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void JenrlConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void MinimizeNumberOfUsedGroupsOfTime.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void MinimizeNumberOfUsedRoomsConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void RoomConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void SpreadConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics that return Value
 Value PlacementSelection.selectValue(Solution solution, Variable selectedVariable)

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics with parameters of type Value
 boolean PlacementSelection.containsItselfSingletonOrCommited(TimetableModel model, Collection values, Value selectedValue)
protected  double UniversalPerturbationsCounter.getPenalty(Value assignedValue, Value initialValue)

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.model

Subclasses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.model
 class Placement
          Placement (value).

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett.model with parameters of type Value
 void OnFlySectioning.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          FinalSectioning.resection(Lecture, boolean, boolean) is called when given iteration number is greater than zero.
 void TimetableModel.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          When a value is assigned to a variable -- update gloval preferences
 void OnFlySectioning.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void TimetableModel.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          When a value is unassigned from a variable -- update gloval preferences
 void Lecture.assign(long iteration, Value value)
 void OnFlySectioning.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void OnFlySectioning.beforeUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 Set Lecture.conflictStudents(Value value)
          List of students of this class in conflict with the given assignment
 int Lecture.countDistanceStudentConflicts(Value value)
 int Lecture.countDistanceStudentConflictsOfTheSameProblem(Value value)
 int Lecture.countHardStudentConflicts(Value value)
 int Lecture.countHardStudentConflictsOfTheSameProblem(Value value)
 int Lecture.countStudentConflicts(Value value)
          Number of student conflicts caused by the given assignment of this lecture
 int Lecture.countStudentConflictsOfTheSameProblem(Value value)

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.heuristics

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.heuristics that return Value
 Value ExamTabuSearch.selectValue(Solution solution, Variable variable)
          Value selection

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model

Subclasses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model
 class ExamPlacement
          Representation of an exam placement (problem value), i.e., assignment of an exam to period and room(s).

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.model with parameters of type Value
 void ExamInstructor.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was assigned, update instructor assignment table
 void ExamModel.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is assigned to its variable, optimization criteria are updated
 void ExamRoom.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was assigned, update room assignment table
 void ExamStudent.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was assigned, update student assignment table
 void ExamInstructor.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was unassigned, update instructor assignment table
 void ExamRoom.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was unassigned, update room assignment table
 void ExamStudent.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was unassigned, update student assignment table
 void Exam.assign(long iteration, Value value)
 void ExamDistributionConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void ExamRoom.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was assigned, update room assignment table
 void ExamModel.beforeUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is unassigned from its variable, optimization criteria are updated
 void ExamDistributionConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Compute conflicts -- there is a conflict if the other variable is assigned and ExamDistributionConstraint.check(ExamPlacement, ExamPlacement) is false
 void ExamInstructor.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Compute conflicts between the given assignment of an exam and all the current assignments (of this instructor).
 void ExamRoom.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Compute conflicts between the given assignment of an exam and all the current assignments (of this room)
 void ExamStudent.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Compute conflicts between the given assignment of an exam and all the current assignments (of this student).
 boolean ExamDistributionConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
          Check for conflict -- there is a conflict if the other variable is assigned and ExamDistributionConstraint.check(ExamPlacement, ExamPlacement) is false
 boolean ExamInstructor.inConflict(Value value)
          Check whether there is a conflict between the given assignment of an exam and all the current assignments (of this instructor).
 boolean ExamRoom.inConflict(Value value)
          Checks whether there is a conflict between the given assignment of an exam and all the current assignments (of this room)
 boolean ExamStudent.inConflict(Value value)
          Check whether there is a conflict between the given assignment of an exam and all the current assignments (of this student).
 boolean ExamDistributionConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          Consistency check -- ExamDistributionConstraint.check(ExamPlacement, ExamPlacement) is called
 boolean ExamInstructor.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          True if the given exams can conflict (see ExamInstructor.isAllowDirectConflicts()), or if they are placed at different periods.
 boolean ExamRoom.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          False if the given two assignments are using this room at the same period
 boolean ExamStudent.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          True if the given exams can conflict (see ExamStudent.canConflict(Exam, Exam)), or if they are placed at different periods.
 void ExamDistributionConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void ExamRoom.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          An exam was unassigned, update room assignment table

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.constant

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.constant with parameters of type Value
 void ConstantModel.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is assigned to its variable.
 void ConstantModel.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is unassigned from its variable.
 void ConstantModel.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is assigned to its variable.
 void ConstantModel.beforeUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is unassigned from its variable.

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.dbt

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.dbt that return Value
 Value DbtValueSelection.selectValue(Solution solution, Variable selectedVariable)
          Value selection

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.dbt with parameters of type Value
 void DbtPropagation.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Propagation takes place every time a value is assigned to a variable.
 void DbtPropagation.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Undo propagation when a value is unassigned.
 boolean DbtPropagation.valueSelected(long iteration, Variable variable, Value value)
          If no value is selected (because of a dead end), make some unassignments.

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.csp

Subclasses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.csp
 class CSPValue
          CSP value.

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.csp with parameters of type Value
 void CSPBinaryConstraint.computeConflicts(Value aValue, Set conflicts)
          Add the other variable to the set of conflicts, if it is not compatible with the given value.
 boolean CSPBinaryConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          True if the pair of given values is compatible.

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.jobshop

Subclasses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.jobshop
 class Location
          Location of an operation.

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.jobshop with parameters of type Value
 void Job.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Adds conflicting operations into the set of conflicts.
 void Machine.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Adds conflicting operations into the set of conflicts.
 boolean Job.inConflict(Value value)
          True if there is an operation from the same job which violates with the given assignment.
 boolean Machine.inConflict(Value value)
          True if there is an operation from the machine which violates with the given assignment.
 boolean Job.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          True if the two assignments (placement of opeartions of the same job in time) violates each other.
 boolean Machine.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          True if the two assignments (placement of opeartions of the machine in time) violates each other.

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.rpp

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.example.rpp with parameters of type Value
 void ResourceConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Notification, when a rectangle is placed.
 void ResourceConstraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Compute conflicts with the given placement of the rectangle.
 boolean ResourceConstraint.inConflict(Value value)
          Returns true if there is a rectangle which overlaps with the given assignment.
 boolean ResourceConstraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          Returns true if the given rectangles (assignments) do not overlap.
 void ResourceConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Notification, when a rectangle is unplaced.

Uses of Value in

Methods in with parameters of type Value
 void Resource.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void Dependence.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 void Resource.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
 boolean Dependence.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean Resource.inConflict(Value value)
 boolean Dependence.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 boolean Resource.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
 void Resource.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension that return Value
 Value Assignment.getValue()
          Returns value

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension with parameters of type Value
 void AssignmentSet.addAssignment(long iteration, Value value, double ageing)
          Adds an assignment
 void Extension.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is assigned to a variable
 void MacPropagation.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          After a value is assigned: explanations of other values of the value's variable are reset (to contain only the assigned value), propagation over the assigned variable takes place.
 void MacRevised.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          After a value is assigned: explanations of other values of the value's variable are reset (to contain only the assigned value), propagation over the assigned variable takes place.
 void SearchIntensification.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void Extension.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is unassigned from a variable
 void MacPropagation.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          After a value is unassigned: explanations of all values of unassigned variable are recomputed (conflicts()), propagation undo over the unassigned variable takes place.
 void MacRevised.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          After a value is unassigned: explanations of all values of unassigned variable are recomputed (conflicts()), propagation undo over the unassigned variable takes place.
 void Extension.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is assigned to a variable
 void MacPropagation.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Before a value is unassigned: until the value is inconsistent with the current solution, an assignment from its explanation is picked and unassigned.
 void MacRevised.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Before a value is unassigned: until the value is inconsistent with the current solution, an assignment from its explanation is picked and unassigned.
 void Extension.beforeUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is unassigned from a variable
 void ConflictStatistics.constraintAfterAssigned(long iteration, Constraint constraint, Value assigned, Set unassigned)
          Increments appropriate counters when there is a value unassigned
 void ConflictStatistics.constraintBeforeAssigned(long iteration, Constraint constraint, Value assigned, Set unassigned)
 boolean AssignmentSet.contains(Value value)
          Returns true if it contains the given assignment
 long ConflictStatistics.countPotentialConflicts(long iteration, Value value, int limit)
          Counts potential number of unassignments of if the given value is selected.
 double ConflictStatistics.countRemovals(long iteration, Collection conflictValues, Value value)
          Counts number of unassignments of the given conflicting values caused by the assignment of the given value.
 double ConflictStatistics.countRemovals(long iteration, Value conflictValue, Value value)
          Counts number of unassignments of the given conflicting value caused by the assignment of the given value.
 HashSet MacRevised.explanation(Constraint constraint, Value value, Variable variable)
 Assignment AssignmentSet.getAssignment(Value value)
          Returns assignment that corresponds to the given value (if it is present in the set)
 Set ViolatedInitials.getViolatedInitials(Value value)
          Initial values that cannot be assigned when the given value is assigned
 boolean MacRevised.hasSupport(Constraint constraint, Value value, Variable variable)
 boolean MacPropagation.isGood(Value value)
          is variable good
 boolean MacRevised.isGood(Value value)
          is variable good
 Set MacPropagation.noGood(Value value)
          variables explanation
 Set MacRevised.noGood(Value value)
          variables explanation
 void MacRevised.propagate(Constraint constraint, Value noGoodValue, Vector queue)
 boolean MacRevised.revise(Constraint constraint, Value value)
 boolean MacRevised.revise(Value value)
protected  void MacPropagation.setGood(Value value)
          sets value to be good
protected  void MacRevised.setGood(Value value)
          sets value to be good
 void MacPropagation.setNoGood(Value value, Set reason)
          sets value's explanation
 void MacRevised.setNoGood(Value value, Set reason)
          sets value's explanation
 HashSet MacRevised.supports(Constraint constraint, Value value, Variable variable)
 void ConflictStatistics.variableUnassigned(long iteration, Value unassignedValue, Value assignedValue)

Constructors in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension with parameters of type Value
Assignment(long iteration, Value value, double ageing)

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics that return Value
 Value GeneralValueSelection.selectValue(Solution solution, Variable selectedVariable)
          Value selecion
 Value StandardNeighbourSelection.selectValue(Solution solution, Variable variable)
          Use the provided value selection criterion to select a value to the selected variable
 Value ValueSelection.selectValue(Solution solution, Variable selectedVariable)
          Value selection

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics with parameters of type Value
protected  boolean BacktrackNeighbourSelection.checkBound(Vector variables2resolve, int idx, int depth, Value value, Set conflicts)
          Check bound

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model

Fields in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model declared as Value
protected  Value Variable.iValue
          Assigned value

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model that return Value
 Value Variable.getAssignment()
          Returns current assignment
 Value Variable.getBestAssignment()
          Returns the value from the best ever found soultion.
 Value Variable.getInitialAssignment()
          Returns initial assignment
 Value SimpleNeighbour.getValue()
          Selected value

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model with parameters of type Value
 void Model.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is assigned to its variable
 void ModelListener.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is assigned to its variable (variable()).
 void Model.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is unassigned from its variable
 void ModelListener.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is unassigned from its variable (variable()).
 void Variable.assign(long iteration, Value value)
          Assign value to this variable.
 void Constraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Given value is to be assigned to its varable.
 void GlobalConstraint.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Given value is to be assigned to its varable.
 void Model.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is assigned to its variable
 void ModelListener.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is assigned to its variable (variable()).
 void Model.beforeUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is unassigned from its variable
 void ModelListener.beforeUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is unassigned from its variable (variable()).
abstract  void Constraint.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          The only method which has to be implemented by any constraint.
 Hashtable Model.conflictConstraints(Value value)
          The list of constraints which are in a conflict with the given value if it is assigned to its variable.
 Set Model.conflictValues(Value value)
          Returns the set of confliction variables with this value, if it is assigned to its variable
 void ConstraintListener.constraintAfterAssigned(long iteration, Constraint constraint, Value assigned, Set unassigned)
          Called by the constraint, after a value is assigned to its variable.
 void ConstraintListener.constraintBeforeAssigned(long iteration, Constraint constraint, Value assigned, Set unassigned)
          Called by the constraint, before a value is assigned to its variable.
 boolean Constraint.inConflict(Value value)
          Returns true if the given assignment is inconsistent with the existing assignments respecting this constraint.
 boolean Model.inConflict(Value value)
          Return true if the given value is in conflict with a hard constraint
 boolean Value.isConsistent(Value value)
          True, if the value is consistent with the given value
 boolean Constraint.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          Returns true if the given assignments are consistent respecting this constraint.
 void Variable.removeValue(long iteration, Value value)
          Permanently remove a value from variables domain.
 void Variable.setBestAssignment(Value value)
          Sets variable's value of the best ever found solution.
 void Variable.setInitialAssignment(Value initialValue)
          Sets initial assignment
 void Constraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Given value is unassigned from its varable.
 void GlobalConstraint.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Given value is unassigned from its varable.
 boolean Value.valueEquals(Value value)
          Comparison of two values which is based only on the value (not appropriate variable etc.). toDouble() is compared by default.
 void VariableListener.valueRemoved(long iteration, Value value)
          Called by the variable when a value is permanently removed from its domain
 void VariableListener.variableAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called by the variable when a value is assigned to it
 void VariableListener.variableUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called by the variable when a value is unassigned from it

Constructors in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model with parameters of type Value
SimpleNeighbour(Variable variable, Value value)
Variable(Value initialValue)

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.multi

Subclasses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.multi
 class MultiValue
          A value of MultiVariable.

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.multi that return Value
 Value[] MultiValue.values()

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.multi with parameters of type Value
 void MultiVariable.assign(long iteration, Value value)
 Hashtable MultiModel.conflictConstraints(Value value)
 Set MultiModel.conflictValues(Value value)
 void MultiVariable.valueRemoved(long iteration, Value value)
 void MultiVariable.variableAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
 void MultiVariable.variableUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)

Constructors in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.multi with parameters of type Value
MultiValue(MultiVariable variable, Value[] values)
MultiValue(MultiVariable variable, Value[] values, Double doubleValue, boolean correctOrder)

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.perturbations

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.perturbations with parameters of type Value
protected  double DefaultPerturbationsCounter.getPenalty(Value assignedValue, Value initialValue)
          Computes perturbation penalty between assigned and initial value of the same lecture.
protected  double DefaultPerturbationsCounter.getPenaltyA(Value selectedValue, Value initialValue)
          Case A: initial value of a different unassigned variable cannot be assigned (computed by ViolatedInitials)
protected  double DefaultPerturbationsCounter.getPenaltyB(Value selectedValue, Value assignedValue, Value initialValue)
          Case B: initial value is unassigned from a conflicting variable.
protected  double DefaultPerturbationsCounter.getPenaltyC(Value selectedValue, Value assignedValue, Value initialValue)
          Case C: non-initial value is unassigned from a conflicting variable.
protected  double DefaultPerturbationsCounter.getPenaltyD(Value selectedValue, Value initialValue)
          Case D: different than initial value is assigned to the varaible
 double DefaultPerturbationsCounter.getPerturbationPenalty(Model model, Value selectedValue, Collection conflicts)
 double PerturbationsCounter.getPerturbationPenalty(Model model, Value selectedValue, Collection conflicts)
          Returns perturbation penalty of the solution which become from the current solution when given conflicting values are unassigned and the selected value is assigned.

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver with parameters of type Value
 boolean SolverListener.valueSelected(long iteration, Variable variable, Value value)
          A value was selected

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct with parameters of type Value
 void StudentSectioningModel.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after an enrollment was assigned to a request.
 void StudentSectioningModel.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before an enrollment was unassigned from a request.

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint with parameters of type Value
 void Reservation.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          Implementation of the constraint primitives.
 void SectionLimit.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          A given enrollment is conflicting, if there is a section which limit (computed by SectionLimit.getEnrollmentWeight(Section, Request)) exceeds the section limit.
 void StudentConflict.computeConflicts(Value value, Set conflicts)
          A given enrollment is conflicting when the student is enrolled into another course / free time request that has an assignment that is overlapping with one or more assignments of the given section.
 boolean Reservation.inConflict(Value value)
          Implementation of the constraint primitives.
 boolean SectionLimit.inConflict(Value value)
          A given enrollment is conflicting, if there is a section which limit(computed by SectionLimit.getEnrollmentWeight(Section, Request)) exceeds the section limit.
 boolean StudentConflict.inConflict(Value value)
          A given enrollment is conflicting when the student is enrolled into another course / free time request that has an assignment that is overlapping with one or more assignments of the given section.
 boolean StudentConflict.isConsistent(Value value1, Value value2)
          Two enrollments are consistent if they are not overlapping in time

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension with parameters of type Value
 void DistanceConflict.afterAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is assigned to a variable.
 void DistanceConflict.afterUnassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called after a value is unassigned from a variable.
 void DistanceConflict.assigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called when a value is assigned to a variable.
 void DistanceConflict.beforeAssigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called before a value is assigned to a variable.
 double StudentConflictStatistics.countRemovals(long iteration, Value conflictValue, Value value)
 void DistanceConflict.unassigned(long iteration, Value value)
          Called when a value is unassigned from a variable.

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics that return Value
 Value EnrollmentSelection.selectValue(Solution solution, Variable selectedVariable)
          Value selecion

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics with parameters of type Value
 boolean EnrollmentSelection.isAllowed(Value value)
          true, if it is allowed to assign given value
 boolean EnrollmentSelection.isAllowed(Value value, Collection conflicts)
          true, if it is allowed to assign given value

Uses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model

Subclasses of Value in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model
 class Enrollment
          Representation of an enrollment of a student into a course.

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model with parameters of type Value
 void Request.assign(long iteration, Value value)
          Assign given enrollment to this request.