Uses of Interface

Packages that use SolutionListener
net.sf.cpsolver.coursett University Course Timetabling. 
net.sf.cpsolver.exam.heuristics Examination Timetabling: Solution Heuristics. 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension IFS Extensions (conflict-based statistics, maintenance of arc consistency) 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution IFS Solution (also contains solution comparator) 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct Student Sectioning Solver. 

Uses of SolutionListener in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett

Classes in net.sf.cpsolver.coursett that implement SolutionListener
 class Test
          A main class for running of the solver from command line.

Uses of SolutionListener in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.heuristics

Classes in net.sf.cpsolver.exam.heuristics that implement SolutionListener
 class ExamGreatDeluge
          Greate deluge.
 class ExamHillClimbing
          Hill climber.
 class ExamSimulatedAnnealing
          Simulated annealing.

Uses of SolutionListener in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension

Classes in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension that implement SolutionListener
 class SearchIntensification
          Go back to the best known solution when no better solution is found within the given amount of iterations.

Uses of SolutionListener in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution with parameters of type SolutionListener
 void Solution.addSolutionListener(SolutionListener listener)
          Adds solution listner
 void Solution.removeSolutionListener(SolutionListener listener)
          Removes solution listener

Uses of SolutionListener in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct

Classes in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct that implement SolutionListener
static class Test.TestSolutionListener