Uses of Interface

Packages that use EnumerableCollection
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model IFS Model (description of a problem) 
net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util Utilities 

Uses of EnumerableCollection in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model

Fields in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model declared as EnumerableCollection
protected  EnumerableCollection Constraint.iAssignedVariables
protected  EnumerableCollection Model.iAssignedVariables
protected  EnumerableCollection Model.iPerturbVariables
protected  EnumerableCollection Model.iUnassignedVariables

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model that return EnumerableCollection
 EnumerableCollection Constraint.assignedVariables()
          The list of variables of this constraint that are assigned
 EnumerableCollection GlobalConstraint.assignedVariables()
          The list of variables of this constraint that are assigned
 EnumerableCollection Model.assignedVariables()
          The list of assigned variables in the model
 EnumerableCollection Model.bestUnassignedVariables()
          The list of unassigned variables in the best ever found solution
 EnumerableCollection Model.perturbVariables()
          The list of perturbation variables in the model, i.e., the variables which has an initial value but which are not assigned with this value.
 EnumerableCollection Model.perturbVariables(Vector variables)
          The list of perturbation variables in the model, i.e., the variables which has an initial value but which are not assigned with this value.
 EnumerableCollection Model.unassignedVariables()
          The list of unassigned variables in the model

Uses of EnumerableCollection in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util

Classes in net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util that implement EnumerableCollection
 class EnumerableHashSet
          An extension of HashSet that implements EnumerableCollection interface.
 class FastVector
          Vector extension with faster enumeration.