Uses of Class

Packages that use Section
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint Student Sectioning: Constraints. 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension Student Sectioning: Various Extensions. 
net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model Student Sectioning: Model. 

Uses of Section in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint that return Section
 Section ReservationOnSection.getSection()
          Return section on which the reservation is set

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint with parameters of type Section
static double SectionLimit.getEnrollmentWeight(Section section, Request request)
          Enrollment weight of a section if the given request is assigned.

Constructors in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.constraint with parameters of type Section
ReservationOnSection(Section section)

Uses of Section in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension that return Section
 Section DistanceConflict.Conflict.getS1()
          First section
 Section DistanceConflict.Conflict.getS2()
          Second section

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension with parameters of type Section
 boolean DistanceConflict.inConflict(Section s1, Section s2)
          Return true if the given two sections are in distance conflict.

Constructors in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.extension with parameters of type Section
DistanceConflict.Conflict(double weight, Student student, Section s1, Section s2)

Uses of Section in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model that return Section
 Section Section.getParent()
          Parent section of this section (can be null).
 Section CourseRequest.getSection(long sectionId)
          Return section of the requested courses with the given id
 Section Offering.getSection(long sectionId)
          Return section of the given id, if it is part of one of this offering configurations.

Methods in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model with parameters of type Section
 boolean CourseRequest.isSelected(Section section)
          Return true when the given section is selected (i.e., its choice is among selected choices)
 boolean CourseRequest.isWaitlisted(Section section)
          Return true when the given section is wait-listed (i.e., its choice is among wait-listed choices)

Constructors in net.sf.cpsolver.studentsct.model with parameters of type Section
Section(long id, int limit, String name, Subpart subpart, Placement placement, String instructorIds, String instructorNames, Section parent)